

Jimmy in meeting Temi realised, beyond instant mutual attraction and an inexplicable connection between them, through dreams that both have been deeply in love at a different time and place. Jimmy obsessed with his dreams, began seeking the help of a spiritual guide or regression therapist and to explore the possibility of past lives.    Temi, initially skeptical, began also to experience similar dreams, reinforcing their shared connection across lifetimes. Through dream sequences, Jimmy and Temi uncovered past lives where both of them faced challenges that separated them, leading to a tragic end.    Their present-day relationship became a quest to resolve issues from the past and to find true happiness.

Thelma_2023 · Urbano
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22 Chs

The Fight and the Dream

As Jimmy sparred with his opponent across the mat, their movements were like a choreographed spectacle of athleticism and skill. The sharp snap of their kicks echoed through the gym, mingling with the excited murmurs of the spectators. Their uniforms billowed with each powerful strike, a flurry of vibrant colours against the backdrop of the university banners hanging from the walls.

Amidst the sea of faces, Jimmy's attention was drawn to a particular figure in the crowd. She stood out like a beacon of warmth amidst the sea of onlookers, her eyes sparkling with admiration as she cheered him on. Her hair, a cascade of golden curls, framed her face like a halo, adding to her ethereal presence.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, Jimmy felt a surge of energy coursing through him. With every move, every twist and turn, he felt her unwavering support fueling his determination. Each strike became a testament to his skill, each block a declaration of his resolve.

The air crackled with anticipation as Jimmy and his mate continued their fierce exchange. Sweat glistened on their brows, muscles straining with effort as they pushed themselves to their limits. But amidst the chaos of the fight, Jimmy's gaze kept returning to the girl in the crowd, her smile lighting up his world like a beacon in the night.

With a final burst of strength, Jimmy launched into a series of lightning-fast kicks, his movements a blur of motion and grace. His mate faltered and was unable to keep up with the relentless assault. And as Jimmy's hand was raised in victory, the gym erupted into cheers and applause, the sound of his name mingling with the joyous cries of the crowd.

But amidst the jubilation, Jimmy's eyes found hers once more, locking in a silent exchange of gratitude and admiration. In that moment, he sensed a feeling of strong familiarity, a face he had seen and known too well from a faded memory. He also knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always carry the memory of her unwavering support with him, a source of strength and inspiration in the days to come.

The flow of connection between Jimmy and his angel of strength was automatically disconnected when his friends rushed out to the podium to lift him up in wild jubilation and celebration. His victory in the campus taekwondo competition was unprecedented. Yea, everyone knew Jimmy was good and had the skills but his opponent was not less better.

There had been high speculation and even gambling as to who was going to win the fight and the overall votes had been forty percent to Jimmy and sixty percent to his opponent. But now, the table has turned around and he has won the competition.

After the massive celebration by his friends, a fitting trophy for the taekwondo competition, a sleek and elegant sculpture of a martial artist in a dynamic pose, capturing the essence of strength, skill, and determination, mounted on a sturdy base engraved with the details of the competition was presented to the proud and grinning Jimmy. Photographs were taken by different paparazzi who had stormed the university. iPhones and androids were not left out in the snapping and recording of the special event and within a twinkle of an eye, Jimmy's victory had gone viral on the internet.

"That's my man!" Liliana declared ecstatically as she wrapped her hands around Jimmy for the upteen time and pecked him. "I knew that Solo or whatever they call him couldn't stand a chance with my champion!" She giggled. Liliana had flown from her school in London to Lagos the previous day just to witness the Taekwondo competition and to support Jimmy. She had also sponsored and planned with James, Jimmy's best friend, to celebrate his victory in a five star hotel. Once the trophy was presented, Jimmy was whisked away to prepare for his private victory party.

"I knew it too! In fact, I betted on Jimmy with my four years of tuition!" James announced boisterously and everyone laughed.

The chattering, drinking and eating went on stylishly but Jimmy was a bit distracted. Sitting at the head of the dining table in the well decorated conference room, booked for the celebration, and looking elegant and glamorous in a white tuxedo his friend James had specifically picked for him, he seemed unexcited with the party.

The room was filled with twenty people with equal numbers of males and females, all elegantly dressed in evening wear. The males were Jimmy's closest friends and according to Liliana's master plan, the guys would attend with their babes and the sitting position was arranged in a way that the guys sat side by side at the table with their girls while she sat closest to Jimmy. The long table was adorned with floral arrangements and flickering candles, creating an atmosphere of elegance and sophistication.

The hall was buoyant with beautiful and classy people of the upper class or high status in the country. Students whose folks were multi billionaires and who dined with people of the same class. The music in the hall was provided by a renowned pianist who only played for the super rich. The party was a lavish affair, with exquisite cuisine, champagnes and wines.

At the centre of the room stood a magnificent display showcasing Jimmy's trophy, illuminated by soft spotlights to highlight its beauty and significance.

As the evening progressed, speeches were made in Jimmy's honour, praising his skill, dedication, and triumph in the taekwondo competition. Applause filled the room as Jimmy graciously accepted the accolades, his humble demeanour endearing him to all in attendance.

As the party drew to a close, Jimmy couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and pride, grateful for the support of those who had stood by him and proud of all he had accomplished. He smoothly gave his vote of thanks to all but in his heart of hearts, he owed his gratitude to that girl, cheering him in the crowd who was his angel of strength. He knew he couldn't have won the challenge without her and he also knew in his heart that he had known the girl from somewhere he couldn't place. It was a night he would never forget, a memory to cherish for years to come.

That very night, beyond his weariness due to the fight and the after party, Jimmy had a dream.

In his dream, he found himself transported to a different place and time, a world that seemed both familiar and surreal. He wandered through a lush green field bathed in golden sunlight, the air thick with the scent of blooming vegetation and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.

As he strolled along the winding path, he caught sight of a figure in the distance, a girl with radiant eyes and a beautiful face that seemed to light up the entire world. Her hair cascaded around her shoulders in waves of golden silk, framing her face like a halo, and her silhouette danced on the wind like a melody.

Drawn to her magnetic presence, Jimmy quickened his pace, his heart pounding with anticipation. With each step, the world seemed to blur around him, the colours blending into a kaleidoscope of vivid hues. And as he finally reached her side, time seemed to stand still, the world falling away to leave only the two of them in a moment of pure serenity.

They spoke without words, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of understanding and connection. In that timeless space, Jimmy felt as if he had known her for a lifetime, her presence comforting and familiar, yet electrifying in its intensity.

Together, they wandered through the garden, exploring hidden pathways and secret alcoves, their laughter mingling with the songs of birds overhead. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of pink and gold, Jimmy knew that he had found something truly special in this mysterious girl who had captured his heart.

"MGBEODI!" Jimmy muttered as the dream faded and he awoke to the light of dawn filtering through his window, he carried with him the memory of the girl in his dream and to his utter bewilderment, it was one and the same girl, his angel of strength.

My work on ghost lover is based on a beautiful description of the disparity between dreams and reality and between this present and a before life. What you choose to believe is up to you!

Thelma_2023creators' thoughts