
Genesis Awakening

In the bustling city of Seoul, Gash Han's life takes an unexpected turn after a series of devastating breakups leaves him reclusive and introspective. Known for his striking appearance and love for novels and manhwa featuring system-themed adventures, Gash questions why protagonists often seem so ill-prepared. His world shifts dramatically when, after weeks of isolation, Gash awakens to find a mysterious status screen hovering before him—a manifestation of the Genesis System. This system promises him not only wealth and charm but also strength to overcome adversaries. Initially believing himself the sole recipient, Gash soon learns others have been chosen too, sparking his curiosity and suspicion. As Gash navigates this newfound power, his journey unfolds against a backdrop of personal growth and intrigue. He must unravel the secrets of the Genesis System while balancing school life, friendships, and the emerging presence of other Awakeners. Little does he know, his path will lead him to confront formidable challenges in a world where every decision could alter the course of his destiny.

OpGash · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 9: Evolution

Three months had passed since the intense battle at the Rank B gate in central Seoul. For Gash Han, those months were a period of transformation, both physically and mentally. As the days turned into weeks and then months, he dedicated himself tirelessly to honing his skills, expanding his knowledge of the Genesis System, and preparing for whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the aftermath of the gate closure, Gash had retreated into the shadows, watching from afar as other Awakeners navigated their newfound powers and responsibilities. He observed their strategies, their strengths, and their weaknesses, learning from their successes and failures.

During the first month, Gash focused on further enhancing his physical attributes. His daily regimen included rigorous training sessions—strength training to increase his muscle mass and agility drills to improve his reflexes and speed. He pushed himself to the limits, breaking through previous barriers of strength and endurance.

Status Window

Name: Gash Han

Title: First Awakener

Level: 15

Experience Points: 1400/1500

Available Stat Points: 45


Strength: 50 (3+)Agility: 60 (3+)Intelligence: 70Charisma: 15 (3+)


Shadow Step (Rank: A) – Extended periods of near-invisibility, enhanced stealth capabilities.Gate Sense – Detects the presence of gates and their rank within a broader radius.Enhanced Reflexes – Heightened reaction speed, crucial in combat situations.

As he grew stronger physically, Gash also delved deeper into the intricacies of the Genesis System. He spent countless hours studying ancient texts, deciphering cryptic passages, and piecing together fragments of knowledge about Awakeners and their role in the world.

His intelligence and charisma became his tools of manipulation and strategy. Gash honed his ability to read people, to predict their actions and intentions based on subtle cues. He cultivated alliances cautiously, always mindful of the shifting dynamics among Awakeners.

Midway through the second month, Gash encountered a group of Awakeners embroiled in a dispute over territory and resources. He intervened discreetly, using his newfound charisma to negotiate a truce—a testament to his growing influence among his peers.

Throughout this period of self-improvement and observation, Gash remained vigilant for any signs of new gates or emerging threats. The Genesis System had shown its unpredictability, and he knew that staying ahead of the curve was essential to survival.

By the end of the third month, Gash had undergone a profound transformation. His physique had become lean and toned, every muscle honed for efficiency and power. His mind was sharper than ever, a repository of knowledge and strategy accumulated through relentless study and experience.

Rank: S

If Gash were to classify himself, he would estimate his rank as S—a recognition of his exceptional strength, agility, intelligence, and charisma. Yet, he remained humble, aware of the challenges that still lay ahead and the mysteries of the Genesis System yet to be unraveled.

As he stood on the precipice of his next adventure, Gash Han felt a surge of anticipation. The world of Awakeners was vast and unpredictable, but with his newfound strength and unwavering determination, he was ready to carve his path with precision and purpose.

The journey ahead promised battles, alliances, and revelations that would shape his destiny as the First Awakener. And with each step forward, Gash Han embraced the unknown, eager to face whatever the Genesis System had in store for him.