
Get out of the Game

When all you knew becomes a game. You must over come it all with your friends and family. Matthew was a friend to all and a co-designer to a major gaming company. He and his friend created a full VR suit for a popular zombie company test run. When it all went wrong one day.

Intentcentaur79 · Fantasia
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13 Chs

1.2 Let the Games Begin

Let me go check it out.

Please give an eye scan and voice recognition!


Access denied.

Ok then let me try.


Now please put your eye on the scanner.

Access granted welcome Matthew to your personal armament. System said.

I'm not the owner though Clayton would be right?

I don't know but you can go in there we can't and it says owner only so I guess that

makes you the owner.

As I entered the room it showed a stats board, and it didn't say anything. There were four

walls for armor, weapons, and other equipment. It was also empty. Then all of a sudden I felt

light headed then crashed down to the ground.

Two hours later…

What happened I feel heavy but light at the same time. Why does it feel like this room

got a lot bigger and the detail is amazing? I don't know what happened, the update must have

finished or something. Let's go see what the others are up to then.

Hey, you guys I have a few questions?

What's up Matthew?

First in the beginning did anyone talk to you about the game or were you at the title


We were in a white void until you talked you were being weird. We were waiting on you

to choose what we were going to play and you didn't respond for a little while. I kind of figure as

host so it just took longer to load in.

Ok next isn't weird that I can access the owner armory?

Yeah isn't that if someone hacks Clayton's account it backs up to yours!

Yeah, but wouldn't the company tell me if something like that had happened. Plus an

alarm would have gone off unless it happened while we were out.

That's fine he must be working on it by now, what load out you guys are going with?

I think a tank with a mini-gun to wipe out big hordes of zombies.

Good idea Axe and you Max what are you going to be?

I'm going with a drone and a Glock.

Cool and Jim what about you.

Sniper support I think.

That's what I was thinking as well but something tells me that I may overdo it so I'm

going to get my equipment.

Welcome, Matthew to this new reality you may be auspices of what has gone on so far

you are right it is real you four are trapped in this game, but for some reason, you instantly

figured this out, so you see a lot of people are going to need your help. The woman's voice said.

What was that I heard someone talk to me, but I couldn't see them?

Hello is someone there.

Welcome to the armory. What did you choose as a game?

That wasn't the voice of the person I heard before, this one is too rough and older, but it's

still a voice, so it's got to be someone. Who are you and where are you? I can't see you, but I can

hear you.

What kind of option did he put in for this guy to choose unless! Are you the one he spoke

of that will finally put an end to this endless game with a true ending.

What you can hear me to then, please tell me what's going on why am I the only one who

knows this is real. Why are we trapped here in this game? Do you know where Clayton is?

Hold on my name is… I can help you, so please calm down and don't tell them they're

trapped. You may hint but don't tell them directly. If you do something happens, and you get

separated, and I'm sure from what the creator said you are with good friends.

Yes, that is true and who is this creator?

Clayton, of course, the one that sent the game before he was also trapped within a video


How come all my friends are here?

Yes and no is not just your friends something is happening in the real world, so you are

not the only ones here.

What is the real world so lots of people have to deal with this as well, why is this


There is a power in this game that has taken over it and all other game systems or

entertainment. It is an AI or even now an even beyond advanced intelligence. It has overtaken

even Clayton's Admin controls. But there is one thing that he didn't realize that is also stronger

than his admin commands his friends and the one, in particular, one named Matthew.

What do I do?

Sorry but this is as far as my knowledge goes he didn't tell me much on everything else

mostly because he was taken by that force.

Ok, thank you, I should be getting ready to battle with my friends.

That's a wise decision this took longer than I expected to explain everything.

Ok opening weapons and armor for zombies this might take some time as there are

infinite amounts.

An infinite amount that's insane could you just choose some that will best fit my skill set.

Or the map environment something like that.

Ok requirements and filters accepted running best-combined gear. Ten outfits are

acceptable for the job also Matthew I will always be here if you need anything.

Thanks, again.

Glad I could help is that all.

Hey, I didn't catch your name, what was it again?

Sorry, I said it in my original language and you may not understand it.

Maybe you could teach me sometime it is a game so I could learn.

Yes, that is true you are brilliant like Clayton said. He thought of teaching me and giving

me the ability for me to talk to you in English, but he never would have thought you would want

to learn my tongue.

Ok please, could you also put a supported filter on this as well?

Ok, one option is a suppressed sniper with a full ghillie suit and mods.

The other is a reinforced black riot gear suit with a pistol with a double-tap.

What are these your options there for at least a level one fifty people and you should be

only level one?

So what that board up there is saying is true then.

What board are you talking about?

The one that says I'm level four hundred thirty-two and rising. Also, the Owner title

unlocked for added two hundred levels.

What that's impossible even for the enemy is limited to what the game allows them to do

from what I know.

So you do know more?

Yes, I may have missed spoken it will be explained more once you return here.

Ok looking forward to it.

Are you guys already to go out?

Been ready for the past half… What are you wearing?

Cool right that armory was terrific but way too complex for me.

It has many options as to what you can choose.

I took a JDJ super sniper with a suppressor and stand. A Blackout riot suit with an

infrared visor plus a mini shoulder cannon. Plus two mp-five machine guns with laser and rocket

launcher attachments.

What that's nuts Matthew it's only the first round and we're all level one so you don't

think that's a bit much.


What about you guys?

Well, take a look.

From what I could tell Axe was a commando or a large unit. Heavy tactical armor with a

mini-gun. Max took a tech side with light tech armor and an attack drone. Jim also chose a Barrett

M98B and Beretta Nano.

Looks like soldiers of your caliber.

Are we all ready to go on? I asked.

Yep, I think we're more than ready to go out. Level start welcome to the small-town USA

this will be a small ruined town with many tall buildings to snipe from but be careful if you get

caught you will die and be taken elsewhere.

I know what that means but these guys don't so I should make sure nobody dies in this

thing. The level has started, please have fun and try not to die...crack…

That sounded horrible hope nothing terrible happens.

From the looks of it, that apartment is our best bet.

I agree with Matthew. Jim said.

Ok then let's head that way and hope for the best we know we can do it if Matthew is

with us here. Axe said.

Axe takes the bottom with the mini-guns and watches the doors mow them down.

Ok, I will do it. Axe said.

Max, you will take the middle floor and use the drone to take them out me and Jim will

slowly snipe them out.

Sounds good but how many do you think will have, were only four levels.

Um yeah, but who knows it is a new game.

That's true.

Wave one of ten had begun and it started with three zombies.

See not too bad only three.

Wave two starts with one hundred zombies.

Woah that was a massive jump hopeful it doesn't get much higher.

Jim and I started to fire as fast as we could and Max was using his drone with a pistol.

The next wave starts with five hundred zombies, another absurd jump.

Wave six and seven two thousand zombies.

Wait for two waves at once that's broken might as well go straight to ten.

Wave ten starts with three thousand zombies spawning into the game.