
Genshin Impact: Intertwined Fate

In the world of Teyvat, where elemental powers and ancient gods reign supreme. A young boy named Shirogane Orochi awakes to shape his destiny with his actions. With his new body and foreign knowledge, he finds himself caught amidst the battle between three dangerous forces: Fatui, Abyss Order, and Celestia. As his strength grows stronger each day, he seeks to achieve his goals and live a better life. ----- Disclaimer: I Don't owe anything other than the OC idea. And this is my own imagination. Story takes place during the Inazuma Arc! This will take place in Inazuma, which may or may not be included during the Inazuma Story Quest. Read at your own risk of Spoilers ⚠️

NatureNitaso · Videojogos
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8 Chs

2 Infiltration

<What are you doing here?>Tomoki questioned Orochi, who was sneaking around the campus of the Shogunate

<Weren't you talking about joining the winning side? Why are we here then?>

'It doesn't hurt to collect more information, now does it?' Orochi said as his lips formed a sly smile, 'Plus, I can make a better judgment if I were to understand the situation that the two opposing sides are in.'

"Have you heard?" A shogunate soldier said, walking out of the Commission building "About the situation in the front line?"

"Recently or when?" The other shogunate soldier replied, "I heard that the battle in the frontline is serious, I'm beginning to feel like the Shogun doesn't even know what is going on."

"Shush!," another shogunate soldier shut them from behind, "If you don't want to be fired or executed for treason, you should shut up before you were heard."

The chatter between the shogunate soldiers died out, left with silence and awkwardness.

'Let's go deeper into the Tenryou Commission,' Orochi smiled, 'Let's see what fun things are happening inside.'

<You know what?> Tomoki sighed, <I hate it when that mischievous smile of yours shows up, it just shows me that you're up to no good.>

*Chucklea* 'What do you mean by that?' Orochi chuckled at Tomoki's comment, 'I think I'm unique.'

As Orochi finished his short conversation with Tomoki, he quickly snuck past the security and into the building. He wandered around the building until he found Kujo Sara, who was planning and wondering about the battlefield.

"Why hasn't the Shogun said anything about the war against the resistance yet?" Sara questioned herself, "Does she not care about what her citizens think? Or does she not know anything about it?"

As Sara commented on her suspicions, Orochi was silently observing all of this. 'Hehe, seems like Kujo Sara isn't as dumb as I thought she was,' Orochi thought, 'Maybe I could sell this piece of information for some money to the resistance…'

<This again… I seriously cannot deal with someone like you.> Tomoki exasperated, <No matter how long I observe you like this, I'll never be used to it.>

'Why, thank you!' Orochi mocked Tomoki, 'I do think so too, with one useless spirit like yourself bugging me around the entire time.'

As the two argued, the security of the Commission got tighter. "Reporting to Kujo Sara! It seems like someone has infiltrated into the building!" A shogunate soldier reported to Sara, "And according to the small details left behind by this person's trail, we suspect that the perpetrator is within this room!"

"I'll take care of it then! Until I've caught the perpetrator, have soldiers on guard in this area, don't even let a single fly enter!" Sara announced, "This perpetrator is likely to be affiliated with the Resistance, perhaps we can interrogate them for some of their information."

"Yes ma'am! Right away!" The shogunate soldier solutes before leaving, "I'll have this area of the building be under lockdown until your signal comes!"

With that said, soon after the soldier left, the surrounding area was guarded by many soldiers.

'Tsk tsk tsk… they think that increasing the number of people on guard is all it takes to catch me,' Orochi snickered, 'What a joke, haven't they heard of the saying, "A snake knows more about what is happening around than any other creature because it has no ears to listen to gossip - only direct perception."'

<What are we going to do now?> Tomoki questioned, <We're cornered, you know? How are we going to escape from this?>

*Sigh* 'This is the issue with you people,' Orochi sighed, 'Why the hell would I infiltrate this place without a plan in mind?'

<So… how are you going to get out?>

'Just sit still and watch,' Orochi answered, 'The show has yet to begin…'

With that said, Orochi slipped into action. He moved swiftly but silently. By throwing rocks in places where none of the shogunate soldiers were, he was about to temporarily distract them. Taking advantage of the spread-out forces, Orochi tossed a rock and knocked down a shogunate soldier, causing an uproar. "Everyone, get in formation! We're under attack!" Sara commanded.

As the soldiers were going in formation, preparing for more attacks. Orochi took this chance to slip by the defensive lines and the security, dashing down the mountain without being spotted by anyone.<That was quite risky, you know?> Tomoki criticized, <What were you doing to do if that didn't work out?>

'Hmmm, I suppose I would just confront them head-on,' Orochi replied, 'While hiding my face, of course,'

<You and your little tricks are going to be the death of me.>

'Aren't you already dead?' Orochi said, 'It won't do much more…'

<…> Tomoki remained silent.

It remained like that until they successfully escaped from the Kujou Encampment. Rumors about the infiltration of Kujou Encampment soon followed, some suspected the Resistance, while others suspected the Shuumanmatsuban. But no one knew the perpetrator behind it, and thus, this incident was called the Phantom Infiltration.

<Are we going to Watasumi Island now?> Tomoki inquired, <We're done with infiltrating the Kujou Encampment now, aren't we?>

'That's true, but it never hurts to have more information on hand,' Orochi refutes, 'We can use it for bargaining with the Resistance if there is any valuable information.'

<Where are you thinking about infiltrating this time?> Tomoki quizzed, <I recommend you to give up if you plan to infiltrate the Tenryou Commission, the security there is ten, no, a thousand times stronger than it was in the Kujou Encampment.>

'I thought about it, but I don't see any possible way I can infiltrate it without being discovered and captured.' Orochi responded, 'Maybe it's a better idea for us to head to Watasumi Island now, huh?'

<Yes, finally!> Tomoki sighed, <It felt like an eternity since you said that we were headed to Watasumi Island!>

'Exaggerated,' Orochi retaliated, 'It was at most 6 hours.'

<You don't know how it feels like just hovering around, doing nothing for that long!>

'I don't know indeed, now, shut your mouth before I change my mind about heading to Watasumi Island.' Orochi clinched his fist and forced a smile, 'And instead of complaining, how about you teach me some swordsmanship before we head to Watasumi Islands?'

<You sure?> A huge grin took place on Tomoki's face as Orochi nodded, <You asked for it! Don't expect this to be easy!>

'I need to learn enough to self-defend, right?' Orochi mocked Tomoki, 'Now then, less talking, more working.'

A/N: How long is the average chapter for other people? And is 1 chapter a week too little? I'm thinking of doing more later on after some chapter and stuff

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