Everything has an end. All must return to oblivion. His life's end had arrived. But his journey's end did not. In his new life, he is Boris. A Snezhnayan kid who is in the fatui. He finds himself in Mondstadt at the starting around the time of the Traveler's arrival. Watch the second part of his journey, as he breezes through the ranks of the fatui.
The scenery here was breath-taking. that's what I thought as I looked at the small city in the middle of the large lake, Mondstadt.
Truly, Life is a blessing, for I am able to witness such wonders.
With a sigh and a heavy heart, I turned around and walked towards my destination, sadly cutting short my sight seeing.
My destination? Wolvendom.
I knew some things about Wolvendom, mainly Boreas, the wolf god.
Thousands of years ago, during the Archon war, Decarabian, the god of storms, was the ruler of old Mondstadt, a tyrant. After Venti took the form of a seelie like creature and found some people from the city of old Mondstadt which is now known aa the Stormterror's lair, atleast what remains of it. Venti, alongside a group of people, revolted against Decarabian, ultimately killing him which also resulted in the death of Venti's friend whose form he later took on.
Even though Decarabian was dead, the strongest god in Mondstadt, Boreas. Was still alive, that is why Decarabian hadn't tried to engage in combat with him after their war which had resulted in a stalemate and Decarabian had constructed a tower to protect himself and Andrius was unable to even scratch the tower and Decarabian seemed to be completely incapable - or disinterested in or of defeating Andrius, which started the Age of the Kings. Following the rules set by Celestia, the strongest god in each region would become the Archon of the region, even with Decarabian dead, Boreas was still alive and he would automatically become the Archon of Mondstadt.
Venti met Boreas and Boreas, saw that Venti had compassion for others and Boreas also didn't like to communicate with humans. So, Boreas willingly gave up his physical form so Venti could become the Archon of Mondstadt like Ei did for Makoto.
The act of benevolence by Boreas is still honoured to this day, as Wolvendom and the wolves living there are not disturbed by any humans and the knights regularly maintain the area to make sure any threats to the wolves there are averted. Wolvendom itself is considered not as the part of Mondstadt, but rather considered as the land ruled by Boreas.
It is also interesting that Boreas, even after relinquishing his physical form and power and facing thousands of years of erosion, was able to resist the power of the Abyss and how he is able to keep the surrounding area of Wolvendom mostly safe from any leyline disturbances. He has also forbidden the wolves of Wolvendom from appearing in front of humans.
What a interesting god. I have a feeling that we will get along.
Few Minutes Later
I stood atop a cliff, looking down at the place where the once great god, Andrius, slumbered.
The silence present here was deadly, enough to send a chill down the spine of normal people.
I stared at the arena and the various designs on the walls, my eyes eventually drifted to the glowing greatsword at the entrance. Should I challenge it?
That thought quickly died. I was too weak as of now to face even the dying soul of Andrius, he was a god after all.
That said, the arena there was quiet interesting, who built it? Wolves don't possess such intelligence and Andrius didn't make it for sure, and as far I am aware, Andrius never had human worshipers, at least before he sacrificed himself for Barbatos.
I looked around and didn't see any wolves even though the area was supposed to be brimming with wolves probably because of Andrius, who forbade them to come out in front of humans. Although I am pretty sure I can find them if I try enough.
I am turned my head as I heard a crunching sound behind a tree, I saw a white figure moving swiftly.
I turned around, facing the direction from where the sound came from and walked slowly, approaching the area.
I eventually reached the tree and looked behind and saw signs of movements which would be untraceable to normal people and saw that they were going to the left. I turned my head to the left and saw a boulder.
I smirked and walked towards the boulder slowly, as soon I heard the sound of movement, I immediately dashed and saw four white wolves, who abruptly stopped seeing that they were discovered.
One of them cowered behind and two of them gritted their teeths towards me and snarled, trying to scare me away, while one wolf just stood there, looking at me.
I approached them slowly, bending forward a little. I knew they would attack me, and i was ready to kill them if needed, but i knew it would awaken Boreas, so i only intended to restrain them in case they attacked me.
The wolves stepped back a little and growled in warning, as if telling me that they will strike if I came any closer.
I stepped forward, knowing that they were too scared to attack. Afterall, Andrius had forbade them from attacking humans.
Once I was close enough, I bent down and placed my hand on the neck of the wolf in the front. Immediately, the other wolves growled loudly and got ready to attack.
I raised my hand and caressed the wolf's neck with one hand and placed my other on the head of the other wolf.
Slowly, the wolves stopped and looked at me with curiosity.
I studied their bodies, looking for anything that would seperate them from regular wolves and i immediately found something.
Elemental energy, although in small amounts, flowed through their body, I could tell this since the elemental energy was highly unstable and any being possessing it could be spotted right away just by concentrating on their energy.
Not only that, they seemed to be larger than the normal wolves and their claws were larger and had a dark blue color in them.
I could only surmise this to the fact that Andrius, a dense mass of cryo and anemo energy, was present here, and that the wolves in the surrounding area continuously absorbed the oozing anemo and cryo energy and started evolving. That would explain why they are so fast and agile.
I immediately stood up and looked around. I needed to investigate more. Usually, every pack of wolves have a leader, a leader who is stronger and bigger than the rest, it can't be Andrius since he didn't have a physical form and only appeared a few times here and there and only during challenges. That meant that there was a bigger wolf here, now that might be interesting.
A large and strong wolf who evolved and absorbed the cryo and anemo energy of the Wolf king, now that would be interesting.
I also remembered that the powers of Andrius were given to him by some ancient god as well.
This wolf could be of some use to the Fatui as well, the ones here looked like children, so i could only imagine how the Alpha of the pack would be. I could also look around for Razor, he was probably the strongest being in Wolvendom aside from the soul of Andrius.
To be continued.
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