
Chapter 25 - U.S.J. [I am HERE!]

At the Central Plaza, All Might, who had just arrived, dashed at the villain leader while keeping his arm in a cross position. "Carolina..." He uttered, just as the leader called on the Nomu. 'Smash!' He slashed his hands into a downward cross chop, but the Nomy intercepted it, and withstood the full force of the attack.

The Nomu let out a sound resembling a growl before rushing in to grab All Might, who grunted and bent backward to evade the attack. "I can't believe it." He mumbled, coming forward and clenching his fist, "He is taking..." He delivered a heavy punch at Nomu's abdomen, "my blows!!!"

All Might was genuinely stunned. Even in his weakened state, one punch was enough to take care of all villains he ever came across. But this beast took two attacks without flinching, and one was an ultimate move!

"Look no further than the beast's amazing 'shock absorption ability." The villain leader advertised, standing diligently to the side and watching the two monsters scuffle with each other. "If you want to deal the Nomu any damage, it will be more effective if you slowly and steadily tore out its guts..." He let out a rough chuckle, "Though him letting you do that is a different story."

"Thanks for telling me this!" All Might said, dodging a punch from the Nomu, maneuvering behind it, and grabbing it. "If that's all it takes, then don't worry!" He shouted, lifting the Nomu up. "It will be a breeze!"

With that, he uses a suplex, smashing Nomu into the ground and creating a massive explosion that raises dust and rubbles into the air.

"Since when did backdrop slam become so explosive!!" Minoru, who was holding the fainted Shota's legs up while Izuku carried the rest of Shota's body, shouted. "All Might is so far ahead of us!"

"Right." Tsuyu, walking in front of Izuku, agreed, looking at the explosion caused by the suplex. "Though when it comes to teaching, he is still a beginner who needs to read cue cards."

Izuku stared silently at the fight. He wished he could help All Might, but doing so would only lead him into becoming a hostage for All Might to rescue.

All they could do was believe in All Might.

He knew All Might didn't show up to class because he was out taking care of villains and problems like always. Therefore, he was only running on fumes fighting the Nomu.

Izuku looked at all the students cheering for All Might, realizing he was the only one that knew All Might's secret.

The dust cleared, revealing the Nomu having turned the table on All Might. Instead of crashing into the ground, the fog villain had activated his quirk, teleporting Nomu's upper body to below All Might. He was now grabbing onto All Might's ribs, his fingers digging deep into All Might's flesh.

"Guhh!" All Might grunted, coughing out blood. 'Shit! I forgot about that bastard!'

"You wanted to drive him deep into the concrete and seal his movement, right?" The villain leader asked, a cheeky grin on his face. "He is at the same power level as you. So it wouldn't matter anyway." His eyes widened, staring at All Might with a grin, "Isn't it amazing, Blackmist? He handed us the perfect chance on a silver platter."

"It was the Noumu's duty to restrain you so I could open a portal and drag you halfway through." Blackmist said, "So I can eviscerate you and end your reign of tyranny, 'symbol of peace.'"

Hearing this, Izuku's face became dark. "Asui..." He called, drawing the attention of the frog girl. "Take Aizawa sensei... off my back?"

"Ok," Tsuyu replied, taking Shota from him. "You must be tired of carrying him." She said, holding up their heavy teacher.

Once Shota was out of his back, Izuku dashed towards All Might. He couldn't let All Might die. Not now, not ever--- "Out of the fucking way!" A crude voice came as Katsuki appeared beside Blackmist, using an explosion on the villain.

This threw him to the ground, exposing a silver metal brace. Grabbing it, he pinned it down to the ground, which seemed to hold Blackmist in place.

"!?" All Might looked to his side, noticing ice creeping up his side and freezing Nomu without touching him.

"I heard about your scheme from your villain friends." Shoto said, vapor coming out of his mouth. "About all your roles in your scheme to kill All Might."

The leader quickly moved back, evading a surprise attack from Eijiro. "Shit!! I had him!" Eijiro gritted his teeth, dodging a grab attack from the villain and moving to stand in front of Blackmist, still pinned to the ground by Katsuki.

"No funny business out of you," Katsuki grinned, glaring down at Blackmist. "you shadow-ass mobiling!!"

"Kacchan...!" Izuku called out, "Everyone."

'Young Todoroki...' All Might thought, looking at the ice. 'He has so much precision he was able to freeze the beast without catching me in it...' Grinning, All Might managed to weaken Nomu's grip due to the ice, jumping out of his grip and standing beside the four of them, holding his bleeding side.

"The symbol of peace won't fall as easily as you clown." Shoto coldly said, staring at the boss now standing alone.

"...You pinned down our revolving door..." The boss mumbled, looking at Blackmist pinned down by Katsuki. "...Well now...this is quite a pinch..." He looked up at the sky, scratching his neck fervently. "At this rate...the League of Villains would be a laughing stock..."

"Look at the fucking villains you brought!" Katsuki shouted, laughing. "You guys are a bunch of trash, to begin with!"

"You lost to a bunch of kids." Shoto added, "Did you really think you could take on the Symbol of Peace?"

"Where is he?" The boss mumbled, scratching his neck so deeply he drew blood. The others couldn't help but flinch at his action, cringing in disgust. "He came for what? I will kill that bastard..."

"Fear not." All Might's voice came as something heavy landed behind the boss, raising a dust cloud. A strange wind blew, sending away the dust cloud to reveal a tall man towering over the leader, standing behind him. "I am here."

The man sounded so much like All Might that everyone couldn't help but freeze. His voice, the tone, the texture, the reassurance it brought. It was exactly like All Might. As if he was the one who said it.

"Was it good? Was it great?" The man asked in a child-like voice, looking down at his brother. "I have been practicing this line for a long time. I hope it was good!"

The leader stopped scratching his neck. "Kill All Might. This is our best chance." He paused, "Make sure you kill the explosion boy too."

"Yay~" The man rejoiced, turning to All Might. "I have wanted to meet you for so long, All Might. I watched all your videos! Everyday! Especially the one you saved from the boss!" He kept rambling on like a kid who just met their favorite celebrity, confusing everyone. Wasn't he supposed to kill All Might?

'The crazy one.' All Might thought, having encountered villains like the tall man before in the past. 'Obsession to kill me, I presume.' He thought to himself, standing up straight. 'Well, that won't happen. I won't let these kids down.' He vowed, ignoring the throbbing pain in his weak spot and the fact his time would soon run out.

"Get on with it!" The leader roared, elbowing the man behind him. "KILL HIM!"

"Right, brother. Don't me." The thin man moaned, rubbing the place the leader elbowed and walking past him, and causing the four students to tense up, feeling weirded out by the man's tall and slender appearance, especially the three eyes on the scarf that wrapped his face.

"We can't kill All Might. He is the strongest hero! The Symbol of Peace!! How could trash villains like us touch him?!" The thin man praised in a child-like voice, loosening the scarf around his face. "Of course, that's if I don't..." The scarf fell on his shoulder, exposing his face. He was extremely pale, with long black hair reaching his shoulders and bangs that completely obscured his eyes. "If I don't take this seriously." His voice was now manly and dangerous, devoid of the past childishness.

The thin man suddenly disappeared from his spot with a wave of air, appearing in front of Katsuki, his right arm cocked back, fist clenched. Looking up at the man, the young boy couldn't help but freeze as the thin man punched down at him.

*Boom* An explosion rang out, sending out a wave of air and dust.

"Kacchan!!" Izuku shouted while being thrown back by the wave of air. He landed on his back, looking in horror at where his friend was, only to see the boy standing beside him. "Kacchan!!? Y-you dodged him!?"

"You fucking idiot!" Katsuki snapped, a sweatdrop forming on his forehead. 'I couldn't see him.'

The dust cleared, revealing All Might, who had blocked the punch from the thin man, a crater forming below them. He gritted his teeth, punching the man who jumped back and landed beside the leader.

"Do you not know mercy?" he asked, coughing out more blood. "That was meant to kill that poor boy."

"I knew you would block it, All Might!" The thin man shouted with a wide grin. "So I put all my strength into it!" He looked down at his right arm, "*Chuckle* I broke my arm doing that." He casually said, flicking his right arm with every bone shattered and all muscles torn, blood spewing from the part of the skin where the broken bone had punctured through.

"Besides, we had to save our comrade." The leader added, pointing at Blackmist, who had relocated to stand on his other side, his left. "And not long ago, one of your kids...ah, which one...?"

"The plain-looking one." Blackmist said, hiding his weak spot.

"Ah, right." The leader pointed at Izuku. "He tried to beat me with all his strength. So, why can't we beat him with all our strength? Isn't that a double standard?" He asked, "Is that fair?

"Why are we categorized as villains while you guys are categorized as heroes, even earning the title 'Symbol of Peace?'" He asked, opening his arm wide. "In the end, violence is violence, so why did society praise one group and shun the other? The 'Symbol of Peace?' Give me a fucking break! You are nothing more than the bludgeon of oppression yourself!" He shouted, "Violence breeds more violence, and once we kill you, that will be known to the world!"

"You are mad. You've got to keep your antisocial viewpoint to yourself." All Might spat, noticing the thin man's arm had begun to regenerate, surprising him. "Besides, be straight with me. You just want to get your kicks."

"You saw through me so quickly." The leader grinned, "Nomu, get up and attack that bastard."

Everybody turned to see the monster break its frozen part and stand up. "What the hell! How is it still standing?" Izuku shouted, "Didn't half of its body get snapped away?"

"What the!?" All Might shouted, standing his guard. "Wasn't his quirk 'shock absorption?'"

"I never said that was his only quirk." The leader said as the Nomu started regenerating its lost parts and limbs. "As you can see. It also got 'super regeneration.' Nomu is an artificial sandbag designed to kill you. The 'Anti Symbol of peace!'"

The Nomu and the thin man both disappeared with a loud boom sounding out from where All Might stood. This shakes the entire U.S.J. Light flickered, cracks running up the walls, with dust and pieces of the building falling down into the disaster zones, some almost hitting the students at the entrance of the U.S.J., prompting them to dodge. Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, and Eijiro were thrown into the air as the ground beneath them collapsed because they were close to the point of impact.

Izuku landed a sloppy landing, slipping and falling, almost hitting his head on a stone. However, he was held up by Katsuki, who gripped the collar of his gym uniform after landing perfectly.

"Watch it, dumb fucker!" Katsuki shouted at Izuku, who turned to him with sweat drops on his forehead. "Thanks, Kacchan!"

"*Tsk*" Katsuki let go of the boy, who regained his balance, before turning and looking at the middle of the battleground, where All Might was standing, but couldn't see anything due to the dust cloud covering the entire area.

"*Cough* Shit. I am going to die from dust poisoning." Eijiro mumbled, moving his hands over his face.

"It will be wise if we retreat." Shoto said, stepping back. "Staying here would put us in harm's way and prevent All Might from going all out."

As much as the others wanted to stay to help the hero, they knew Shoto was right. If they get involved in such a fight, they will be more of a hindrance than a help.

Before they could move, a wave of air blew past them, blowing away the dust and pushing them back. All Might stood in the middle of the massive crater, wide enough to destroy the water fountain. Using both arms as a shield, he blocked the punch aimed at his face, allowing the thin man's punch to land on his cheek.

"Huh?" The thin man uttered, tilting his head. "Why didn't you block my punch, All Might?"

"You are significantly weaker than 'Nomu.'" All Might cough out blood, glancing at the thin man. "Your punch didn't even have enough force to tilt my head." He then looked at the man's arm. "And your arm can't even tolerate your strength."

"...Of course, I am not as strong as Nomu." The tall man admitted after a short pause. "The Nomu was created to be close, if not as powerful as you. Saying I was as strong as Nomu would imply I am as strong as you. How could I, a lowly villain, be as powerful as the All Might?" He asked, shaking his head. "All Might. That would tarnish your name. It will be like pouring shit on a marble. I could never be physically as strong as you. NO ONE could."

All Might He hasn't met a villain obsessed with killing him that sees him in bright light and constantly compliments him. It is odd. No. He is crazy.

"I am glad you know you are weaker than me!" All Might roared, throwing Nomu back and kicking at the thin man who jumped back. Nomu and the thin man landed beside each other many meters away, facing the Symbol of Peace, who stood in the middle of the crater, with vapor evaporating from his body. He stared at them with an angry scowl, proudly proclaiming. "For, I am the symbol of peace. You will never put me down!"

"But, All Might." The leader said, who had been warped away by Blackmist to the edge of the crater so he wouldn't be injured, itching his neck. "When did he ever say he was weaker than you were?"

"Ghost of Madness." The thin man uttered, standing tall.

Just then, one transparent, sheet-like being with round black eyes and huge lips shot out of its body, shot out of his body. Another one came out, with more coming out until it became 19 transparent ghosts floating around him like he was a celestial body, and they were his moons, blowing raspberries.

Seeing them, All Might froze, horror coming upon his face. Flashback of that day thirteen years ago, the day that he lost it for a moment in himself being the symbol of peace, came flashing back.

"Well, All Might." The thin man said, smiling. "I hope you acknowledge how strong I am." He hugged himself, blushing. "I will certainly appreciate it~ Only if it's you, All Might~~ Hehe."

*Woosh* The nineteen ghosts shot past him, four heading for the four boys that had come to his rescue and the other five heading for the students who hadn't run away and remained at the exit of the U.S.J., watching the fight.

Time seemed to slow as multiple images flashed before All Might's eyes. He watched all the ghosts ignore him, heading for the unsuspecting students at a speed they couldn't evade. The image of the woman about to kill herself by jumping off the building. Dead police officers. Dead heroes.

'Everyone will die!' Ankoku's voice echoed in his mind. 'Why, you ask? BECAUSE I AM HERE!'

"NOOOO!" All Might roared, pushing his quirk to his limit. He was determined to save them, no matter the cost. These fledglings wouldn't die. Not now, not ever!

Suddenly, just as the first ghost touched Katsuki, it made a screaming gesture and disappeared. All Might, the thin man, the villain leader, and Blackmist froze, all turning to one person.

Shota Aizawa.

Ochaco had used her quirk on him to make him float while Tsuyu held him from floating into space. Despite all the stress his body had suffered through, all the beating and damage, he had woken up and erased the thin man's quirk. Blood flowed down his right eye, and his jaw clenched, keeping his eyes on the man.

"...Fuck..." The leader uttered, scratching his neck. "Fuck, fuck, fuck FUCK!!!" He roared, tearing his neck with his sharp nails. "NOMU!"

The Nomu disappeared from its spot, shooting like a black bullet towards Shota, but All Might suddenly appeared in its path. All emotion had disappeared, leaving only rage.

He had enough of their bullshit. With them coming after his life. Putting the heroes in danger. With these bastards threatening the lives of HIS students.

"Plus!" He roared, slamming his fist into the abdomen of the Nomu. "ULTRA!!!" The ground below him formed a mini crater inside the massive crater, sending out a wave of air as the Nomu flew like a bullet, destroying a part of the U.S.J. and disappearing into the sky with a twinkle.

Silence. The leader and the thin man paused, glancing at each other, with Blackmist staring at the spot where the Nomu disappeared.

"What's this? A comic book or something?" Eijiro mumbled, staring at what just happened. "He likes..." He paused, "pounded the shock absorption out of the monster with one punch. The ultimate meathead."

"So that power was bullshit, after all." Bakugo scoffed, clenching his fist. He stared around at the crater that was created by those three monsters, then at the U.S.J. that looked like it would collapse on them any moment. 'This is the world of pros.'

With the Nomu removed and Shota canceling out the tall man's quirk, All Might noticed they were now less confident. No, they look like they were on the verge of retreating.

'I hope they do.' He thought, standing tall. Neither I nor Aizawa have any more time.' Smiling, he said, "I have definitely gotten weaker than my heyday, but that didn't stop me." He raised his fist to the sky. "This is the power of a hero. Going above and beyond what you are capable of." He targeted his statements to the students and the three villains.

"Gotten weaker...? You lie..." The leader glared at All Might. "We're totally overpowered...How dare you lay a hand on my Nomu! You used cheats!!" He started scratching his already bleeding neck. "You are no weaker than you were before! Did he..." He paused his movement, "Did he lie to me...?"

"...What's the matter?" All Might taunted, vapor evaporating from his body. "Where'd your bravado go? What happened to clear the game? Try it if you can!!" He glared as the thin man, the leader, and Blackmist took a step back from the pressure he emitted.

"Scary! Too scary!" The thin man grinned, his expression contradicting his statement. "You all scare me a lot. The children frighten me. The pro hero scares me. And you, All Might!" He took another step back, "You terrify me!"

"Then why don't you return to wherever you crawled out from like the scaredy cat you are?" He said, keeping his confident tone while he panicked internally. 'I can't move anymore. The combined punch of 'Nomu' and 'The Thin Man' was too strong! And the last punch I threw was all I've got. I can't even take a single step! And I won't be able to keep up this swagger any longer!'

"Well, what are you waiting for!?" All Might asked, clenching his fist. 'Shit! Any second now, I will snap back to my true form, and Aizawa will fall unconscious!'

"Terrifying... How terrifying!" The thin man shouted, moving back once more. "You are really worthy of being afraid of, All Might!" He grinned, "You are making me tremble!!"

"If only Nomu were here!! If it was him!!" The leader mumbled, scratching his neck. "He would be able to face him without feeling an ounce of pressure."

"Shigaraki Tomura, Shigaraki Kyoki, please calm down." Blackmist said, "If you look closely, you can clearly see the damage Nomu and Shigaraki Kyoki were successful in dealing with."

He glanced at the four male students, causing them to freeze. "It would appear the children are rearing away..." He paused, "Indeed, reinforcements are certain to make their appearance any minute now. However, I put forward the proposal, Shigaraki brothers, that if we combine our efforts, there might still be an ample chance of murdering him." He turned to the thin man, "If you manage to kill Erasahead, our chance will grow."

"Yeah... you're right..." The leader slowed his scratching, "After all these troubles...how could we fail to kill the final boss...?"

"KAHA!" The thin man laughed, getting on all fours like an animal. "I will kill you, ALL MIGHT!"

The man dashed forward on all fours like an animal at a surprisingly fast speed, zooming past All Might, who couldn't move to stop him, and heading to Shoto, whose two eyes were now bleeding profusely, the villain leader and Blackmist rushing at All Might.

'SHIT!' All Might thought, unable to move. 'This is an 'I am fucked' moment if there ever was one! Everyone, quickly... QUICKLY!"

Izuku quickly uses One For All on his legs and jumps towards All Might, breaking his legs in the process, to intercept the two villains. 'So...fast!!!' The leader thought, his eyes widening.

"LET GO OF ALL MIGHT!" Izuku roared, clenching his fist and bringing it back, ready to punch Blackmist's silver brace.

"I don't..." The leader stuck his hands into Blackmist, the hand coming out from the other side of the Blackmist, right in front of Izuku's face. "Have time for this shit!!"

Just then, two bullets hit his hands as a boom rang out. 'They are finally here.' All Might thought, glancing at the entrance to the U.S.J., where the U.A. Pro Heroes were standing with Tenya. Vlad King held the thin man to the ground in front of Shoto. He used his blood to pin the man to the ground, Nezu sitting on his shoulder.

"We are regretfully late." Nezu said with a smile, glancing over the battleground.

"I came back with all the people I could scrape together!" Tenya said, shouting, "Class 1-A president Ida Tenya!! Reporting for duty!!"

"Ahhh... they came, they came." The leader said, stepping back. "It's out the game over screen. Back to the drawing board, eh Blackmist?" He turned to his brother pinned to the ground, saying, "Bring him, even though you have to drag that big man along---"

His sentence stopped when ice suddenly crept up his legs, instantly freezing his body from his neck and below. "You aren't leaving anywhere," Shota said, vapor coming from his mouth. "You will pay for your crimes, villains."

"You too!" Katsuki roared, suddenly appearing beside Blackmist and grabbing his weak spot, pinning him to the ground. "Back in my hands again, ya shit?" He smirked.

"Well, now that's settled," Nezu clapped his paw, smiling, "Why don't we tend to the students---"

"I wouldn't be so sure." A voice cut him off as everyone turned to see a villain holding Momo, who was wrapped in a blanket to hide her torn shirt, in a chokehold with his left arm, his right index, and middle fingers in her mouth. "Name's Tesla. Glad to meet so many pro-heroes, especially you, All Might." He introduced himself, his voice not fluttering even when he was in the presence of this many pros.

"As you can see, I am holding this girl hostage." He continued, "One move from you guys, and I will release all the amps I am holding in me. If I feel myself going sleepy, Midnight," He glanced at her, "I will immediately release all my electricity into this girl, and if you really want to know, I currently possess 1,000 amps in me. 0.1 amps are enough to kill a human. Now, think about what will happen if she is hit by 10000 times that."

He got them well. Nezu noticed that All Might was slowly reverting back to his real form, asking, "What do you need?"

"Let me, the boss, my comrades, and my employer, and I will let this girl go. An even trade, one life for three lives." Tesla said, using his head to gesture to the three men. "I am a villain, but not someone that kills for no apparent reason. Let us go, and you will get this girl." He paused, "I am sure she still has things she wants to do. And please be quick with the decision."

Nezu thought of it for a while, staring into the man's eyes before saying. "Let them go." Vlad King, Shota, and Katsuki obeyed his command, releasing their victims. Vlad King absorbs his blood back into his body, letting the thin man go, Katsuki spitting on Blackmist as he stood up and walked away, and Shota releases his ice hold from the villain leader who was now shivering in cold.

"For the time being..." The villain leader said as Blackmist turned into a portal, black mists shooting out of its body and heading to the thin man, who was now standing in front of Vlad King, and Tesla. "But we will get you next time, 'Symbol of Peace,' All Might!" He vowed.

The black mist reached the two men, expanding into a portal. The thin man smiled, saying. "I will see you later, All Might. I will make sure I kill you. Hehe~." With that, he jumped into the portal, which disappeared.

Only Tesla remained, with the black portal open behind him. "Thanks for doing business with me. It was a pleasure." He said, jumping back into the black portal as he pushed Momo away.

With that, the League of Villains disappeared.

Chapter End~~


Word Count: 4679[Holy macaroni! This word count made me hard! I am joking, but damn. More than 4.5k, not counting author notes.]

How was the 'second personality' of the MC? I was conflicted if I should introduce him with a broken personality or a 'sane' personality after the 13 years time skip, but then decided to go with both. One is filled with chaotic madness and the other one is chaotic coolness, lol.

And for you who couldn't figure out, Shoto Aizawa, aka, Eraser Head, is Kyoki perfect counter. All his quirks are emitter, which Aizawa can erase. The only thing Aizawa can't erase is his revival, since that one is a mutation.

And this last two chapters were too long, was it? I mean, 4k words back to back? Jesus! I need to rest and prepare for a fucking exam...

With that, how was the chapter?

And if you have any ideas, let me know. This brain of mine need stimulation.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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