
Gifts and curses

"In a world divided by extraordinary powers, two distinct abilities have emerged: Gifts and Curses. Those fortunate enough to awaken with a Gift possess remarkable talents, while those burdened with a Curse find themselves haunted by Flaws, crippling drawbacks to their use of cursed energy. Worse still, the relentless use of Curses leads to a malevolent force known as Corruption, a creeping madness that threatens to consume their minds. In a society riddled with prejudice, Curse users often find themselves marginalized and pushed to the fringes of civilization, many driven to lives of crime. However, amid the chaos, an organization known as 'The Order' rises to counter the threat of Corruption. Comprised of Gifted individuals who harness their powers for the greater good, they stand as the last line of defense against the malevolent forces that threaten to plunge the world into darkness At the heart of this tale lies a young boy, an unlikely Curse user, whose Flaw takes the form of a haunting presence—the ghost of the very first Curse user. As he navigates a treacherous world teetering on the brink of chaos, he must grapple with the relentless pull of his Curse, the discrimination he faces, and the enigmatic existence of 'The Order.'

_ITACHI_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 13 : The invitation

A week had passed and now, Kai found himself standing before a door adorned with a golden plaque, bearing the inscription "Director." It was a door to opportunity, to answers, and to the legendary figure himself. As he stood there, he took a deep breath, gathering his resolve.

"Here goes nothing," Kai muttered to himself.

With a mixture of anxiety and anticipation, he knocked gently on the door and awaited permission to enter.

"Come in," a deep, commanding voice from within the room instructed.

As Kai walked into the Director's office, he found himself in a space that seamlessly blended modernity with luxury. The room was a testament to advanced technology and power.

The walls were constructed from interactive digital panels that displayed holographic data, occasionally shifting to show elegant artworks and serene virtual landscapes. A panoramic view of the city skyline could be seen through large transparent smart glass windows that could switch from opaque to clear with a mere touch.

In the center of the room, a desk made of sleek, brushed steel stood as the focal point, its surface embedded with an interactive interface. The desk's surface could transform into a giant touchscreen display, allowing the Director to control various aspects of the organization with a simple gesture. A virtual keyboard and holographic mouse could materialize when needed.

A state-of-the-art ergonomic chair stood behind the desk, designed for comfort during long hours of work. The room was illuminated by energy-efficient, recessed LED lighting fixtures embedded in the ceiling, which automatically adjusted to provide optimal illumination based on the Director's preferences.

The overall ambiance of the office exuded a sense of futurism and sophistication, blending edge technology with opulent comfort. It was a space designed for someone at the forefront of an organization deeply intertwined with the technology of the future.

" Hello Malakai, I have been expecting you"

The director spoke

Please, have a seat," Director Jacobs ordered, gesturing toward a sleek, modern chair. The office, bathed in a soft, futuristic glow, seemed like a place where decisions of great importance were made.

However, Kai had something weighing on his mind, something that he felt compelled to express. With sincerity in his voice and genuine gratitude in his eyes, he began,

"Before we proceed, I'd like to get something off my chest. I want to thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for Minny and me since that day. You've given us a home, gave us food , clothing, and, most importantly, you didn't separate us. I know the standard procedure would've led to our return to social services by now, and for that, you have my deepest appreciation. "

His words hung in the air, reflecting the gravity of his feelings.

Kai then transitioned into his more serious inquiries. "And that leads me to my question for you," he said, his voice now tinged with concern. "Why? why do all of this?, What's your game here?"

He paused momentarily, his words laced with a touch of irony. "Is it because of my rank, my status as a Fallen? After all, your organization was created to pursue individuals like me, or at least those who step out of line."

With a soft chuckle, he added, "  because I just can't believe this is simply an act of kindness "

"The only one I knew who could do something like that died a week ago"

His tone shifted as he mentioned the recent passing of Miss Agatha, a figure who had left a profound impact on him.

Kai staring straight in the eyes of the white lion

" For now, I simply ask you to be honest with me. What do you want from me?" Kai locked eyes with Director Jacobs, his gaze unwavering.

The director wasn't the least bit offended by Kai's words; in fact, a faint, knowing smile danced on his lips as he leaned forward in his seat, steepling his fingers. He had expected such a response.

He posed a question "What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the words 'the Gifted and Cursed'?"

Kai's inner thoughts, slightly exasperated, chimed in, "What is it with old people and asking me random questions?"

But he knew he needed to provide an answer

Kai chose his words carefully and replied, "I see people divided, divided by what they don't understand. It's ingrained in our blood; anything we don't understand, we fear, and anything we fear, we destroy."

"That's how it's always been," Kai added, reinforcing the truth behind his words.

The director listened, the gleam of knowledge in his eyes. "Hmm, I see," he acknowledged.

Then, he posed a question,"Hence the reason the Order was built, isn't that right?"

Kai chose silence as his response, recognizing the rhetorical nature of the question.

The director, undeterred, continued to unveil the organization's true mission. "The Order was built for every awakened, Gifted and cursed. The reason the cursed are the most targeted is because of something not yet known to the public."

Kai, curious and attentive, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Which is?"

The director chuckled

" I can't reveal all my secrets now can I?"

" You still haven't answere-"

" Somethings's coming, Kai, something very bad"

Director Jacobs interrupted

"The Gifted and the cursed must band together, if we want any chance of stopping it. This silly division has been going on for far too long, and I believe you will play a big part in uniting both of them"

"Which is why," the director picked up a black envelope from a drawer and placed it in front of Kai, "I give you this."

"Open it up," he urged, his eyes shining with the promise of something significant.

Kai slowly picked up the envelope and read its contents:

Dear Malakai Blackwell,

You have been invited to become a student at the school of gifts and curses . an institution designed for the Gifted and Cursed alike. Your unique abilities set you apart, and we believe you can play a pivotal role in uniting our extraordinary community.

Harmony Academy provides state-of-the-art facilities, a dedicated faculty, and a diverse student body. We are committed to helping you unlock your true potential and lead a revolution where the Gifted and Cursed stand together.

This is your opportunity to shape a brighter future. We look forward to your response.

Kai's astonishment was evident in his wide-eyed expression as he asked, "What is this?"

The Director's response was matter-of-fact, "It's exactly what it says it is."

He continued, "It's a school that has been in development for quite some time, and it's finally ready to be revealed. The initial admission examinations have already  occurred, but I used my influence to secure a special invitation for you. Consider it a rare opportunity that you should be genuinely grateful for."

" ... I don't know what to say. I... Thank you. Thank you so much."

With the opportunity to attend a school that attracted Gifted and cursed individuals from all over the world, Kai felt a surge of excitement. It was a chance for him to stand shoulder to shoulder with the very best of his generation.

The Director calmly stated, "All that's left is for you to accept, and it's done."

"Yes, yes, of course, I'm in," Kai responded eagerly, but then a sudden realization struck him. "What about Minny?" he asked with concern.

The Director fell silent for a moment, then replied with a sense of finality, "Deep down, you knew it wouldn't last. You may share a strong bond, but you two aren't even blood-related, and you aren't old enough to become her legal guardian."

"Social services has found a decent family willing to take her in," he continued, but Kai vehemently objected, shaking his head.

"No, I can't let that happen She's like a little sister to me; she IS a little sister to me. She's all I have..."

The Director's voice grew firmer as he spoke, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. "And how do you intend to look after the little girl when you can barely look after yourself?"

He continued, "Being cursed means you'll always have a target on your back. You understand that, don't you? Do you really want her to go through something like that again?"

Kai felt a pang of guilt as he listened to the Director's words. He knew deep down that the Director was right, but it was hard for him to admit it. He had only just started learning about Dark Forge, and he understood that he couldn't protect Minny, at least not yet. The best decision would be to let her go.

Tears welled up in Kai's eyes as he whispered, "What if she forgets about me?"

The Director's response was filled with reassurance. "You can visit her anytime you like when you're out of school, that I can assure you. But you have to take this opportunity now."

"The preparations have already been set in motion," the Director explained, his tone resolute. "Both of you are to leave the safe house immediately."

He paused, then he delivered the final blow. "You will be given time to say your goodbyes today, because your flight is scheduled for tomorrow."