
GATE: Thus The Imperium of Man Fought There

It was the 29th Millenium. The Empire was born from one of the bloodiest wars ever witnessed by the galaxy, raise from the crumbling body of the human federation. Exist in perpetual utopia as the result of technological marvel the human had. Yet, there was disturbance as a gate suddenly manifested on Terra.

Ray_Vorhard_2199 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 11: The Grand Consipracy pt 1

-M2. Earth. Japan-

A masterful plan lay before Lothens, meticulously unfolding according to his design. As a dedicated member of the notorious Assassin Ordo, his duty was clear: infiltrate and subjugate the world without needlessly spilling blood.

Even in the vast tapestry of the multiverse, where Old Earth existed as a distinct reality, the essence of human civilization persisted. Deep within the roots of the Japanese people and beyond, the core of human nature endured.

Lothens specialized in information warfare as part of Ordo Notitia; thus, his information processing power transcends the capabilities of a typical Solar Guardian's WAR-CASTER. His WAR-CASTER, nestled in his transhuman mind, worked ceaselessly. Unlike the mass-produced pattern, the Ordo Notitia's WAR-CASTER was on an entirely different league, attuned to the flow of the Empyrean Sea.

While a conventional Solar Guardian's WAR-CASTER processed raw data to formulate solutions, Ordo Notitia's version was unique. Sensing the living flow of the Empyrean Sea, it transformed data into a sentient entity, breaking the boundaries of the material and immaterial universe.

Endowed with near-limitless data manipulation, the possessor wields unparalleled control over every stream of information and knowledge in the world. A seemingly rudimentary realm like Old Earth transforms into their playground for the manipulation of information. Wars, peace, economy—everything rests within the palm of his hand.

With a smirk, Lothens gazed down as he was in the Tokyo Tower, a perfect vantage point for observing the data of Old Earth. The boundless tapestry of raw knowledge allowed him to weave countless schemes with a mere thought, manipulating the Japanese government and the world, and leaving the rest to mortal agents.

"I anticipated a more unconventional approach, Lothens," a small, feminine voice echoed in his mind, initially startling him until he recognized its source.

With a mental glance, he accessed data streams in the West, identifying the familiar voice. "Klaxia," Lotens said neutrally, "relying on a primitive phone, dialing various numbers, and hoping I'd notice you because you're an Imperial agent. Reckless, as always."

"Come on, it's been ages since our last meeting," Klaxia said, disguised as the USA's vice president; she urged Lothens to meet with her, and he responded with a short sigh. 

"A decade is but a fleeting moment, Klaxia," he responded shortly. But Lothens, being transhuman, perceived time very differently from mortals. It was an alien feeling for him when mortals claimed that a decade was long. 

"For you, perhaps. But not for me, Lothens," she replied, hoping to get him to understand her perspective.

But Lothens was nonchalant. "In a few years, you'll achieve your apotheosis. There's no difference," 

She giggled in response, evoking a slight smile from the transhuman. Memories of their shared past flooded Lothens' mind—a fragile girl surviving the massive incursion that occurred when the Harrowing raged on the galactic north, entering the Assassinorum Ordo with determination in her azure eyes.

Enough of reminiscing, Lotens shifted the conversation bluntly. "Cease this talk; what of your duty, Klaxia?"

"The preparation is at hand, milord," a once-friendly tone now replaced by a cold and distant voice.

A subtle smirk played across Lothens' face, concealed behind his mask, while thousands of scenarios spun at an impossible speed within his mind. His eyes, filled with Noosphere data swirling at the velocity of light, briefly glanced at the holovid corner on his mask, confirming the next set of data and instructions.

"With Lord Ollanius providing the unlocking key, it falls upon us to sustain its dynamics," Lothens spoke, his eyes reflecting the vast expanse of Noosphere data darting around.

With adept precision, he swiftly gathered diplomatic and economic data, performing calculations that would appear as divine miracles to mortals. The transhuman assassin extended his influence into the Empyrean Sea and the boundary between the Immaterial and material, sifting through data from the boundless threads of destiny and shaping them into a program vessel. Extracting a sliver of data from the Skein membrane, he fashioned an artificial consciousness from echoes of human awareness, merging and infusing it into the program vessel. Thus, a new program came into existence.

"In this manner, conflict will not be overlooked. I trust you are prepared for this, Klaxia," Lothens declared as he conducted his final calculations.

"A necessary conflict, but not a war," Klaxia calmly asserted.

"Indeed." Lothens nodded, unleashing the meticulously crafted malware data. This creation surpassed the mere definition of a virus; labeling it as malware felt like an inadequate analogy. Against the feeble defenses of Noosphere installations across the Imperium, this primitive program would be ineffectual. However, for a civilization like Old Earth in M2, it proved an insurmountable and uncontrollable force.

If the denizens of this era still perceived data as mere 1s and 0s, binary at their core, defeating the master Assassin's creation would be an impossible feat. For Lothens, who had spent centuries refining the art of Noosphere manipulation and free data, viewing data and programs as living entities capable of creation and evolution was second nature.

In his perspective, data were living creatures. Indoctrinated by the Order of Notitia, they could be crafted and designed, akin to creating a biological virus weapon that continuously evolved based on the challenges faced by the program.

In mere nano-seconds, the malware multiplied into trillions, seamlessly infiltrating the global network. Lothens observed his creation deftly erasing and supplanting the roles of the consumed data in an instant.

"Your abilities never cease to amaze me, master," Klaxia remarked, a hint of admiration concealed beneath her flat tone.

"There's no need for boasting when it comes to this program I've crafted. It's rudimentary at best," Lothens remarked with a dry tone. His gaze descended, overseeing the social activities unfurling beneath. People engrossed in their antiquated gadgets, oblivious to the world, remained blissfully ignorant. Little did they know that all data and electronic devices on Earth were now firmly under his control.


-M29. 671. Falmart-

Raias surveyed the entire royal complex of Sadera, a city now standing as an architectural testament to history. The scene evoked a sense of nostalgia, transporting him back to Macragge. His gaze lingered on the palace complex's corner, where a majestic silver building made of adamantium stood tall—an embassy of the Imperium of Man. Slowly, Raias shifted his gaze to the other side of the city complex and observed a structure crafted by Sadera itself. In stark contrast to the Imperial embassy, the Japanese embassy was made of marble and surrounded by trees.

"Interesting contrast," he mused softly. "But I wonder if all of this can endure when war truly erupts."

Recalling the documents he had read the day before, Raias vividly remembered the hundreds of Japanese citizens trapped and scattered throughout Falmart. Locating and rescuing the hostages wasn't difficult for the Imperium, but a hidden agenda prevented the agents dispersed in Sadera from saving the Japanese people.

A bitter taste lingered in Raias's mouth, making him want to spit. He didn't particularly like what Lord Malcador's black agents were doing, as it contradicted the code of honor he learned in Ultramar. He tightened his grip on the balcony, causing it to crack slightly as his mind continued to envision the plight of each captive in Sadera.

"Captain." Maiya's voice broke through Raias's contemplation, bringing him back to the present.

"Maiya," greeted the Captain. "What brings you here?"

"Princess Pina has summoned us to the embassy building," Maiya said, and Raias immediately guessed the direction of their activities for the day.

"Ah, I see. Very well," Raias said, promptly leaving his position and following his subordinate.

As they strolled out of the palace towards the embassy building, Raias couldn't help but notice Maiya's wide-eyed fascination with the people of Sadera. It was like watching a researcher observing experimental mice.

"Quite taken by Sadera's culture, aren't you, Lieutenant Maiya?" Raias remarked in a friendly tone.

Maiya responded with a wry smile, "I can't express enough how fascinated I am. Their culture, society, social life – I'm never satisfied with just admiring their dynamics."

Understandingly, Raias nodded. He could appreciate the source of Maiya's enthusiasm. Witnessing a culture long extinct from Old Earth was a marvel, and for a historian like Maiya, it was heaven. Despite the shadows of Lord Malcador's agents, the joy never left the face of the Solar Guardian woman.

In no time, they reached the Imperium of Man's embassy building. Unlike the Japanese embassy, many people occasionally stole glances at it with admiration. Every time a transhuman or personnel from the Imperium passed by, they would sneak a peek. Undoubtedly, genetic manipulation endowed the transhumans and even mortals in the embassy with an unparalleled level of beauty. Though observed from a distance, catching a fleeting glimpse of the Imperials was enough for the onlookers. The molecularly designed embassy building's artistic allure mesmerized anyone who laid eyes on it.

The two transhumans entered, their attention immediately drawn to the garden where Princess Pina conversed with another transhuman. Raias, noticing the golden eagle talon symbol on the transhuman's chest, was surprised, even slightly pale.

"What is it, Captain?" Maiya asked, noticing Raias's reaction.

Without answering, Raias continued walking. The man in the garden noticed them and promptly saluted, forming the aquila on his chest. Raias and Maiya quickly returned the salute.

"Captain Raias and Lieutenant Maiya, let me introduce you to Lord Arulos. He's here with a message directly from His Majesty," Pina said with a friendly smile, gesturing for Arulos to introduce himself.

"Greetings. I'm Arulos Dictorn Agalus. I come on behalf of the Talons of Emperor to gather Princess Pina Co Lada and her escorts," Arulos stated firmly, leaving no room for further response.

Upon hearing the name of the organization, Maiya fell silent, and Raias furrowed his brow slightly. "Very well, Milord," he responded.

Arulos nodded and gestured for Pina to enter the embassy building. The two transhumans followed them into a room at the heart of the embassy, where their entire team awaited.

"We've been waiting for you, Captain," Nathaniel greeted with a small smile.

"Is your bureaucratic work that difficult, Captain?" Mal chimed in, smirking as if he knew Raias's reaction behind his bulky helmet.

"Bureaucracy is easy, but dealing with a mouth that can't stay shut due to ignorance is tiring," Raias replied with a small shrug.

Mal chuckled slightly, making Raphael slightly uncomfortable before he cleared his throat to get the attention of the entire team. "We have an emissary from the Talons of the Emperor and Princess Pina here. Hold yourselves."

Mal's carefree expression shifted to seriousness, prompting a sigh from Raias. The Talons of the Emperor, an organization under the Golden Order, wasn't common knowledge, but thanks to Raias's connections as a High Noble, Maiya's parents working directly under the Emperor, and Raphael living within the Psycant Astra installation, they were in the know and they know some of the true purposes of this enigmatic organization.

The Talons of the Emperor, subordinate to the three Executors of the Emperor, served as the eyes for the Executors, guarding the Imperium. Their presence hinted at something in Falmart needing destruction or capture.

"At ease, soldiers," the agent said calmly, his tone like water adding to the weight on Raias's shoulders. "I'm here because there's an emergency situation in northern Falmart."

This news put everyone in the room on high alert. They all shifted to a state of hypothesis and alertness.

"What is the nature of the threat, Milord?" Raias asked with a gravity conveyed in his tone.

Arulos retrieved a circular metal object from behind his cloak. Placing it on the table, a holovid materialized before them. "This information has been disseminated throughout the upper echelons of Psycant Astra, and they are now mobilizing to address this issue."

The contents of the holovid made Raias clench his fists so tightly that his transhuman nails pierced his skin. Displayed before them was a black void swallowing reality, slowly expanding.

"What is that?" Mal asked, fear palpable in his tone.

"Empyrean Sea. No, only its surface," Raphael spoke with venom in his tone.

"Exactly," Arulos confirmed. "The Empyrean Sea is encroaching upon Falmart."

"How can this happen?" Pina asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"The gods are meddling with forces beyond their capabilities. And now, reality has to pay for it." Arulos's words dripped with a clear sense of hatred and disgust.

"What do you mean by that?" Raias demanded, his gaze sharp behind his mask.

Arulos utilized his mental connection to switch to the next slide, revealing statistical data and a diagram of Warp spreading throughout Falmart. "This is due to the rift in reality caused by the Gate being open for too long. Not only Falmart, but Terra and Old Earth could also be swallowed into the Warp."

The revelation left the room in stunned silence. Various expressions of shock appeared on everyone's faces, frozen in astonishment.

"What should we do, Milord?" Raphael broke the silence. "There must be a way to prevent this."

"Of course." The slide changed to the profile of Lelei La Lelena. "We will use her."

"What is Lelei's connection to all of this, Milord?" Raias inquired sharply.

"Her abilities as a psyker are unquestionable. Besides having an Alpha rating, her ability to control the power of the Warp without going insane or being corrupted by Primordial Annihilators, she has a special connection with both Gates." Arulos explained with a deep tone.

"Special connection?" Raphael, who grasped the natural essence of psychic powers, demanded with a firm tone.

"Yes. We believe it's in her DNA, allowing her to connect with both Gates. I want Captain Raias to assist in observing and escorting Lelei to that place, along with some Magistratus members." Arulos's suggestion met with disagreement.

"But Milord, Captain Raias doesn't need to go to a place like that. Besides, aren't there already Magistratus members there?" Maiya attempted to protest, but the agent's sharp gaze silenced her.

"Do you doubt me, soldier?" Arulos spoke loudly.

"No, Milord," Maiya replied weakly, in stark contrast to the agent.

Arulos turned his serious gaze toward Raias. He walked towards the Solar Guardian and, upon reaching him, connected his Noosphere to Raias.

(We know you can use Anathematic power and have the potential to become a Magistratus. So, I order you to inspect that place with Lelei and the Magistratus.) The agent's voice echoed in Raias's Noosphere, leaving him no choice but to nod.

"Good," Aluros said with a small smile.

He then returned to his original position and retrieved an item from the center of the table, tucking it back into his cloak. "Next, I will convey a new directive from His Majesty to Pina Co Lada."

This surprised the only mortal in the room. "What does His Majesty require of this humble servant?"

"A civil war in Sadera is inevitable, and with the precarious conditions of Falmart that could sink at any moment, the planet needs a figure they can trust and also a new symbol. His Majesty wants you to expedite the integration process and appoint you as the Planetary Governor of Falmart as soon as possible." There was no hesitation in Arulos's tone; everything had been carefully planned, and he declared it.

Pina lost her ability to speak for a moment. Her eyes widened with disbelief flooding her mind. But she quickly straightened her posture and dispelled her doubtful gaze. "By the Emperor's will, it shall be done."

"Excellent. I will provide follow-up instructions on what you need to do. For now, I want you to establish communication with all separatist movements while gathering data on the Apostles. Rory Mercury has been designated as the leader of the Apostle hunting team, and I want you to be in charge." Arulos then directed his gaze to the remaining members of the 5th Recon team. "Honor guards of Primum Praesidium, due to the compelling situation, I grant you full control over certain military aspects to ensure Pina Co Lada's safety."

"Yes, Milord," they all responded simultaneously, and instantly, a Noosphere code entered the WAR-CASTER of the 5th Team members. There, they received full access to various technologies and protocols that they could now access to ensure Pina's safety.

"This... This is incredible!" Nathaniel exclaimed with enthusiasm as he checked all the new things he acquired.

"Basically, protecting Primum Praesidium is the duty of the Prime Custodes. But due to various diplomatic reasons and our greatest fear coming true with the rift in the Empyrean Sea on this planet, that has become impossible." Arulos allowed himself to grin slightly, entertained by their reactions before returning with his serious expression.

Raias looked at his team and Pina. Then his eyes shifted to the agent who also returned his gaze. The Solar Guardian then redirected his gaze straight ahead.

"With that, the rest I leave to you." Arulos then saluted before leaving the place.

"He's quite amiable for someone far above the law," Maiya said quietly to her captain.

"Yes... Too amiable, in fact," Raias replied with a slight sigh.

Maiya chuckled upon hearing that. The Captain then looked at his team. "Alright, team, you've heard the instructions. I will leave for a while. Maiya, I want you to take over in my absence, and Nathaniel as your second in command."

"Roger, execute!" Both transhumans responded with discipline.

"Good." Raias then looked at Pina. "Forgive me for not being able to accompany you for the next few days, Princess."

"It's okay. I'll wait for your return, and I'm sure Lady Maiya is competent enough to stand in for you temporarily, so don't worry." Pina smiled at the transhuman, which was promptly returned with a nod.

"Very well," Raias then turned his attention to Maiya. "I entrust it to you."

Maiya nodded firmly. "I will ensure everything is in order until you return."


-M29. 671. Terra. Imperial Palace. Hall of Leng-

The Emperor of Mankind sat in his chair with an ancient book in his hands. It had been countless moments since he discovered this room and admired its beauty. Measuring space and time in this hall was a small hobby that belonged to him. But thanks to the uniqueness of the Hall of Leng, both metaphysically and physically, this place remained untouched by the madness of the Empyrean Sea and the rules of the Materium, existing as an observation point for the wisest Perpetual.

"Those parasites. They never give up, it seems," Revelation said while gazing at the ceiling of his private library. He sensed how the currents of the Empyrean Sea changed drastically since he initiated the next phase of his plan. The Primordial Annihilators and the warp predators, their pawns, increased attention towards the protective barrier he and his aspects created, attempting to weaken the fragile Anathematic realm he constructed. His soul now fought fiercely against the Primordial Annihilators, regardless of his physical body merely reading a book. The outer circle of the Eye of Terror also faced constant assaults from the neverborn, and the tally of lost souls kept rising.

Then Revelation looked towards another direction—Falmart. The reality where the planet slowly descended into the Warp, and the parasites claiming to be gods seemed only to observe and let things unfold. No, they would only act if everything crumbled, creating anew their garden, blind to the greater forces lurking.

Revelation closed his book and moved to a corner of the room to return it to its place. For a moment, he remained silent. The most potent psyker looked at another corner containing a small wooden box resting inside a glass showcase. He took the wooden box and opened it, revealing a stack of tarot cards. As he drew the first card, he found a card that surprised him.

"The Lost Souls," he murmured with full understanding. He recalled the Crusader Fleet that disappeared during the Helltide about six hundred years ago within the Webway. What they brought back hastened Revelation's plans.

Then he drew the second card, which echoed a word throughout space and time, embedded in the existence of that reality itself.

"The Dark King." The Perpetual uttered slowly, feeling his soul vibrate. Then, when he drew the second card again, another name appeared that brought a tangible expression to Revelation's face.

"The Golden Path."


(AN: So, the vote has been concluded and the next update would be The Remnant Lost Soul of HALO. Yep, that's the name of the story. So, stay tuned for the next update!)