
Gifts and curses

"In a world divided by extraordinary powers, two distinct abilities have emerged: Gifts and Curses. Those fortunate enough to awaken with a Gift possess remarkable talents, while those burdened with a Curse find themselves haunted by Flaws, crippling drawbacks to their use of cursed energy. Worse still, the relentless use of Curses leads to a malevolent force known as Corruption, a creeping madness that threatens to consume their minds. In a society riddled with prejudice, Curse users often find themselves marginalized and pushed to the fringes of civilization, many driven to lives of crime. However, amid the chaos, an organization known as 'The Order' rises to counter the threat of Corruption. Comprised of Gifted individuals who harness their powers for the greater good, they stand as the last line of defense against the malevolent forces that threaten to plunge the world into darkness At the heart of this tale lies a young boy, an unlikely Curse user, whose Flaw takes the form of a haunting presence—the ghost of the very first Curse user. As he navigates a treacherous world teetering on the brink of chaos, he must grapple with the relentless pull of his Curse, the discrimination he faces, and the enigmatic existence of 'The Order.'

_ITACHI_ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 12 : Blur

The room was filled with an eerie silence as Kai stood at the center of the training ground. He held the black crown above him, his voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. "Bane... Come forth," he spoke, almost as if invoking an ancient power.

And in response to his command, the black crown began to violently spin In a mesmerizing display of otherworldly energy, A black katana materialized within Kai's outstretched hand. The moment it touched his palm, an electrifying connection coursed through him, and he felt an immediate bond with the mystical blade.

An overwhelming rush of knowledge – sword techniques, swift slashes, and the intricate styles of the katana flowed through him in a mere microsecond. It was as if centuries of mastery had condensed into his mind. Kai held the katana with reverence, realizing he now possessed not only the weapon but also the ancient skill and experience of all its former wielder

Remembering his current predicament,  Kai promptly assumed a combat stance suitable for a katana, bending slightly forward with the unsheathed katana held at his side. His mind raced through the His mind raced through the myriad memories and techniques he had inherited. Then, he decided to demonstrate a particularly striking move: the Shadow Blade Technique - Blur.

Kai moved in a blink of an eye, dashing forward with the speed of a lightning bolt. In a fluid motion, he unsheathed his katana and sliced through one of the training dummies all in one single motion.

But there was no time for complacency. As another training dummy swung a fierce blow in his direction, Kai's newfound instincts and agility kicked in. He quickly maneuvered his body to evade the strike, narrowly escaping the destructive force. The force of the blow left a deep crater in the ground, serving as a stark reminder of the potential consequences.

Kai couldn't help but think, "That could have taken my head off."

A third training dummy, more agile and cunning than the others, had closed in from behind. He sensed the impending strike and instinctively stepped aside, narrowly evading the attack.

The situation escalated as the  as the dummies appeared to coordinate their movements. They converged on Kai, launching a two-pronged assault with relentless strikes. It became a frantic dance of parries, blocks, and quick evasions.

Kai's movements were fluid and precise, a testament to the memories and skills he had inherited. With each deflection, he seamlessly transitioned into a counterattack, striking with calculated precision. The echoing clashes of blade against blade filled the training ground as he defended himself against the relentless assault

" How the fuck is this supposed to be on my level!!?"

Kai complained loudly

Amid the intense battle with the training dummies, a brief lapse in concentration had dire consequences. One of the dummies managed to land a powerful blow on the side of Kai's ribs. The impact was jarring, and he was sent hurtling across the training ground.

Kai's body slammed against the ground, and he felt a searing pain radiating from the injured rib. With a grimace, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, his fingers clutching the area that had absorbed the brutal strike

The intense pain and frustration made Kai a little bit angry, he assumed a different stance, a variation of his first attack. the Shadow Blade technique - Blur 2nd Stance.

With lightning speed, he closed the distance between himself and the two remaining training dummies. This time, it wasn't a single slash but a relentless onslaught. Countless strikes rained down upon the dummies, so swift that the human eye could barely register them. The dummies were reduced to mere fragments.

Only scattered pieces of what had once been his foes remained, a testament to the overwhelming force he now possessed.

" Bane.... Return "

With a simple command, Kai's connection with the black katana severed, causing the weapon to dissolve back into the mystical black crown. The act was a demonstration of his newfound control over the powers that had been thrust upon him.

Having proven himself, Kai turned his attention to the control center and directed a proud look toward the White Lion. And then he performed a simple bow

However, using such high-speed combat technique has it's consequences, exhaustion swiftly overtook him. Without warning, Kai's body gave way, and he collapsed onto the polished surface of the training ground. The taxing ordeal had drained him completely. 

"Get him medical attention immediately," Director Jacobs ordered with calm authority.

One of the staff members swiftly responded, "Understood, Director."

Meanwhile, Dr. Donovan observed the situation closely, taking mental notes of the events that had transpired during the training session.

The director, despite the unexpected outcome, offered a wry smile and commented, "Seems like increasing the training dummy levels mid-fight wasn't such a bad idea after all."

"Are the preparations ready?" Director Jacobs inquired with a tone of anticipation.

"Yes, Director," responded one of his subordinates. "But what if he doesn't comply?"

Director Jacobs, exuding confidence, stated, "We'll see." 


As the evening sun arrived ,Kai found himself unexpectedly discharged, free to return home. The relief of leaving the headquarters, where he had spent the past two days, washed over him. However, the knowledge that he would be returning to the  headquarters in a week loomed, accompanied by the mysterious intentions of Director Jacobs. Kai couldn't help but wonder how Minny fit into these enigmatic plans.

"Well, enough about that," Kai mused as he approached the door of the safe house.

Not long after he knocked, the door was opened, revealing the babysitter hired by the order who had been responsible for Minny's care during this time.

" We were just about to watch a movie, i Suggest you allow her to sleep early, she was a really worried about you"

The young woman spoke

Kai, with concern in his voice, inquired, "I hope she didn't cause you any trouble?"

"Oh, not at all. Your sister is truly a gift from God," the young woman replied.

Kai smiled sincerely and and expressed his gratitude, saying, "She really is. Thank you so much."

His beautiful smile seemed to catch the young woman off guard, and she blushed slightly. "N-no reason to thank me," she stammered. "I will be on my way."

The young woman hastily rushed out, leaving Kai to wonder what he might have done wrong. Just as he was pondering this, the voice of a little girl rang out.

"Miss? Who are you talking to?" the curious voice asked.

Seeing the little girl approaching, Kai's previous worries all but withered away.

"Hey, Minny," Kai greeted.

"Kai!!!" Minny screamed excitedly as she ran into his embrace, her face beaming with joy.

After a while, Minny slowly escaped from Kai's embrace and stared at him with a frown, her little arms crossed.

"Where were you?" she asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Kai smiled, trying to ease her frustration. "Okay, okay, I know you're mad. But guess what I found out?"

Minny, although still a bit angry, couldn't help but be curious. "What?"

"I have abilities, Minny, just like all those cool superheroes we see on TV."

Her little eyes widened in amazement. "Really?"

"Yep," Kai confirmed with a nod. "When I become a superhero, I'm gonna buy you all the toys in the world. So please don't be mad at me"

"Hmm, " she scratched her chin as she said " I will only forgive you only if you to become the greatest hero ever! "

Raising her hands In over dramatic fashion

Kai chuckled at Minny's actions . "Deal! I promise, I'll become the greatest hero ever"

With a bright smile, Minny's anger seemed to melt away. She gave her big brother a tight hug. "Okay, you're forgiven!"

Kai embraced her back, grateful for the love and understanding of his little sister. "I'll become a great hero, and you'll be my biggest fan."

Minny's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'll be the BEST fan!"

Kai ruffled her hair playfully. "That's the spirit, Minny. Now, how about we go watch that movie your baby sitter talked about"


After Kai put minny to bed, he was lost in his own thoughts In the living room, Since he had started using the Dark Forge, he had made two significant observations. The first was that only individuals who were Gifted or Cursed, like himself, had the ability to see the black crown. He had confirmed this theory when neither the babysitter nor Minny had shown any awareness of the ominous crown hovering above him.

The second observation came after he used Bane for the first time. Kai suddenly turn on his watch to check his status


Name : Malakai Blackwell

Potential rank : Fallen

Current rank : Awakened

Strength : 10

Speed : 10

Stamina : 10

Intelligence : 10

Charm : 15

Curse energy level : 10,000

Curse : Dark Forge

Curse description :

In a realm shrouded in eternal darkness, where light dares not intrude, the blacksmith forges weapons of war. This place takes the form of a majestic crown, a somber tribute to its former master, the Fallen King. It awaits the next Dark Forger to wield its powers.

Dark forge armory :

The shadow blade(Bane) :

The Fallen King bestows upon you a nameless, ancient blade, a relic with the power to cut what cannot be cut. No matter the size or strength of your target, this blade will cut through it. However, it remains nameless until you choose a name for it, at which point it will become truly yours.

Shadow blade(Bane) mastery :

Blur: 3%

Flaw : The haunting

The soul of a legendary being has been wandering the earth for centuries refusing to pass on. He suddenly binds himself to you, but is this powerful entity friend or foe? 

"Three percent, huh," Kai mused. "It does make sense." he then turned off the watch

He muttered to himself, "I've barely scratched the surface compared to what Immortalia was capable of."

Yes Kai had inherited Azrael's memories about His mastery over Bane, but mind and body weren't the same, he didn't move like Azrael, or fought like him. every move he made paled in comparison to the real deal. 

He felt like was a cheap knock off compared to the original.The weight of living up to the legacy he now carried weighed on his mind, and he knew there was a long journey ahead to truly master his powers.

With these thoughts about his life and what the future holds, Kai eventually drifted off to sleep. Unbeknownst to him, his path had already been set in stone.