
Team Beasts (Search party)

All teams decided to go their own ways to help around and discover things that they can use. They all had one week for everything to be in motion.

Team Beasts decided that it was best to check the nearby environment to then proceed to town to get a few answers. They waited for Team Twin Angels after they gave in a report. In their reports they spotted a cavern in a mountain and on their second day they detected strange a strange light coming from the valley. When they arrived to the place they found a camp.

During the time in town. They went into one of the stores and bought a few flashlights, some ropes and snacks. Kuo noticed on the amount of snacks that Neko D was trying to take. The store clerk had taken notice and went to ask.

"What is he doing?" The clerk asked.

"If I had to say... his just getting snacks for tonight..." Kuo said.

Then Wulf came in and took half of the snacks to help Neko D take them to the cash register. By the time the person that was passing all the stuff. They couldn't help but notice that the person behind it seemed familiar to them.

"Dahlia?" Wulf said.

He was able to recognize in instance after having a good look.

"Oh? You must be Wulf right? The names Dahlia, its nice to meet you in proper manner but I wished if we met outside work hours." Dahlia said.

She suddenly started to laugh while still scanning the items. She saw the price and her expression suddenly changed.

"That's going to be $100..." Dahlia said.

She was worried that her friends didn't had the money to pay it. But Neko D standed up by the cash registers and passed a card with an x on it. When he passed it, it already made the payment and he grabbed the snacks and put it all on mini sized bag for him to carry.

"Wait, where are you guys even goin?" Dahlia asked.

"Oh, were heading to the mountains to explore a cave entrance." Kuo said.

"And we are trying to find out places to explore. We can go check a place if you have one in mind." Wulf said.

Dahlia began to think and there was a temple that she was hearing about for days. She showed them a map and marked the location and gave it to them since they will need it. They left waving at their friend and decided to take a look on the cave.

When they got out of the store, they began to stretch their bodies. As Wulf was the first to finish, he was pointing to the mountain. They all started to run at that same direction. It took a total of an hour to make it. Once they arrived, they found the entrance to the cave. With one look inside, they noticed that it was just a small cavern that can be used to camp out.

"We can stay here for now, I want to make sure on what direction we should go next." Kuo said.

She grabbed the map and began to study the directions. While Wulf sat down and pulled out his claws to sharpen them with the solid ground. Neko D took notice of what Wulf was doing so he was trying to copy him. By the time they had their claws sharpened they heard a slight voice coming from the other side of the wall.

"What in the world was that sound?" Wulf said.

He placed his ear on the wall and only heard was wind but it started to get cold that was making them all huddle up together, for a few hours. By the time the cold passed. They decided that it would be best to travel to the temple now and return soon.

This took one day of travel since the temple was far deep in the forest. When they arrived they saw the temple entrance and noticed animals marks on the ground. Wulf took a look at it and identified that it was one of his kind, the footprints lead to a stair case.

"I guess someone was here before us, this marks are still fresh." Wulf said.

By the time they started to look around. Neko D has already found someone. He started to scream but he got cut half way that Wulf and Kuo managed to hear it.

"Neko D!?!" They said.

They went inside the temple and saw Neko D on the ground. Kuo quickly picked him up as she was aware that they are not alone. Wulf had to step forward to represent and try to negotiate before things could go wrong.

"Show your self!" Wulf said.

Then a shadow of a wolf appeared in front of him. As Wulf took notice, he felt like something was missing. He approached to touch the shadow to get some answers but it giving a step back since it didn't wanted to make a contact with another living creature.

"Come on. I'm not here to hurt you. I came here to be your friend..." Wulf said.

At that time, he had his hand out to try to get the shadows trust. It saw that Wulf meant no harm. He gave his paw and went into Wulf's body. Wulf started to feel something weird that it was hard to shake off. But as soon as he stood still his body felt in relief.

"Thank god that's over..." Wulf said.

"Yea... But we need you to get checked as soon as we get back." Kuo said.

They began to head back to the house to give in a report. When they got to the house. They told X what happened on the temple and the shadow that they encountered. Even Wulf got tested to see if something was wrong with his body but he was fine.

They shared what happened with the others once everything was done. But one thing was certain that the shadow that Wulf found is now a part of him. It called the attention of the last team that was taking a rest. Soon they will dispatch once they have the plan set. During the estimated time they took two days and only three days remains to complete the full week.

Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts