
Ghost Rider in Twilight

Jack Mikaelson was not so ordinary teenager. He had a secret which he hid from his family. He has an ability that lets him know who has sinned. Since a young age, there has been a voice ringing in his ears, 'Kill the sinners!' It wasn't bad at first— he thought it was only his imagination. But the older he got, the louder the voice became. Soon he started finding out any sins people had done. He thought it was his hallucination and that he was going crazy, but he kept it secret until the voice became so loud that he couldn't stay sane anymore. One night, he walked in the streets, trying to get his mind out of the voice. But then, he saw a crime happening nearby; a man was assaulting a woman. The voice became even louder in his mind, and without thinking twice, Jack attacked the man who was assaulting the defenseless woman. But then, the voice became unbearable, he saw every crime that man had done, and there were hundreds of them! He lost control and killed the man in front of him. But that wasn't the end— the man's corpse was lit in flames! With a horror-filled gaze, Jack looked at the corpse as it vanished into ashes, but then... The same fate happened to Jack. His body was lit in flames, and without even being able to cry for help, his body vanished into flames. But that wasn't the end of Jack... No... It was only the beginning. ___________________________ Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Ghost Rider and Twilight isn't mine, only the MC and a few OC's. I won't update regularly. I tried this fanfic out of boredom.

Alekzi · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


The Forest was calm; the sky was getting darker while the wind blew gently.

The leaves flowed gently in the air.

But then... Blurs started appearing in the forest, moving with incredible speed.

Three fast individuals ran in the forest.

Their bodies looked like blurs while moving silently; only the sound of wind came from their movements.

But then the figures stopped and looked at the sign in front of them.

[The City of Forks Welcomes You!]

The first individual was 5'10 tall, with an average build and average-looking due to his naturally unattractive facial features. There was nothing remarkable about his face or body at all. His long blond hair was tied as a ponytail, and he had blue jeans, but he wasn't wearing any shoes or shirt for some reason. He wore a small pendant around his neck and had a tattoo on the left side of his stomach.

The second figure was 5'6 tall, with the long, curly, brilliant orange hair that was looked like fire with the usual blood red eyes of a vampire. She possessed a seductive, feline beauty.

The third figure was dark-skinned and had dreadlocks that ran down to his shoulders. He also had a muscular torso through his open jacket and was walking barefoot, like the first individual.

''This is the place?'' James asked from Laurent.

With an easy-going smile, Laurent nodded, ''This is the place where Cullen Coven is located.''

''Hmph.'' James snorted.

Victoria had a bad feeling about this place; her enhanced self-preservation ability was telling her that entering Forks is a terrible idea, even staying at their current position will have deadly consequences.

James was about to start running once again but was stopped by Victoria.

''Hmm?'' James turned his head and saw Victoria shaking her head, ''Let's go another way.''

James thought for a moment and nodded.

The group of three vampires started running in the forests but further away from the usual entrance.

But the bad feeling Victoria had didn't disappear.

Her senses were screaming to run away!

''Something is wrong!'' Victoria screamed.

James and Laurent stopped.

Victoria looked around her, but every direction only quickened her death.

''LET'S RUN, QUICK!'' Victoria started running full speed.

Laurent was shocked but ran behind her, rarely Victoria was this shocked, but she definitely felt something dangerous approaching them.

Victoria looked anxiously around her, trying to find the best way out of this mess, but nothing worked.

''Victoria, what is it?!'' Laurent screamed.

''Someone or something is approaching us!'' Victoria cried out.

Laurent anxiously looked around him.

''Victoria, find a way out,'' James said.

''There is none!'' Victoria screamed.

Laurent then suggested, ''Let's go to Cullen's Coven!''

Victoria glared at him, ''Are you crazy?!''

''Maybe it is werewolves which are approaching us! They won't approach Cullen's Coven!'' Laurent shouted.

Victoria pondered for a moment until she nodded and turned towards Cullen's Coven.

James stayed quiet, his eyes narrowed, and his fangs bared, 'Alice... I haven't seen her in a long time.' He grinned viciously and ran behind Victoria.

Laurent was feeling regret; this place seemed more dangerous than expected. They have been hunting near Forks, and Cullen's have definitely heard about it by now, they won't keep them safe, but at least werewolves won't attack them when they are near Cullen's coven.

They traveled for another 10 minutes at full speed.

Victoria was anxiously looking around her entire time. She didn't dare to run away; her survival instincts tell her that if she leaves James and Laurent behind, she will be the first one to die.

Soon they arrived at the beautiful building with a lot of glass windows.

James, Victoria, and Laurent stopped in front of the yard, and the doors instantly opened; a group of 7 appeared from the building.

Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Edythe, and Alice looked at them with narrowed eyes.

Edward was nowhere to be seen.

Laurent took a step forwards and with an easy-going smile said, ''Hello, Cullens. We were passing by and came to give our greetings.''

Carlisle crossed his arms, ''Appreciated, but it was not needed.''

Laurent chuckled, ''It would be rude otherwise.''

James smirked and looked at Alice with a sadistic smile.

Alice trembled slightly under his smile but didn't back out.

Emmett and Jasper took a step forwards and glared at James.

James smirked.

Carlisle nodded, ''Very polite of you...''

Laurent innocently smiled, ''This is your territory; it is the right way of doing things.''

Carlisle still had a neutral face and looked at the sky which was getting darker, ''It is getting dark; where were you heading to?''

''We don't have a specific destination,'' Laurent said.

''Antarctica seems nice this time of year; I suggest going there,'' Emmett said; his muscular figure makes everyone look tiny compared to him.

Laurent innocently scratched his head, ''That sounds wonderful, but I am afraid that it is a little bit too far.''

Emmett snorted.

Victoria was still looking around her, the Cullen Coven seemed more secure than the dark forest, but it was not entirely safe.

''What is wrong with her?'' Emmett pointed towards Victoria.

Laurent looked at anxious Victoria and had a bad feeling about this, ''She is a little bit fidgety; you get used to it.''

''Thank you for visiting, and I wish you luck in your travels,'' Carlisle said.

Laurent was about to open his mouth, but then... A sound came.


The 10 Vampires turned their heads and saw a bright light appearing...

''Fire...'' Alice murmured.

Cullens and the James' Coven narrowed their eyes and then gasped.

They saw a motorcycle appearing, but it wasn't an ordinary motorcycle.

The motorcycle had a menacing-looking skull that spits fire!

But that didn't shock them that much... Instead, the rider did!

The rider of the motorcycle had his skull in flames! He was wearing a leather jacket with spikes, but the spikes were on fire as well!

The motorcycle's tires were on fire, and everywhere the bike went, a blazing trail followed behind him.

And soon, the motorcycle exited the forest and appeared near the building.

''What the fuck!'' Emmett cried out.

Other Cullens were shocked as well.

Victoria started retreating further away; when she was further away from James and Laurent, she didn't feel as much danger, but she wasn't in a safe zone yet.

James bared his fangs and looked at the monster.

Laurent stumbled backward, ''W-What is that?!''

Ghost Rider stopped his motorcycle only 30 meters away from the Vampires.

He stood up from his motorcycle and pointed towards James, ''Sinner!''