
Genshin Impact: Intertwined Fate

In the world of Teyvat, where elemental powers and ancient gods reign supreme. A young boy named Shirogane Orochi awakes to shape his destiny with his actions. With his new body and foreign knowledge, he finds himself caught amidst the battle between three dangerous forces: Fatui, Abyss Order, and Celestia. As his strength grows stronger each day, he seeks to achieve his goals and live a better life. ----- Disclaimer: I Don't owe anything other than the OC idea. And this is my own imagination. Story takes place during the Inazuma Arc! This will take place in Inazuma, which may or may not be included during the Inazuma Story Quest. Read at your own risk of Spoilers ⚠️

NatureNitaso · Videojogos
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8 Chs

1 Awakening

"Wake up, you two!"

The voice was greeted by silence as the white snake stared at two half-souls.

"Wake up Ssshirogane Orochi, or should I call you Asclepiussss? You too, Tomoki!"

A/N: More S sound because snake talking

The two souls shook at the mention of their names and panicked at the situation that they were in.

[Where am I? Who are you?] The two questioned simultaneously. [Didn't… Didn't I die?]

"Yessss, you both did." The snake hissed. "But I pressserved a part of your soulsss with the lassst of my powersss."

[What for? What are you going to do with them?!] The brighter soul asked. [What do you want with us?]

"Calm down and lisssten to what I have to sssay, Orochi." The snake hissed back. "Becaussse of certain circumssstancesss, I could not pressserve your entire sssoul."

[And? What does that have to do with anything?] the other soul asked. [Will that mean we'll have to share the same body because we don't have the whole soul?]

"Let. Me. Finisssh!" The snake snapped, "Back to what I was sssaying, but yesss, you're half right, Tomoki."

"Now as I was sssaying, because of circumssstancesss, I could not pressserve your whole sssoul."

"But I have a body, for the two of you to ssshare."

The two stayed silent for a moment, processing the information in their mind.

[What's the catch?] Orochi asked, [There's no such thing as a free meal in the world. Everything comes at a price.]

"I like you, boy from another world." The snake hissed happily, "The catch is that I'd like you guys to help my people's descendants rebel against the Sakura Decree."

[That's not all of it. Is it?] Orochi cut in, [There's no way that the two of our souls will be able to just casually possess this vessel or whatever you had prepared for us.]

"Yesss, at sssome point, one of you guys will be converted to finish the other half of the other sssoul" The snake nodded, "But in certain circumssstancesss, the soul that'sss gone will be back when they're using something that has a close tie with that sssoul."

[So like… a vision?] Tomoki asked, [But even if that is the case, we are two different souls, wouldn't this make it weird?]

"Yesss, it will," the snake says, "Until you get usssed to it. Theresss no other way."

[Hmmm, I see…] Orochi said, [But how do we complete the other's soul?]

"Good quessstion." The snake hissed. "By finding the connection between the sssoul and item, you will momentarily get to shape your soul with that power to coexissst in a complete sssoul."

"Now then, good luck on your journey." The snake hissed, "Until next time."

[Wait! What do you mean-!] Tomoki said as the snake disappeared.


A boy awakes to find himself in a foggy wasteland, where the remains of an evil snake god that was slain by the current electro archon can still be seen.

This wasteland was Yashiori Island, one of the islands in the region of Inazuma, the land of Eternity, reigned by none other than the Raiden herself.

<So… we're back here, huh?> A 'spirit' appears beside him, looking around his surroundings thoroughly. <This is…>

'This is Inazuma, the land of Eternity, where the Raiden Shogun reigns supreme. I know, I know.' The boy interrupted the 'spirit'. 'Let's introduce ourselves, shall we?'

<Alright. Although I don't remember my name, I remember that I was an Inazuman, and I was a former Vision Holder> The 'spirit' agreed. <But I have no clue where that is now.>

'Let's go find it then' The boy introduced himself, 'But before that, I'm… Shirogane Orochi.'

<Is that so… I vividly remember that I was called Tomoki or something like that. Or so I think as that's what the snake dude referred to me as

'Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you, Tomoki. I'm Orochi, and I look forward to our journey together.' Orochi greeted as his lips twitched a little bit. 'Hmmm, let's go find your vision first.'

<Wait wha-? How do you know where my vision is?> Tomoki asked, dumbfounded. <I've been dead for a while now, it might be lost forever now.>

'I know because this world of yours that you live in, was similar to a game that I very much so enjoyed,' Orochi responded, amused by Tomoki's reaction. 'Other than the artifact grinding and Gacha system.'

<I see, interesting.> Tomoki felt speechless by Orochi's answer. <Where are we headed to then?>

'Where else?' Orochi answered with a smirk on his face. 'To Watasumi Island.'


Arrived at the coast of Yashiori Island, Orochi spotted the ferocious battle between the Resistance and the Shogunate. "Seems like something fun is going on over there!" Orochi commented at the sight of the battle. "What to do…"

<Are you going to help them?> Tomoki questioned, <The Shogunate seems to be winning this.>

'What's fun about helping a losing team? That's too basic.' Orochi answered with a sly smile on his face, 'We should just watch the battle unfold and help ourselves to join hands with the winning side.'

<What? That's so underhanded!> Tomoki glared at Orochi, and pointed at the battlefield.<You should have some conscience on what to do in this situation!>

*Chuckles* 'What can I do? I don't know how to fight.' Orochi chuckled, 'It's survival of the fittest. That's the rule of the world we live in.'

<Forget about it, what the hell are we doing here? Weren't we headed to Watasumi Island?> Tomoki wondered, <What happened to that?>

'That's our final destination,' Orochi snickered, 'I will be collecting information as we progress, before making our way to the Watasumi Island.'

<Sigh, it's not like I can do anything about it…> Tomoki exasperated, <But we're still going to be looking for my vision, right?>

'Of course, of course!' Orochi chuckled, 'That's the end goal, but there's other things to be done beforehand.'

As the two rambled on, the battle between the two forces seem to come to a close. With the appearance of the Grand Priestess and backups, the Shogunate quickly lost the upper hand and began to retreat. Noticing this, Orochi stopped his conversation with Tomoki and observed as the tides of the battlefield changed.

'Hmm… it seems like the Shogunate decided to retreat after witnessing the situation…' Orochi pondered, 'What a shame, the show's come to an end.'

<As much as I like to criticize you.> Tomoki sighed. <It seems to me that perhaps that's the part about you that Orobashi liked.>

'Thanks, I suppose.' Orochi laughed, 'But let us plan our next course of action now, shall we?'

<Where are we headed to?> Tomoki asked, but his question was left unanswered by the silence.

Orochi turned around, and disappeared into the distance, not to be seen on the island again.

Unbeknownst to Orochi, two figures noticed his presence. One hid in the hills, while the other stood in the middle of the battlefield.

"An unexpected variable showed up…" the shadowy figure said, "We'll see, hopefully, they won't be interfering with our plans."

A/N: New series, yay! Also should I add character lines once Orochi has met the other characters? And if so, should I put them separately? Check the Aux Chapters! Also Aux chapters will update every time they meet a character or some special stuff happens

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