
Get out of the Game

When all you knew becomes a game. You must over come it all with your friends and family. Matthew was a friend to all and a co-designer to a major gaming company. He and his friend created a full VR suit for a popular zombie company test run. When it all went wrong one day.

Intentcentaur79 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

1.4 Let the Games Begin

Ok, I said it but I didn't mean it. I still have six thousand to defeat. I don't know how

everybody else is doing.

Hey guys how's it going?

Alright, can't believe we made it to wave ten already.

Yeah, that was a little weird how it jumped there towards the end.

What do you mean it's the same to me?

Ok, I'll just leave it to me they more than likely didn't happen to them.

How's your ammo doing guys?

Still got two clips.

Drone died but still got the Glock.

Two hundred rounds left in the minigun.

I wonder how many zombies do you guys have left to defeat?

Two hundred left to kill why.

Oh ok, I'll be right back then.

So they don't have very many of them so ours has been different the whole time.

What are you doing there out there?

I know but I want to go check out something?

I left my sniper upstairs if you all need it.

I walked out the back doors to the building just outside of it was a wall.

So this is where all of you have been hiding out behind waiting for me to show.

A horde of over six thousand zombies slowly broke down the wall and they were almost

through it.

Hey, Hank are you there?

Yes, I am.

Is there anything I can access to reload fast?

Yes, there are perks that you can put stuff in to reload faster.

Open perks window.


So I have no spent perks yet.

How many do I have… three hundred that's well just too many of them Ill max out reload

speed for now.

Also doing accurate would be a smart move as well it will keep me from wasting the

current small amount of ammo.

I don't, my sniper is almost out of ammo, but in reality, I have infinite ammo, but I'm not

telling them that. But you two get to the second floor now and help Axe the best you can. Slowly

they reached the top level with around seven hundred fifty zombies left. I was the only one with

ammo most of the rest of the zombies are trapped on the lower levels. This was because the

corpses of the dead blocked their paths up to us.

I gave each of them max ammo and my sniper to Axe as he had the most strength. With

my two mp-five's I ran across the wall and on the roof to keep away from the zombies. Once I

reached the bottom floor the last remaining thousand were there.

I think this is a great time to see what I can do in this video game world, change to

katanas, remove armor with light shinobi armor. At first, I took off slowly then I started to run as

fast as I could, I couldn't tell at first that Max was watching me.

Matthew, what are you doing?

Max no I said stay…


I Exchange all for a synth.

I had fire red eyes as I was mad because I had just watched my friend be torn apart by the

zombies right in front of me.

As I sat next to my friend's corpses, I heard the others, so I used teleportation powers and

went outside.

That was when I was met by five hundred huge zombies that looked like they could take

a tank and keep going for another week of them.

Of course, I was still mad, and I had already blocked off the rest from seeing Max and

coming outside.

So you must be what he meant.

Also, Matthew before you go at the end of each map you are supposed to come straight

here but because of that AI you meet five of anything he chooses.

Thanks for the last-minute advice but I think I got this.

I know, but I am not so sure about your friends.

I got you it's ok I can protect them and myself.

Well, that is not right I let Max come down, and he died knowing that this is real and he

has nobody with him he could be in any part of the world, and it makes me sick. Sick to

understand that a dumb AI who could never understand what is going on in here. How people

feel or are this so he can figure that out but in any case I'm angry, and you all are in my way.

Level up…

What was that I got a level up notification from somewhere and I think so did they but

how I'm alrighty above the max level count.

It's a dumb game and the people in it have no chance of surviving with whatever or

whoever is controlling it not, but I can let my friends die either so if I must admit I will become a

monster myself.

Switch to the anti-material rifle.

That is a master-class weapon. Are you sure you want that kind of power?

Yes, give it to me now.

As a giant gun came down upon the world that we were in, all the five hundred got into a

formation like an arrow they were a lot smarter way to smart for regular zombies. I faced the gun

toward them and fired it creating a black hole in the center of them and started to swallow the

map whole until it reached me when it stopped. As I looked around the mass destruction, I saw

something moving in a building that had been untouched by the black hole.

One of them had survived because he didn't join the rest of him; he seemed to be the

leader as well. But before I could reach him a shoot from afar on top of the building in the

farthest east south hit him in the head and it disbanded.

In an instant later I was still covered in the blood of all the zombies that I had killed in the

last eight days.

Max not far from my mind I went and took a shower and changed into some regular

clothing by this time Axe and Jim were back.

Matthew hurry in here! Axe yelled.

At first, I thought he would ask where Max is since he wasn't there once I left my armory

spawn area. I could tell he wasn't there.

What is it?

That was an awesome complete view of the map before we were sent here and now we

have even better equipment. It would be better if we had four people instead of three. I never

really like odd numbers.

But there were four of us don't you remember Max was with us.

What are you talking about Matthew? It has only been us three here the whole time and

who is this Max you spoke of is he an NPC. Is that how you got ammo and your good guns and

weapons randomly.

Are you guys sure you don't know anybody by the name of Max the third…

No, Matthew, we don't. I'm sure we would, but I don't remember anyone by that name.


Hank, Hank are you there. Please answer me, Hank.

Yes, I'm here, what is it? Are you alright?

No No NO this can be happening to me and my friends they don't even know who Max is

as if he never even existed.

What you lost Max. I can't believe it and with your current power that should have been

insane. Unless the AI saw you in action nobody could do what you did in that game on the first

map entry for a matter of fact you took on three that many monsters. You brought to the back,

and you now know what happens if you lose one of them. Next time I think you will succeed.

What should I do differently than the last time it was only Max because he came down

when I asked him not to.

Well, people have their own will so you couldn't help it. You shouldn't put yourself

down, you'll just have to do it better next round. Now to tell you more about what's going on.

Yes, the whole world is within this game or at least anybody touching or playing any type of

video game.

There is an evil power here that is greater than the skills of the owner. But you are also a

power that surpasses the owner that is good and right.

I know this you told me alright I will.

Yes, I told you, but you don't understand YOU aren't just fighting for your friends you

are fighting for the whole world.

...I know...but..how.am.i..to.do that.

I don't know either.

But back to where we left off last time what do you mean that I couldn't be above the

max and there is a limit on what a person can do in a game. The only way around is if you

increase it as the AI does, but other players can access what you change in it. But there are some

buffs you can get to go above that nothing else can. You are the first person to go above the max

two hundred, so you can just keep getting stronger than even now your level during the game

went up another two-fifty. Your total level right now is around five hundred eighty-nine and

keeps going up in such a way frequently that you might end up in a bad idea.

Ok I understand, but it's still going to be hard to do without them seeing me and this map

a little.

No, not really just sending them to the back to load cannons while you quickly load all

the giant crossbows. You can also have whatever on this map as I feel like doing it's going to be

easy this time as it makes a large map you must go through at least to small ones.