
Genshin Impact: Intertwined Fate

In the world of Teyvat, where elemental powers and ancient gods reign supreme. A young boy named Shirogane Orochi awakes to shape his destiny with his actions. With his new body and foreign knowledge, he finds himself caught amidst the battle between three dangerous forces: Fatui, Abyss Order, and Celestia. As his strength grows stronger each day, he seeks to achieve his goals and live a better life. ----- Disclaimer: I Don't owe anything other than the OC idea. And this is my own imagination. Story takes place during the Inazuma Arc! This will take place in Inazuma, which may or may not be included during the Inazuma Story Quest. Read at your own risk of Spoilers ⚠️

NatureNitaso · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

6 Vision 1/2

"Ugh, what happened?" Orochi asked as he put his hand on his forehead, "R-right, I was knocked out by the effects of the mixture I had made from Inazuman specialties."

<Are you up now?> Tomoki appeared, <How do you feel?>


'Heh, so Tomoki, do you know how long I was out for?'

<I think it was around half a day.>

'I see, I didn't have dinner, no wonder my stomach is growling.'

<What now? The traveler left shortly after you passed out.>

'Well, for starters, let's go get some food. We can't work on a empty stomach, can we?' Orochi said as he begins to drool, 'I wonder what I should eat…?'


Shortly after a breakfast break…

"Good thing Orobashi left me with enough mora for a meal, but now I have to worry about my wallet…" Orochi murmured as he counted the change. "Now I should find a secure place to hide as I test my vision…"

<What about the traveler? Didn't you say we'll go observe them again after you fill your belly? What happened to that?> Tomoki grunted with an expression of annoyance on his face.

'Calm down, I think I know where they will be by the end of today,' Orochi reassured Tomoki, 'Plus, I still have to learn more about my vision if I were to get stronger.'

Orochi clutched the vision tightly with his right hand, 'Let's find a secure place to understand and practice using the vision.'


"This place…" Orochi muttered as he surveyed the surrounding area,"Should be safe for me to practice using my vision without being caught by anyone from the Shogunate Army."

<Quite the vast place aye?> Tomoki said as his head phased through the ground. <I also figured out that I could do this!>

Orochi stared at Tomoki's childishness and sighed, 'Were you always this childish? Never mind, how do I utilize this vision I received?'

<Ahem! Well, it's different for everyone when it comes to utilizing their vision, some does it instinctively, others through experience.> Tomoki explained thoroughly, <The sensation is also different depending on the user. It is said that the vision signifies a person's ambition and desires…>

'Hold up!' Orochi interrupted, 'Get to the point, how do I use this thing?'

Orochi then tilts his head as he looked at the dendro vision in his hand. 'I don't have time for chit chats.'

<Well, how do I put it? My vision enabled me to infuse my weapons with electro energy to enhance my abilities.> Tomoki explained. <The sensation? Well, it felt like my body was one with lightning, it burnt and hurt so much as the energy coursed throughout my body though.>

'So… what if I try this?' Orochi shut his eyes and focused on infusing the dendro energy from his dendro vision into his blade.

Sending that the blade was absorbing the dendro energy, Orochi opened his eyes. To his surprise, nothing happened. The energy that was absorbed by his blade was nowhere to be seen.

'What's happening? Why didn't it work?' Orochi asked. 'I followed all the instructions that you gave to me.'

Orochi turned around to spot Tomoki shrug. <Like I said, it's different for everyone. I know someone who just instinctively learned how to utilize their vision as soon as they got it.>

'Ah right! He's probably talking about Kazuha…' Orochi thought to himself.

'So what about you? How did you learn to use your vision?' Orochi asked Tomoki. 'You did say that you knew someone who instinctively knew how to use their vision, so you must be quite familiar with those who doesn't know how to use their vision.'

<The method varies for everyone.> Tomoki went on. <There are many ways people use their visions. Imbuing, Manifesting, Summoning, Creating, Enveloping, etc.>

Orochi put a hand in his chin 🤔, 'So judging by the way you described the sensation you feel, which is different to everyone according to your description so far, I assume that you enhance your combat abilities by Imbuing energy into your weapons?'

<That's partially correct,> Tomoki nodded, <It is true that I imbue my weapons with elemental energy to strength and increase their combat capabilities, but I also use the method that involves circulating the electro energy through my body. Although it does backfire depending on the user.>

Tomoki wandered back and forth as he continued on explaining. <So the method of utilizing elemental energy varies greatly depending on the person. And—>

'Stop!' Orochi cut Tomoki off. 'Get to the point, I am glad that you beat me up instead of nagging when you taught me swordsmanship. Now get to the point.'

<Ok, ok. Basically, you will just have to try them all out!> Tomoki smirked, <Although it gets easier after the first time using your elemental skill.>

'What about the burst then?' Orochi asked, 'How would I achieve that?'

<That requires elemental energy to build up, and unleashed it all at once to cause immense forces of the elemental energy based on what your burst is and what element it is.> Tomoki answered. <As for how that's determined… it is up to the will of the gods, I suppose?>

'Then since imbuing then didn't work…' Orochi thought, 'Let's try this!'

Orochi closed his eyes and imagined the dendro energy enveloping his entire body, forming a protective layer of energy that could protect him from normal attacks.

'Hmmm?' Orochi tilts his head as he opened his eyes. 'Why do I feel like something is leaking?'

<Well, I can reassure you that you're not the one leaking, it's the energy you were enveloping yourself in.> Tomoki chuckled.

'What if I try this?' Orochi closed his eyes as he clutched his hand tightly onto the hilt of his blade before releasing Dendro energy to the sharp edges of the blade.

'Did it work?' Orochi opened his left eye to take a peek. 'Yes! It worked!'

<Not so fast now!> Tomoki stopped Orochi. <Test it out before you actually celebrate.>

'Even if it doesn't work, I can still train for improvements.' Orochi said, 'But yeah. We should try it out first.'

<…> Tomoki hesitated, as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself.

'What is it?' Orochi asked, 'You looked like you got something to tell me.'

<W-Well, the truth is that you cannot train these powers that were bestowed upon you by the gods… You'll have to figure out the way that they intended you to use your power.> Tomoki stuttered, <Uhh, it's not that I didn't tell you on purpose! It's just that I couldn't find the right time to do so! Yeah! That's right!>

'Yeah, whatever. At least you told me about it before I did exactly what I had just said…' Orochi sighed, 'Saved me a lot more time.'

Orochi shook his head from side to side as he added, "Whatever, it could be much worse."

<Maybe you should narrow down the style of elemental skill you have, then go on from there!> Tomoki recommended.

'Perhaps I should do that,' Orochi responded as he got into a stance.

"Ughhhh…" Orochi grunted as he focused his power on summoning something. "It's not taking form…"

<What is it that you're trying to summon?> Tomoki questioned. <If you wanted to summon or create something out of elemental energy, it requires a vivid imagination and understanding of the subject. The object also has to resonate with the user somehow.>

<It also requires higher power utilization from the user, so it will not be easy. You will have to understand and learn how your ambitions to c be consistent with the power you are outputting from the vision.> Tomoki continued explaining as Orochi rolled his eyes in annoyance.

'Here we go again…' Orochi's thought leaked, 'This is going to be a while…'

<What did you say about me?!?>

'Oops, did I leak my thoughts…?'

<You son of a….Ungrateful bastard!>

'Thanks I suppose.' Orochi snickered as he looked up to the sky, 'Let's get some sleep now…'

A/N: Short training arc because I think that visions are something you learn to use overtime, also, would you guys want character sheet? No chapters for weekend… I need to prepare more chapters…

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