
GATE: Thus The Imperium of Man Fought There

It was the 29th Millenium. The Empire was born from one of the bloodiest wars ever witnessed by the galaxy, raise from the crumbling body of the human federation. Exist in perpetual utopia as the result of technological marvel the human had. Yet, there was disturbance as a gate suddenly manifested on Terra.

Ray_Vorhard_2199 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Chapter 12: The Grand Conspiracy pt 2

-M2. Old Earth. America. White House-

Klaxia, now meticulously disguised as the Vice President of the United States, executes her duties with utmost efficiency. Dealing with administrative matters seamlessly, she stays connected to the Noosphere in order to communicating to her teacher. Data exchanges unfold every second, ensuring a smooth infiltration into the government of M2 Old Earth's superpower.

As she navigates the intricate web of Old Earth's political landscape, Klaxia becomes increasingly aware of the vast distance between the truth and the unsuspecting denizens, unaware of the cosmic horrors lurking in the darkness. While this lack of awareness could be viewed as an advantage, Klaxia reflects on humanity's history, marked by senseless destruction and violence before the enlightenment of Universal Logic. She acknowledges the potential for humans to grasp Universal Logic but believes that the Imperium's arrival will expedite the process, starting with her current location.

Her primary objective is to weaken the sole superpower, compelling them to withdraw into their own territory. This strategic move opens up possibilities for her master, Lothens, to initiate the subsequent phases of their plan.

Immersing herself in documents detailing America's response to the mysterious Gate in Japan, a document she actively influenced, Klaxia allows a subtle smile to grace her lips.

The office phone's sharp ring disrupted the rhythm of Klaxia's meticulous planning. Swiftly adopting the demeanor of Vika Monroe, the Vice President of the United States, she answered, "Madam Vice President, your presence is awaited in the conference room."

"Tell Dirrel I'll be there shortly," responded Klaxia with flawless composure, concealing any trace of her true identity.

Concluding the call, she prepared to attend the meeting. Drawing upon the wealth of data from her mentor and synthesizing it with insights gleaned from conversations and documents, Klaxia saw the intricate web of events poised to unfold like a cascade of falling dominoes.

Entering the conference room occupied by Dirrel and other ministers, Vika observed a few vacant chairs, indicating that some participants were yet to arrive.

"We've been waiting for your arrival," Dirrel said, his expression stern and demanding.

Klaxia could discern the gravity behind the president's serious demeanor, and the disapproving glance he cast her way only reinforced her suspicions.

"I apologize; appeasing our allies regarding the Gate indeed took longer than expected," she said, wearing a slightly weary expression while offering a small smile to mask it.

"I can understand," Dirrel replied wearily, releasing a sigh to suppress the emotions surfacing.

As everyone assembled, the meeting could commence.

"Let's get straight to the point. All CIA spies we sent to Japan have gone missing. We've continued sending agents, and yet we lose contact with them. I want answers," demanded Dirrel, his gaze piercing the head of the CIA.

"We don't have definitive answers, but we've received intel that spies from our adversaries have also gone missing in Japan," explained the head of the CIA.

"Damn it," Dirrel cursed. "Do we know the reason behind all of this?"

"We don't have concrete evidence, but we theorize that this is related to the presence of the Imperium in the Special Region."

"But isn't that place tightly guarded by the Japanese?" Dirrel countered, his frustration thinly veiled.

"If we take into account what the Japanese publicly disclose, we're talking about a civilization with power equivalent to gods. At face value, such guarding wouldn't be effective," stated the Secretary of Defense seriously.

"A god-like civilization? Isn't that too far-fetched?" the Secretary of State retorted, fixing a sharp gaze on the Secretary of Defense. "They are an imperialistic nation, commanded absolutely by an emperor; propaganda is widespread in such states."

"Hasn't Captain Raias and his team been enough to convince you, Robert?" Vika interjected, glancing at the Secretary of State. "They are tangible proof of the genetic engineering capabilities of this Imperium of Man."

"We also don't know the extent of their military capabilities. They claim to control millions of planets. So we can't underestimate that, and I'd rather believe it than be ignorant and pay a hefty price for it," General Anderson spoke calculatedly, offering a military perspective that carried the weight of experience.

Vika vividly remembered the backgrounds of everyone in the meeting room. Some of them had already been severed from reality outside their national bubble, much like the citizens they led.

A nation decaying from within, yet striving to stand tall with their rigid and unchanged ideals.

Klaxia mentally sighed.

"Well then, let's assume what they say is true, and the Imperium has set foot on Earth. What do you think we should do?" Dirrel spoke again, wrinkles forming on his forehead.

"Nothing." A voice from the end of the table sounded, drawing attention across the room. "There's nothing we can do. From the data I've read from the Japanese government, this civilization can create energy and matter from nothingness and manipulate space and time at their whim. A civilization like that, it's impossible for us to do anything against them."

He was one of the most renowned scientists and one of the brightest minds in the twenty-first century, Dr. Nicholas Stephenson. Vika recalled him from one of the files she had read. He was the scientist appointed by Dirrel as the lead of the wormhole project when the Gate first appeared. With the arrival of the Imperium of Man, he gained an additional role as a consulting observer to handle the Imperium's presence.

"But we can't just stand idly by and let them do whatever they want, doctor," Dirrel spoke sharply, his eyes fixed on Nicholas.

"If you insist on doing so, then I have no advice. We can't possibly fight them either directly or using proxies. If their artificial intelligence can reach Japan, there's no guarantee they can't hack all our technology." An argument came from Nicholas, his eyes squinting.

"I hear you admire them, Dr. Nicholas," Robert spoke sarcastically.

"What's wrong with admiring them? They are our civilization, potentially our descendants, and they can achieve the impossible." He defended himself with a sentimental tone.

"But they remain an unknown entity. The Emperor of Mankind, a title that seems overly extravagant and arrogant to me. Typical monarchy." Robert retorted, grinning.

"So what do you think we can do about them? Send more agents? Engage in gunboat diplomacy? If my estimation is correct, they already have agents among us here." Nicholas laughed softly, sarcasm evident in his expression and voice, causing Dirrel to clench his teeth slightly.

"Mind your words, doctor. We recruited you here to be our consultant," Dirrel rebutted.

"I've consulted with you. It's better to open diplomatic relations and find out more about them. Stop your Cold War mentality." The doctor said severely, his eyes staring deep at the entire room.

Vika was quite surprised by this. She remembered that American diplomacy itself shaped the world as it is now, and from the data recordings in the Library Sanctus archives, it strengthened the notion that the Emperor of Mankind's decision to divide humanity into various factions based on economics was to balance the world's civilization and evenly distribute development worldwide. And looking at Nicholas as one of the most brilliant minds in the world, maybe he could be utilized in Imperium's favor.

Nicholas sighed, his shoulders slumping as he responded, "I'm suggesting we avoid unnecessary conflict. Trying to resist or confront them militarily would be like throwing a pebble at a tidal wave. Diplomacy is our best chance to understand their intentions and perhaps find common ground."

Dirrel, however, remained unconvinced. "If they are as powerful as you say, what makes you think they'll entertain diplomacy with us on equal terms? They'll likely dictate terms and conditions, and we'll be at their mercy."

"We won't know until we try. Diplomacy is about finding peaceful solutions, not surrendering. We need to approach this situation with an open mind and a willingness to negotiate," Nicholas argued, emphasizing the importance of a diplomatic approach.

In that moment of tense deliberation, the weight of the nation bore down on Dirrel's shoulders, silencing the room. The gravity of his decision hung in the air, and for a fleeting instant, it seemed like the entire fate of the nation rested on his next words. "I will consider this. Thank you for your advice, doctor," he finally declared.

Despite Dirrel's attempt to ease the palpable tension, Vika, keenly perceptive, sensed the complexities beneath his stoic expression. It wasn't just the burden of the nation; there were unseen factions, clandestine forces at play. Suppressing a smirk, she acknowledged that the unfolding dynamics promised an intriguing future.


Nicholas navigated the evening traffic, the weariness from the White House still lingering in his mind. To him, the Imperium represented an unprecedented opportunity for Earth's social and technological advancement. Cooperation on a global scale, particularly with America, could pave the way for diplomatic relations with the enigmatic Imperium.

As he pulled into his driveway, Nicholas chose a home far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life, seeking tranquility for his endeavors. Inside, he swiftly prepared his evening meal, accompanied by the comforting aroma of coffee—a faithful companion in his solitary writing retreat.

Nicholas sought solace on the back terrace, overlooking the serene slopes of the mountains. With every morsel of food and sip of coffee, the weight on his shoulders seemed to lift. His life's dedication to writing books was his way of accelerating human understanding, fostering a united and progressive community.

The leadership of the wormhole project had been a welcomed responsibility, especially when the Gate appeared in Japan. The arrival of the Imperium of Man had filled him with overwhelming joy. How could it not? A civilization so advanced in both science and societal aspects—traditional yet impossibly advanced. Nicholas dreamed of setting foot in that utopia just once.

Returning to his room, he cleaned his utensils, continuing his routine in the integrated living space and office. As he delved into his work on the wormhole system, the data from the Gate analysis presented a perplexing puzzle. It seemed to defy every known physical law, leading to dead ends and contradictions.

Focused on the enigmatic data, the doorbell rang abruptly.

Approaching the central sound system, Nicholas checked the camera feed and was astonished to find the vice president standing at his doorstep.

Nicholas, still processing the abrupt transformation, observed the unfolding scene with a mix of shock and confusion. The vice president had revealed herself to be something beyond his understanding.

Swiftly, Nicholas swung the door open, a surprised expression still etched on his face. "Madam Vice President, why are you here? And where are your guards?"

Everything unfolded with an air of mystery and peculiarities as the second-in-command of the entire nation stood before him, wearing a smile, unaccompanied.

"I just wanted to pay a visit," Vika said softly. "May I come in?"

"S-Sure. Please." And so, they entered.

"What brings you here that you had to come personally?" Nicholas inquired, but Vika continued walking until she reached the living room.

This left Nicholas feeling a twinge of offense, as if Vika, being the vice president, deemed it acceptable to enter his property without permission. Quickly following the vice president, Nicholas found her standing right in front of his whiteboard. The doctor was taken aback, witnessing someone with the highest position in America casually reading a formula that Nicholas himself deemed nonsensical.

"I suppose the understanding of this world has not reached that point," Vika swiftly took an eraser, wiping out some parts of the formula. Before Nicholas's anger could materialize, Vika rapidly wrote another formula at an astonishing speed.

Nicholas closely observed what the vice president wrote. Initially recognizing his own formula, after a while, he found it entirely unfamiliar. Upon detailed scrutiny, he realized that what Vika wrote was a new formula, introducing new laws.

As Vika continued to alter the formulas on Nicholas's whiteboard at an astonishing speed, replacing them with new laws and principles, Nicholas's scientific curiosity overcame his initial shock. He realized that what Vika wrote was a new and groundbreaking formula, introducing entirely unfamiliar concepts.

"What is this?" Nicholas muttered in amazement. Suddenly, a realization struck him, connecting the dots from the documents he had studied. "You're one of them, aren't you?"

Vika responded with a smile, and in a swift motion, she triggered a transformation. The sound of bones cracking and sparks of electricity filled the room. Before Nicholas could fully grasp the situation, Vika's appearance changed drastically—her face becoming impossibly younger, adorned with white hair streaked with red. Her clothing transformed into a sleek black bodysuit, reinforced with metal in strategic areas.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Klaxia. I'm here to carry out my task of strengthening the Imperium's influence on Old Earth," Klaxia spoke fluently in American English.

Caught off guard, Nicholas instinctively moved towards the table where he kept his gun, his expression now laced with suspicion and concern.

"What do you want here?" he spoke sharply, ready to defend himself.

"Please, don't do anything foolish. I'm here to make a deal with you." Klaxia's voice remained calm and composed.

"A deal about what?" Nicholas' tone softened marginally, yet his hand maintained a poised readiness, hovering near the pistol.

"I know what you desire, Dr. Nicholas. I can help you," Klaxia spoke with a tone finely tuned for persuasion, coupled with a meticulously crafted facial expression that effortlessly prompted Nicholas to lower his guard.

"What do you know about me?"

A faint smile graced Klaxia's lips as she circled the room, her movements fluid and deliberate, continually examining the intricacies of the space in meticulous detail. "You love your country and humanity above all else. Every ounce of your energy is dedicated to advancing your research with the aspiration of propelling your nation and humanity forward. But bureaucracy stands in your way—a cruel irony given your talent. Judging by what I see on your whiteboard, you're already fifteen percent closer to your answer and the initial stage of your dream."

Nicholas scrutinized Klaxia, contemplating her words with a mind buzzing with the myriad possibilities that could unfold. "Then show me the Imperium of Man."

Klaxia grinned, exuding confidence as she approached Nicholas. Swiftly, she touched her forehead, and in an instant, Nicholas found himself transported to the most breathtaking scenery he had ever witnessed. A planet crafted from steel lay beneath him, adorned with scattered arcologies. Remarkably, nature coexisted with the industrial landscape, a harmonious blend of progress and preservation. At every corner of the planet, wonders unfurled—scientists unraveling impossible mysteries, inventors birthing revolutionary technologies, and a relentless pursuit of human advancement.

Here was a world where knowledge thrived, serving as the nucleus of industry and the powerhouse of scientific prowess for humanity. The engineers of this realm were bound by nothing, mastering both the material and immaterial universe, shaping everything from the totality as clay to be molded to their whims. They were akin to gods, wielding the power to craft perfection in knowledge.

Nicholas abruptly snapped back to his living room, panting as he attempted to fill his lungs with air.

"What was that?" he managed to ask between breaths.

"What you saw was Mars, the epicenter of scientific and industrial development for the Imperium. But what you witnessed was merely a fragment of what Mars actually is," Klaxia explained, her grin persisting.

"Can... Can humans truly achieve all that?" Nicholas inquired, a hopeful undertone in his voice.

"Absolutely. And now, we aim for even greater heights. The Imperium is in its early stages toward ascension, and we've come this far. I propose a deal—we can help you with all your problems, but in return, we want you to be our voice here."

"So, becoming your Herald?" Nicholas queried, as if already sensing the Imperium's intentions.

"Not quite," Klaxia replied simply. "His Majesty intends to visit Earth and engage with the UN, armed with an array of plans to fortify the relationship between Old Earth and the Imperium, especially in your field of expertise. That's where I want you to be our voice."

"When does His Majesty intend to visit here?" He finally posed the crucial question, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on Klaxia.

Klaxia didn't respond immediately, maintaining a thoughtful silence as if contemplating something. Then, a grin slowly spread across her face. "I'm a bit surprised you didn't get the documents."

"What documents?"

"Turn on your TV." A directive that knitted Nicholas's brow in confusion, but he complied. Snatching the remote, Nicholas swiftly powered on his TV.

On the screen, he saw Dirrel standing at the podium, with Vika positioned behind and to the side of him. This prompted Nicholas to turn to Klaxia, who continued to wear that enigmatic grin.

"A magic trick," she stated simply.

"The appearance of the Gate in Japan is the most surprising thing that has ever happened in the world. But the surprises don't stop there. There is a second Gate in the Special Region that connects us to an unexpected ally, the Imperium of Man. Their Emperor himself has spoken of their desire. They want to invite all the countries in the UN to meet him in Japan next week. In their official statement, they seek to forge solid diplomatic ties with everyone on Earth. I hope everyone remains calm and conducive. We will do our best to open our hands to them and live coexistently in peace." Dirrel delivered his speech with a firm yet sentimental tone, aiming to captivate public attention, which elicited grumbles from Nicholas.

"Politicians, they never change." The grumbles grew, and an air of annoyance emanated from his eyes.

"That's why I ask for your help. We can easily integrate Old Earth, but that is not His Majesty's dream. Since humanity lost many of its kin after the wars, fragmentation, and destruction, we cannot let many casualties befall our species again. So, I ask for your help to become our ambassador in the next plan, to achieve this noble goal. We don't want to erase your cultures but bring you to the stars by fulfilling our destiny as human beings." The words were spoken with a blend of sweetness and logical conviction, creating a curious amalgamation of sentiments for Nicholas. Yet, for some reason, perhaps through genetic manipulation from the Imperium, Klaxia's gestures and speech instilled a calm within him.

"What is the next plan?" Nicholas inquired, feeling swayed by the proposition.

"Student exchange."