

Jimmy in meeting Temi realised, beyond instant mutual attraction and an inexplicable connection between them, through dreams that both have been deeply in love at a different time and place. Jimmy obsessed with his dreams, began seeking the help of a spiritual guide or regression therapist and to explore the possibility of past lives.    Temi, initially skeptical, began also to experience similar dreams, reinforcing their shared connection across lifetimes. Through dream sequences, Jimmy and Temi uncovered past lives where both of them faced challenges that separated them, leading to a tragic end.    Their present-day relationship became a quest to resolve issues from the past and to find true happiness.

Thelma_2023 · Urban
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22 Chs

A Missing Puzzle

"Why are you covered in sweat? Are you okay, namesake?"

James asked when he walked into Jimmy's room and met him sitting at the edge of his bed. Jimmy had overslept. After he had snapped out of his dream in the wee hours of the morning, he had fussed over it for over an hour, trying to make connections and find meaning to it, but only to return back to a deep weary sleep.

It's nothing! I'm just hot and sweaty!" Jimmy responded curtly.

"Hot? Are you kidding me? Under this freezing air-conditioning?" James asked, perplexed. He studied his best friend critically as he sat close to him on the bed. It was eight am on Sunday and he had entered his friend's room where he had free access, to check up on him. It was usually time for the church service in the campus and the two friends always attended together but he wasn't sure if Jimmy could make it after the previous day's hard fight and partying.

"You aren't dressed for church yet? Are we not running late already?" Jimmy asked as if reading his friend's mind.

"I wasn't sure you were upto it so I came to check first!" James answered while standing up. "I will go and dress up in a minute! He rushed out of the room as Jimmy stood up and headed towards his bathroom.

Few minutes later, the two young men from wealthy families arrived at the mandatory campus church service impeccably dressed in tailored suits of fine fabric, adorned with tasteful accessories. Their attire exuded sophistication and refinement, with crisp white shirts under black blazers, silk ties, polished leather shoes, and subtle yet luxurious details reflecting their privileged upbringing.

The service was just starting and the hall was already full when the two James showed up. Fellow students reacted with a mixture of admiration and envy upon seeing the two young men. Some are drawn to their confident demeanour and impeccable style, while others feel a twinge of jealousy at their apparent privilege and social status. Nonetheless, their presence commanded respect and curiosity among their peers.

"Good morning, beloved congregation!" The preacher mounted the altar and greated, "Today, I want to talk to you about the strength we receive from God. In times of struggle and hardship, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and weak. But as followers of Christ, we are reminded that our strength comes from God. In Isaiah 40:31, it says, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." This verse reminds us that when we place our trust in God, He will give us the strength to endure and overcome any obstacle. Let us draw near to God in prayer, seeking His strength and guidance in all that we do…."

Jimmy's attention deviated as flashes of the girl's face that he saw, cheering him on at the crowd yesterday switched on and off in his head, blending with the one he saw in his dream. Her image danced vividly in his mind, distracting him from the preacher's words. He recalled their encounter in the lush greenfield, the sparkle in her eyes, and the warmth of her smile. Lost in the reverie, Jimmy struggled to focus on the sermon, his attention divided between the preacher's voice and the enchanting memory of that strange girl who he believed was his angel of strength.

"Did God send him the angel of strength in his time of weakness?

Was she a spiritual being or just a human? If human, who is she? Is she a student of this university?"

Jimmy fussed in his mind. In his second year at Bright Stars Private University, he hasn't seen any girl like her before. Most of the girls in the school were from very wealthy homes, spoiled and over pampered but from the brief glimpse he took of her, she was modestly dressed and exuded natural simplicity.

Despite his efforts to refocus, Jimmy found himself daydreaming about the strange girl and strategizing on how to search for her with his heart fluttering in anticipation.

"I must find her!" He whispered out loud and James heard him.

"Hu? Find who?"

"Never mind!"

After the church service, Liliana was back to the campus in her chauffeur driven Phantom Rolls Royce. She had promised Jimmy a Sunday lunch in a Chinese restaurant and she had come to make good that promise.

"I don't want to go! I feel weary and I need to rest!" Jimmy muttered politely when he stood with Liliana and James by the flashy car parked under a big tree, to talk.

His two friends glared at him in disbelief. Jimmy would never complain of weariness after a taekwondo contest or tournament, no matter how fierce. He was in his natural element when he spared and he could do it all day long.

"Are you okay Jimmy? Do you feel ill? We can have you checked up at my family clinic in case you don't feel strong!" Liliana demanded.

"I'm fine, I just need some rest!" He frowned and added, "And just in case I don't feel strong, I will be checked up in my family's clinic and not yours!"

He turned and walked towards his hostel while James and Liliana exchanged worried glances. They followed him.

Jimmy walked into his room and switched on the air-conditioner before the two trotting behind entered. He removed his blazer, tie and shoes, kept them neatly in their places like he was trained to do each time he undressed before stretching out his full lean and elegant body on his neatly dressed bed and exhaled. His single bedroom was comfortably furnished as a student and not lavished. His mother had insisted he shouldn't live like a spoiled rich kid in the campus but whatever Jimmy did, the air around him exuded wealth, class and style.

Liliana took a seat on the executive armchair next to the reading table while James sat on the two seater sofa.

"Jimmy, why are you sounding irritated? I obviously know you have your own family clinic capable of taking good care of you and I didn't mean to be condescending when I said you should come to mine." She observed the well built tall man on the bed critically.

"Are you really not coming Jimmy? I have made the reservation since yesterday and I think we need to talk before I head back to London this evening!"

Jimmy furrowed his brow but said nothing.

"Jimmy?" James called out with a snap.

"What?" Jimmy snapped back at James!

"Go with her please! I believe you both will have something better to talk about and a better time together!" He chirped in.

"Jimmy?" James yelled!

"What is it James? I feel tired and I need to rest! What part of this do you not understand?" Jimmy yelled back at James and that got Liliana jumping off her seat in furry, running out of the room on her heels and in tears.

James followed Liliana sympathetically with his eyes and then turned around to glare at his namesake silently.

"Go! Go after her please!" Jimmy pleaded with his friend. Take her home and make her understand!"

James stood up immediately and rushed after the sobbing girl.

Jimmy wasn't pretending nor lying when he said he was tired and needed to sleep. He wasn't physically weary but emotionally down. After the church service, he had suddenly begun to feel that there was a missing puzzle to his existence that needed to be found and fixed. He slowly unbuttoned his white shirt, pulled it off and hung it on the chair that Liliana had occupied a few minutes ago. He slumped back on the bed and still in his trousers and socks, he fell asleep.

Jimmy slumbered deeply on the comfort of his bed and under the chilling air conditioner in his room. He dreamt of his angel of strength again.