
Team Hatred of time (Operation Drive by)

All teams decided to go their own ways to help around and discover things that they can use. They all had one week for everything to be in motion.

Team Hatred of time decided to depart in three days later since they spent this few days decorating their office. When they saw that the Beast team returned, they took a look on the reports. Dennis began to understand a pattern and wanted to make sure of something before the big plan can be set in motion.

"Hey F, you need to take a look at this..." Dennis said.

He then showed the reports to F and was thinking of a way to do this. He knew that Dennis should be learning something new by now but things will get desperate by just waiting.

"Dennis. We should leave in about an hour from now so pack your stuff and get ready." F said.

He then showed a request to Dennis. It was related to the place they wanted to go but they needed to hurry up. Dennis quickly grabbed the most essential things and was waiting for F along side Heartless outside. When F got out of the house, he was holding a case that was drawing out Dennis curiosity.

"What's in the case?" Dennis asked.

"Just a welcoming gift... We going to across this nation, Heartless set a mark here for when we done you send us all here." F said.

Heartless left a flame on the spot that he was standing. As soon as he could tell, Dennis was the only one that didn't understand. He made an obvious question since he knows himself best.

"We declaring war?" Dennis asked.

"Well, since your encounter with Amaltus. It made it clear that your going to public enemy number one in a certain place. You may see an old acquaintance of ours that cant disobey orders from the higher ups." F said.

He then grabbed Dennis and decided that it was time to go. They went to the nearest train station. F was looking for the time to get the tickets to wait for the ride,

"So, you going to tell us the place or not?" Heartless asked.

"That's odd... I cant find the train..." F said.

Dennis had to step in and noticed one of the names been scrapped off. He then went to speak with the ticket seller to ask what was the scrapped name.

"Excuse me sir, do you know by any chance know what that said before it got scrapped off?" Dennis asked.

"Ah yes... That was Anima, the kingdom of monsters." The sir said.

Dennis started to process it and started to remember something. He quickly took a look on his phone to check the time. Then he started to take a few steps back.

"Alright, move out!" Dennis said.

He then pulled out his sword and was ready to engage in combat.

"Hey kid! What are you doing?!" The sir asked.

"Its best if you step back and leave to the professionals..." F said.

F has pulled out his lance as Heartless was cracking his fists. They where waiting for something to happen until a portal opened behind them. With no reaction time a they got attacked from the back and ended on the rail tracks.. When they noticed the portal, Heartless snapped his fingers and opened a rift on the ground. Dennis and F suddenly fallen into the rift. Soon after they went in, Heartless noticed that their was another attack coming and a train was on his way.

"Catch ya later!" Heartless said.

He then went into his own rift to avoid the train. The rift started to close as the train passed by. Who ever attacked from the portal closed it and was waiting for another opportunity.

Meanwhile, inside the rift. Dennis and F where falling down. They managed to understand how the rifts created by Heartless worked. It all depends from the direction that was entered.

"You know, I was wondering the estimated time zone in the rifts... Last time I entered, it took me like 30 minutes to get out..." Dennis said.

"Wait... 30 minutes? That cant be right. But I guess time travel is affected by the amount of power that its used..." F said.

He then opened the case and started to active something. Dennis took a look from the sides and he was able to notice that it was a bomb. He didn't bothered asking since he would have done the same if he had more experience. Heartless was able to catch up since Dennis and F didn't try to descend faster.

"Dude, did you managed to see who attacked us? Dennis asked.

"No... I do know who it was... This attack was by a power cupel from Anima..." Heartless said.

"That isn't good." Dennis said.

F suddenly finished the bomb and had it set for a random timer. He then noticed what Heartless mentioned. Dennis didn't know that much so he had to fill him in on information before they arrive.

"Dennis, you have to understand this... The Anima kingdom is very dangerous. One wrong move and we all could be dead since they hold some of the best from the other kingdoms... Especially one of our own... But just be careful to not encounter the king..." F said.

Dennis was wondering who was the king but as soon as he took a look at F, it seemed like he is having a bad time to remember.

"I don't mind. If we encounter him, we talk. If he points his weapon at me then its war. But for now... I just want a gad damn see the people that we will be up against in the near future..." Dennis said.

They all felt something weird as they started to descend faster. Dennis was the first to realize on what's going to happen.

"Heartless change direction we going for a drive by!" Dennis said.

"What do you mean by drive by!?" Heartless asked.

"He means that we going to have to pass by. Right now we will crash and cause trouble so open another rift so we can get back safely!" F said.

F was getting ready to throw the case but Dennis had a better idea. He grabbed the case and quickly activated a self protection program. When it activated, it covered it self with a ball.

"Now you can drop it, next time when we come here will pick it up!" Dennis said.

They all noticed that they are about to get out of the rift. Once they got out, Dennis throwed the case as Heartless opened another rift. F grabbed Dennis since he was not going to enter properly. He was carrying Dennis since they are going to land back at the house with the momentum.

A few days passed. X was wondering on one of the missing teams since they where gone for days. Soon after he heard something hit the ground outside. When he opened the door, he saw F holding Dennis and Heartless laying down on the ground.

"You guys better have a good reason to be missing for three damn days..." X said.

They all entered the house and Dennis filled in a report of what they did. X noticed that some good intel that can come in handy soon but as of now. It was time for Dennis plan to start getting in motion.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts