
Ghost in MHA

Thriller Bark. The most crime-ridden street in all of Japan, with gangs and criminals roaming around in the shadows. Despite looking like an ordinary neighborhood from the outside, most people who live or work here are criminals. Kuragari was abandoned as a newborn child in a such place and was taken in by a criminal who saw him as a ticket to get rich. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIRK: Quirk will be a mixture of Horo Horo no Mi from one piece and Ajin from Ajin: demi-human. NO HAREM so don't ask. This story is dark. I mean, extremally dark. Even the devil would congratulate me for such work. There are rape, extreme gore, prostitutions, and many more. This is my first novel, well fan-fic. There might be many mistake and I hope you can point that out in the paragraph comments, chapter comment, and reviews. The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll do it. Update Schedule: Unknown for now Have fun.

Maiku_Surudoi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 24 - U.S.J

"Why do we have to bring him along?" Tomura muttered in a hoarse voice, which was also slightly muffled due to the embalmed hand holding his face, scratching his neck. He sat on a stool across the counter of an abandoned bar, Kurogiri standing on the other side. "That piece of shit would mess up my plan to kill All Might."

"Sensei's order." Kurogiri replied, cleaning an already clean glass cup with a wipe. "Your younger brother, Shigaraki Kyoki, would be a great addition to your force, Shigaraki Tomura."

"The fucking Nomu is enough to snuff out the 'symbol of peace.'" Tomura replied, scratching more intensely as he glanced at the being standing motionless on the wall on the other side of the bar.

The Nomu is a massive, black humanoid monster with a very muscular body covered in deep scars. His brain is exposed on the top of his head, while his large eyes are around it. He has a beak-like mouth with numerous teeth. He only wears a pair of beige pants and metal knee pads designed to emulate skulls. His feet and torso are left bare.

"You think so, right idiot?" Tomura asked, turning to Kurogiri. His scratching became more intense as he stared up at the ceiling. "Doctor made the thing to destroy All Might. It is the Anti-Symbol of Peace." He said. "We fucking don't need Kyoki."

"Think of it like this, Shigaraki Tomura." Kurogiri said, unfazed by the name-calling. He returned the glass cup he had cleaned, took another one that was already clean, and started cleaning it. "Shigaraki Kyoki would help you fulfill your wishes. Besides, you both want to kill All Might. Wouldn't it be a pleasure to have someone like him on your team?" He turned to Tomura, "Why not try talking to him and get on equal ground?"

Tomura said nothing and turned to the bar as if expecting something. Just then, a black goo appeared on the ground near the door, quickly expanding and then disappearing, revealing Kyoki.

He donned a red and black pinstripe blazer and a very long pair of dark trousers that hid the black shoes he wore and his signature three-eyed scarf wrapped around his face.

Kyoki turned to look at Tomura, jumping back. "Eeek!" He shouted in dismay, his back hitting the door.

"Shut up, dumb shit." Tomura growled, standing up from his stool.

"Stay back, creepy brother!" Kyoki shouted, trying to open the door. "You scare me!"

"Shut up!" Tomura shouted, dashing at him and grabbing Kyoki's neck with his pinky lifter. Due to their extreme height differences, he had to tiptoe to grab Kyoki's neck. "Don't act so stupid, Kyoki. It will ruin my well-thought-out plan." He scolded, not bothering to break his neck, looking up at Kyoki's face and staring at his chest. "I don't care about your fucking fear, but it will disgrace me if you act like this when we start our invasion. So, keep your shitty self together and follow my command."

Kyoki nodded sheepishly, and Tomura let go. "Let's go, both of you." He said, turning around. "To snuff out the 'symbol of peace.'"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shota Aizawa watched as Thirteen explained to the students of Class 1-A the purpose of U.S.J. training. Though it has only been a few days since he became these fledglings, he genuinely cares and sees potential in them. Although, he hates to admit it.

He has been known to expel his students, then re-enroll them to teach them a lesson, but he has yet to see any reason to expel his current students.

Even during the Quirk Apprehension Test, where he had ALWAYS expelled the person who got last place, then re-enrolled them, he didn't see the need to expel Midoriya. The vegetable boy, 'Who would seriously put himself in a vegetated state if he didn't learn to control his quirks.' He thought to himself, staring at Midoriya, smiling from ear to ear as he listened to 13's explanation.

They all had potential, more than any other of his past students. It was as if a holo was above them. He knew they were all destined to become mighty heroes in the future, even the young pervert Mineta and the loud-mouth Bakugo.

'Bakugo, huh.' Shota glanced at the explosive boy, noticing him listening to 13 with a frown. 'I doubt there is another person his age who is as crude, arrogant, short-tempered, and aggressive as he is.' He thought, staring at the young man who scoffed at something 13 said.

Though Bakugo's personality makes him more suited to be a villain, Shota had faith in the young man to grow up to become a strong hero. Including Endeavor's son, Todoroki.

As Thirteen ended her speech, the students applauded and praised her, with Bakugo being the only one who didn't. "Let's get this over with." He scoffed, folding his arm.

Shota sighed and started talking. "Alright, I also want to get done with this and sleep." He yawned, "So, first thing first---" He felt something amiss, stopping in the middle of his sentence and confusing the students.

His instinct as a long-time pro-hero told him that something was about to go wrong. Following his instinct, he turned around to face the water fountain in the central plaza of the training facility.

A purple vortex of fog suddenly appeared in front of the fountain, swirling and getting wider. A thin pale hand emerged from within the vortex, holding the edge like it was a wall. A face covered by a dismembered hand grasping it appeared in the vortex, its red eyes staring right at them.

Shota felt a shiver run through his body once the eyes landed on him, his instinct screaming that he should get all the students away. "HUDDLE TOGETHER, AND DON'T MOVE!" He roared, turning back to his students.

"Eh?" The class rep, Tenya Ida, paused, shocked by Shota's sudden command.

Shota turned to 13, ignoring their questioning look. "No. 13!!" He shouted, drawing the hero's attention. "Protect the students and evacuate---"

His voice froze as cold air washed out the purple spiral as it suddenly expanded into a massive wall made of purple fog. A man, with multiple disembodied hands holding him in different places around his body, stepped out like a demon from the depths of hell. His presence alone made Shota realize.

All of his students were in danger.

He was followed by a hulking black humanoid monster on his left that only served to raise Shota's worries. At his right was a very tall and thin man who stood taller than the dark monster at a whopping seven and a half feet, towering over them. He wore a red and black pinstripe blazer and a long pair of dark trousers that hid his shoes. He also had a light scarf that partially hid his face, exposing only his mouth, with three vertical eyes in the front of the scarf.

After the three of them stepped out, and as if on cue, multiple other men and women rushed out. The fountain was soon crowded with more than fifty people, their presence making Shota clench his mouth.

He could 'smell' blood from every single one of them. They were all villains. And experienced ones at that.

"What is that?" Eijiro questioned, grinning and staring at the people. "Is this like the training pattern at the entrance exam---"

"This is not a training exercise!" Shota cut off the boy, putting on his goggles. "Those are real VILLAINS!"

"...Eraser Head and No. 13..." The fog, which had manifested a 'head' at the top of the purple wall of fog, spoke. "According to the teacher curriculum we procured yesterday, Mr. All Might was supposed to be here. And yet..."

"I knew it." Shota frowned, "So the commotion yesterday was caused by you louts."

"...Where is he..." The one who looked like the leader spoke, looking up at the sky. "We put ourselves through all this trouble and rusted up so many of us to bring along..." He paused, "You can't tell me, All Might, the symbol of peace, isn't here."

The tall man beside him froze, tilting his head. "All Might isn't here?" He asked in an innocent voice like a child that gave Shota the creeps. He turned to face Shota and the rest, causing them to instinctively step back like they were prey in front of a predator. "All Might is a hero. He is the BEST hero!" He shouted enthusiastically, with a voice that lost all its childish nature of before, a crazed grin on his face. "All Might will definitely show up if we kill them!"

"Villains! Get out of here!" Minoru shouted, running to the door, but Hanta suddenly grabbed his collar. "What kind of idiot would you be to believe a villain would be able to waltz into the hero's home base!?"

Shota didn't have time for his student's bullshit. Instead, he noticed the group of villains slowly walking towards them, with the purple fog now in the form of a humanoid in a tuxedo.

He walked forward, loosening his scarf and shouting, "No. 13, evacuate!".

He speculated that the purple fog man had a warping quirk. This is an extremely rare quirk, so rare, in fact, that only five other users have been identified, and now we have six.

Due to its rarity, U.A. couldn't put up a security system against one, which is the reason the alarm didn't go off.

"An isolated space away from the school building," Shoto said, "At a time there's a class scheduled. They must have a solid objective..." He paused, "This isn't an ambush without some carefully planned scheme behind it."

Shota couldn't agree more with his student's speculation. "Sound the alarm, No. 13! Why the fuck are you all still standing here?" He shouted, outraged, "GET THE FUCK OUT!"

His roar caused all the students, including Thirteen, to flinch, but Izuku stepped forward. "Sensei! Are you planning to fight them alone!?" He asked, clenching his fist as he watched the back of his teacher walking towards the group of villains, ready to fight.

"Even though you suppress all of their quirks, there are so many of them!" Ochaco added, agreeing with Izuku.

"The battle style of "Eraserhead" is to capture villains after erasing their quirk," Izuku added, "Meaning the main battle starts now."

"...A truly heroic hero always has more than one trick under their sleeve..." He reassured, turning to No. 13. "I am counting on you."

Without waiting, he used his scarf like a slingshot and flung himself down the flight of steps.

"ALL RIGHT!" A man with fingers like a gun shouted, "Firing squad, here we go!"

"Wasn't there only supposed to be No. 13 and All Might!? Who the hell is that!?" A girl with long gray hair styled into dreadlocks shouted.

"Who gives a flying fuck!" A stitched giant shouted, "Rip that shit to shreds!"

Although they were average villains, they knew not to underestimate any pro-hero, no matter how unknown they were, and this new hero they didn't know wasn't an exemption.

"Huh...?" Finger gun looked down at his fingers. "...It won't shoot?

Using his scarf as a whip, Eraser Head grabbed Stitched giant and the finger guns, slamming them into each other before throwing them to Needle hair.

"Dumb fucks!" A four-arm man cursed, running towards Eraserhead. "That's Eraserhead, with the ability to erase emitters and transformation class quirk!" He informed the rest, grinning. "But not mutation."

"Impressive research." Eraser Head complemented through a heavy punch at the man that threw him back before using his scarf to lift the man off the ground while simultaneously dodging a punch from behind him. "But no one can beat me better than I am in arm-to-arm combat." He confidently proclaimed, slamming Four arms into the guy that tried to punch him.

The black fog man stared silently as Eraser Head took care of some villains, with the man covered in dismembered hands beside him, speaking. "His hand-to-hand combat skill is commendable... Furthermore, we can't be sure whose quirk he 'erased' with his line of sight obscured by those goggles." The man said, scratching his neck with one finger, "I see now. God. Pro-hero is such a pain. We wouldn't stand a chance if we were just another rabble."

"Incredible...!" Izuku shouted, watching his teacher take care of multiple villains like they were nothing. "I forgot one on one ground battle is sensei's specialty!" He shouted, his voice lacking any sense of urgency.

"This is no time for analysis!" Tenya shouted at Izuku, drawing his attention. "We've got to evacuate!"

*Woosh* A wall of purple fog suddenly formed in their path. "I am afraid I can't allow that." The fog villain said.

'Shit!' Eraser Head cursed while taking care of another villain. 'In a blink of an eye... as I thought, he held the most threat.'

"Greetings. We are the villain alliance." The fog villain introduced their group, speaking respectfully. "I apologize for the presumption, but we took it upon ourselves to enter Yuuei academy, the base of heroes. In order to engage Mr. All Might, the 'symbol of peace.' We were wondering if we might have the opportunity to extinguish him, you see."

'Hah?!' Izuku thought, his eyes widening.

"I won't bore you with my needless rant." He finished, the fog enveloping them. "Please, take care as you will be shattered, tortured, then slain."

At the Conflagration Zone of the U.S.J. facility, Mashirao Ojiro suddenly appeared in the middle of a street in an urban environment that was constantly on fire.

"W-what?" He muttered, looking around. "The fire zone?" He was confused about how he appeared there, but his thought was interrupted by a commotion behind him.

Turning around, he saw three villains running towards him, one of whom was carrying a pair of knives. "We found you!" One of the villains shouted, grinning.

Turning around, Mashirao kept his composure and began running. "Get back here!" A villain shouted behind him, but he ignored the voice, turning into another street, and slapping his tail on the ground with sufficient force to throw himself above a street light.

He only had to wait a while before the three villains reached the junction, looking around. "Damn it! He's too fast!" The knife villain shouted as they glanced around.

The knife turned and ran down the street he had entered, with the other two continuing on their path. When the villain reached below him, Mashirao quickly swung with his tail holding on to the top of the light pole, punching the villain hard at the back of his neck and knocking him out.

"I see 'im! Over there!" One of the two other villains shouted, turning and running towards him.

Mashirao quickly swung with his tail, throwing himself into the air. 'I need to make sure I am not caught by the enemy and catch up to the others.' He thought, looking back at the two villains chasing him. 'And take care of them if I see the chance.'

Using his hit-and-run tactic, he defeated the two villains chasing him, plus five others he came across. He was surprised at how easy it was to knock them out since these people seemed confident in killing All Might.

'Maybe the big monster back there is the main powerhouse.' He thought, sneakily running through the city. 'He sure looked strong--' His thought halted when he noticed a lone villain wandering aimlessly.

It was the extremely tall man that had said killing them would bring All Might, who Mashirao named Slender Man. "Where are they?" He muttered to himself, but Mashirao could hear him perfectly clear, looking at the sky. "I need to kill them to make All Might come." He looked to his left, a notable smile on his face. "I will meet All Might~~." He sang as he started running off like a child. "Yay~~."

"..." Mashirao didn't know what to say about the man, but he knew the man was no joke. The mere fact that he was close to 'Slender Man' made his instincts scream at him to run away. He was aware that it would be dangerous to mess with or attempt a hit-and-run attack on that man-child.

When he turned to leave, he saw a face veiled in a scarf and three vertical eyes inches from his face. "Found one." The man grinned, exposing rows of sparkling clean white teeth.

The world around Mashirao suddenly started spinning, confusing him. He fell to the ground, noticing something. His headless body stood in front of Slender Man, who had a crazed grin on his face before slowly falling to the ground.

"Oh... I'm dead..."

His vision faded to black, and the last thing he heard was his body hitting the ground.

"One body~" The man sang, picking the dead boy's lower body by his tail before walking to his head and picking it up by its head. "All Might will surely come once he sees this. Yay!" He danced and celebrated with the headless body and head.

The other villains in the conflagration zone who had noticed this quickly backed away, not wanting any interaction with the crazy man. "Let's go find more!!!" He shouted before squatting and leaping into the air, the ground below him shattering.

At the Mountain Zone, Denki Kaminari, Momo Yaoyorozu, and Kyoka Jiro battle the villains with very little coordination since this was their first time fighting together.

Although their synergy was flawed, they were still able to defeat trash villains who did not even know how to use their quirks properly.

"GUAAA!?" A man shouted as he was electrocuted after punching Denki, who was producing a constant surge of electricity.

"Haha!" Denki shouted, turning to the two girls. "This is easy! Just leave it to me, ladies."

"Only this much is enough to change your mind?" Kyoka said, irritated by the boy's sudden change of mindset just because he took care of two villains.

"A net!" A villain shouted as a net flew from Momo, catching him like a fish and almost capturing Denki, who managed to dodge.

"Seriously!!!?" He shouted as the two men he had electrocuted fell to the ground, foam coming from their mouths. "That would have hit me!"

"My bad." Momo apologized, using her staff to slap a villain across his face. "It wasn't on purpose."

"Denki, I just thought of an idea." Kyoka said, plugging her earphone jacks into her stereo boots, which amplified the sound created by her heartbeat and sent the vibration in a specific direction.

The enhanced heartbeat shot past Denki, washing past all the villains behind him as they held their ears and screamed in pain.

"I wrote to the costume guy to make mine be able to direct attacks in a specific direction." She grunted as she blocked an attack from a villain, with Momo coming in to kick the man away. "Why didn't you do that?"

"Oh..." Denki chuckled, averting his eyes from her. "I didn't think of that."

"...Dumbass." Kyoka mumbled just as Momo shouted, "I'm ready!!" Her back began to bulge as she grinned, "It takes time to make something this big." She said, and a massive blanket shot up from her back, ripping her cloth and falling down to cover her and Kyoka. Without wasting time, she shouted, "Denki! Go all out, and don't worry about us!"

Denki grinned, deciding to trust his teammate. "HAHA!" He laughed raising his hand up as his body charged with over a million volts of electricity. "Behold! My strength!" He screamed, releasing the electric charge on his body and indiscriminately around him.

In seconds, all the villains around him suffered electrocution as they fell to the ground, their bodies burned and smoking. Due to exceeding his body's wattage limit, Denki short-circuits his own brain, turning himself dumb as he walks around, dumbly laughing and giving a double thumb up.

"Now then..." Momo raised the blanket that had protected her and Kyoka from the electrocution. All her upper body had been exposed due to her cloth tearing after creating the massive blanket, including her breasts, which were more mature than other girls her age. "I am worried about the others... Let's hurry and join back with them."

"Uhh, you got a pretty big tear in your chest..." Kyoka pointed out, staring at her classmate's breasts with a deep blush. 'Her power is in her, erm, development.'

"I will make another---"

*Boom* A loud sound cut her off as a dust cloud rose behind Denki, still giving the double thumbs up. A wind blew as the dust quickly cleared to expose a thin, towering man staring down at Denki with a crazed grin. On one hand, he held Mashirao's headless body by his tail and his decapitated head in the other by his hair.

"Found a lot more~~" The man sang, dropping his head and his body. "Hehe." He grabbed each of Denki's arms by their wrists and pulled them apart, literally ripping them from his body.

"KAAAAA!" Kyoka screamed in horror as Momo covered her own mouth before barfing in her hands.

"Hahaha~" Denki laughed, not even realizing what happened as he spun around, the blood spewing out of his elbows like a water fountain making a spiral.

He fell to the ground, blood spewing from where his arm was supposed to be. The man tilted his head at the two girls, his three vertical eyes striking fear into their hearts. "Hehe."

Just staring at Denki's smiling face and bleeding body caused Kyoka to faint, with Momo holding her mouth shut, staring with wide eyes, her body trembling.

"All Might will come~" He sang, suddenly appearing in front of Momo, his palm stopping inches from her face. He froze in his kneeling position in front of her, with his arm outstretched.

His head twitched, looking to the sky and then down, darting in every direction. "Is that what I think it is...?" He questioned, staring in the direction of the exit of the U.S.J., "All Might!" He screamed, leaping into the air from his kneeling position, the air throwing back Momo and the fainted Denki.

Momo stared silently in front of her before a voice interrupted her thought. "That's fucked up." A man walked up from his hiding place behind a rock, having not been affected by Denki's electric outburst.

He is a tall, lean man with slanted gray eyes and beige, somewhat pimply skin. He wears a dark green sleeveless bodysuit with a white belt and black boots, and covering his face is a skull-shaped mask.

"I like him." The man grinned, staring at Mashirao's decapitated body, before turning to face Denki. "But I wish he didn't kill that kid." He mumbled, walking up to Denki's bleeding body as Momo watched silently.

He felt Denki's heart, noticing it was still pumping. "He isn't dead." A surprisingly happy smile crossed his face as he quickly touched his bleeding elbow, letting out a strong electric charge that burned the area and stopped the bleeding. "As a fellow electric user, I can't let him die."

He turned to Momo, who flinched. "Look at you." He licked his lips, "Your body wide open for me to use as I please." His words caused Momo to let go of her mouth, causing the vomit she had been holding with her hands to spill all over her, covering her bare breasts with her arm.

"Too bad I am not sexually interested in a little girl. My dick didn't even get fucking hard." He scoffed at her reaction, turning to walk away. "Time to meet the boss and get the fuck out of here before the other pro-hero comes."

Chapter End~~


Word Count: 4108 (Haah~ Another 4 k word chapter. I feel so lonely up here...)

You may have noticed, I changed some of the dialogue because I felt no sense of urgency or danger when Shota was talking to the students in the manga. It wasn't much, but it fits the scene.

Also, how was the chapter? How do you think the story line would change after this event. Especially after Mashirao's death. May his soul rest in peace. F in the chat for my boy. Shit. I felt bad killing him off.

Haah. This was a long chapter to write. I deleted more than 2k words after I was almost done to re-write it because it felt bland when I was proofreading it. I hope it was good.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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