
Gaming to the Top (Gamer MC)

After a rather traumatic event, Motohama had come to realize that the world isn't as simple as he thought. Good news, he's got the Gamer system. Bad news, he's got only three months to get strong enough to not die to a certain bastard. Disclaimer: The Image above doesnt belong to me!

vtorx_0867 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A Heartfelt Discussion and Resolution (Part I)

"Um, Dad… About that excursion we'd planned this morning… Can we postpone it for another time?"

Motohama began, one leg nervously tapping the ground as he relaxed against the constructed structure at the Bus Stop.

Due to his gaining of the System as well as his physique enhancement, there was no need for Motohama to wait for the bus—after all, he was most certainly faster than any normal transport vehicle.

But unfortunately, as a result of certain unforeseen circumstances, Motohama came into the conclusion that running at speeds faster than a sports car while carrying a girl would seem unsavory to bystanders.

At the other side of the phone, his Dad's reply carried a bemusing tone.

"Hmm? Did something happen to you? Tell me where you are so that I'll come get you."

"No, need for that." Motohama hastily replied. "Well something did happen—only that it didn't affect me directly…"

Pausing to sigh, Motohama turned back to observe the girl who was currently devouring a mountain of snacks.

Short untamed whitish-blonde hair coupled with a pretty face made the girl to be quite the attraction—although, Motohama had this feeling that she would had still been an attraction seeing how desperately she was eating.

Must be really hungry, huh… Well, he could relate.

She really is quite the mystery, this Clare, girl—and Motohama wasn't ready to deal with mysteries considering that the kind of trouble she could bring into his life.

'I already have too much on my plate, thank you very much.'

"Motohama? Hello, can you hear me."

Chimon's voice pulled Motohama out of his revelry as he apologetically replied. "Yeah, sorry about that... So about the excursion that we planned?"

"Hah… Since you feel that you aren't ready for it then let's postpone it. But I want you to tell me why."

"Yeah, I will. Let me just get home first."

"Well, till you get back, son."

After pocketing his phone, Motohama ran a hand across his face letting out a (psychosomatic) groan.

With his HP and MP gauge still filled up, it is nigh-impossible for him to get tired. But that didn't account for the emotional aspects—the [Gamer's Mind] could actually mute all feelings of tiredness, but Motohama didn't want to utilize it now due to how Monkey Paw-lite if felt… And also, using the [Gamer's Mind] kinds of feel like running away...

'And that's not happening in my case.' Motohama wearily thought.

Walking over and taking a seat beside the preoccupied girl, Motohama cleared his throat—only to pause in surprise as the girl shifted her hands protectively over the snacks.

Raising a brow, Motohama said, "I don't want your food so no need for that."

The girl regarded him for a moment before nodding in acquiescence. "... Ok."

... And went straight back to eating.

'Damn, she's literally my age but somehow she behaves more like a child.' Motohama internally commented.

With the decision to wait for the girl to be done with her eating, Motohama inspected the girl while internally grateful that he had given her a set of clothes to change in as the rags she had originally been wearing was revealing some R18 body parts.

Considering the fact that such a thing does not excite Motohama anymore, letting her walk alongside him with her legs and breasts kind of visible was only asking for trouble.

It would be better that she should just be considered as a foreigner.

Soon enough, the girl was done. Coughing to gain attention once again, Motohama said. "Now that you're done with eating, can you tell me what your name is and why were you in laying there in the forest like that?"

The girl stared at Motohama for a moment and lightly dipped her head.

"Thank you for the food."

Motohama blinked. 'Well, I didn't expect her to start with that.'

Shaking his head, the Gamer said, "No probs, really. But about my question—"

"Oh right..." The girl lightly nodded. "I am Clare; Just Clare. And as for why I was in the forest... I am running away from a really bad organization."


It took an enormous force of will to not just raise his hands and shout that, 'The one time I decide to go and do good—I fucking bring down trouble on my head.'

'And an organization, that's what she said right. As in a society of people.' Motohama thought, 'This is bad... Really bad. Godammit!'

To make matters worse, there is no way something this interesting hasn't stirred up that yet.


[Heroic Chain Quest (CLAYMORE!)]

That was the clincher...

"Ok, fuck this!"

Unable to keep his calm, Motohama stood up with a roar. It seems like that had given Clare quite the jump because she had scooted back to the edge of the seat at an inhumane speed.

'Shit.' Motohama internally cursed.

Coughing, Motohama sat back down and pinched himself hard on his cheeks. No, it wasn't that Motohama felt the pain -he just felt the need to reprimand himself. It was in situations like this that [Gamer's Mind] needed to be toggled on... Even though he still feels uncomfortable doing so.

[Gamer's Mind] (Toggled On)

Towards Clare, Motohama asked, "So can I ask why you're being chased?"

"No." Clare chirpily replied. "Mama said I shouldn't tell anyone about it, that it'll make them want my body even more..."

For once, even with the [Gamer's Mind] effect, Motohama was stomped. Eyeing Clare up and down, Motohama could admit that she was beautiful.

But that was it.

'Would have to be something about that [Claymore Apprentice] Class. Feels kind of like a Witch Hunter Class or something.'

But then again, if Clare had no intention of telling Motohama, he would be fine with her decision.

Motohama wasn't that enthused to know either. He only has about three months to get a plan together for someone who could vaporize mountains as collateral.

Precarious isn't enough to describe the kind of shit that Motohama was in. After all, he had already done his best; gave her food and clothing, he even intended to check her into a hotel to put a roof over her head –what? One can't honestly expect him to bring an unknown and admitably dangerous girl back to his house.

There is a big difference between courting death and banging in front of its door to open up.

The damn System should even reward him for going out of his way like this!

Dismissing the screen, Motohama stubbornly shook his head.

'In another universe or any alternate reality out there, I would have been the first to shout out how this is my time to be the protagonist with my first heroine... But the me of now is unfortunately just going to pass.'


"Hey, how about you come with us? People like us got to stick together, eh."


Unconsciously, Motohama's fists clenched till his hands turned white. The memory that flashed Motohama wasn't of Yuna. No, the image was of an elderly dark skin man -a foreigner.

It was on the second day of the Demon Trials, Motohama had been spending his time running from everything that seemed to breathe, because they were all out to kill him. Motohama had been dead tired and hungry, in fact, he had been contemplating on eating grasses, when the man who was his savior had come to him.

The man was a priest, one who worshipped the Christian God -who is also real by the way.

He was kind of an oddball seeing that he even let Devils -not the crazy ones- into the group. But Motohama couldn't deny that there was no greater man than him.


"Um, I just want to say thank you... Thank you for saving me back then. If it weren't for you I'm quite sure I would have died that day."

"Hmmm—it's nothing, son. I may not seem much, but I am a Priest. One whose oaths includes following the steps that my Lord, Jesus has shown me and helping you is one of them. And besides, I want to believe that what I did isn't something that cannot be replicated... If everyone can just extend a hand to those in need, I believe the world would surely be safer place and things like this won't have to happen."

"… …You know what Father, I'll be sure to show the same kindness you've shown me to someone else. Not because of some duty, but because it's the right thing to do."

"Hohohohoho... Then I'm glad."


[Guilt lessened by Gamer's Mind]

Brows scrunched and eyes unfocused, Motohama gritted his teeth as the rising feeling of guilt appeared and vanished like it wasn't there before.

'Seriously,' Motohama huffed. 'What a fucking Monkey Paw ability.'

Ears lightly twitched as Motohama picked up the sound of the bus coming. Sighing, the Gamer reclined back clicking his lips as he recognized the signs of an incoming rain.

"... I got to bury the girl that I love and break an important promise that I'd made in the same day." Motohama muttered, "Seriously, nice going me."


Clare, who had been focused on eating a chocolate bar tilted her head at Motohama with a hum. But Motohama shook his hand gesturing at her to continue her eating.

The sound of the bus prompted Motohama to sit up and run a hand over face.

"Let's just get this over with."


After dropping the telephone back, Chimon reclined back on his chair with a sigh and then eyed the family picture of years ago framed on the wall beside him -one that showed him standing beside his wife with a smile and his son, Motohama beaming at the camera with a peace sign.

"Things has really changed since you had left us... Hina." Chimon forlornly muttered, before shaking his head.

"Or should I say that I'm the one who's changed the most since you had been taken from us. Motohama really tried, you know. I could really see that he was hurting but he still forced a smile because he wanted things to still be like it has always been… But what did I do? I ran to my work, burying my grief in papers while neglecting him—our Moto-kun when he needed me the most."

Gritting his teeth, Chimon welcomed that heavy lump that his stomach felt. At this point, he knew that it was too late for him to fix anything. Years had gone by as both he and his son had been living in this house in a strange cadence.

It wasn't like they were living like strangers. But rather, Chimon's proper lack of involvement in Motohama's life had led to him sometimes seeing some of his son habits as a surprise.

"God, I really am a failure as a Father." Chimon muttered to woman in the photograph. "Yeah, I'm quite sure you would first nag my ears, then give me the cold shoulder and then... And then, you'll do whatever it takes to mend back the bridge."

His hand slowly traced the symbol of a Phoenix on a seemingly wooden box. It seem to give off an otherworldly feel to it while the symbol on it glowed at sporadic intervals.

"I'll do this right, Darling." Chimon said to his wife in determination. "I might not be the greatest Dad... But that doesn't mean I won't try my best to be there for our son."


Upon entering the house, Motohama clicked his tongue as the warning sound of thunder boomed overhead. It seems like he was safe from the rain or rather, the fog it brought.

Exhaling, Motohama turned to the house—only to find it eerily quiet.

Blue light particles faintly gathered around his hands as Motohama called out. "Dad... You home?"

"Yeah, I'm in my room..."

Motohama sighed in relief as the light arounds his fists died out. Before he could speak out a reply, his Dad's voice continued on.

"You know what? Now that you're here come over. I've got something I want to show you."

"Eh… I mean well, alright." Motohama replied in faint shock. "I'm heading up."

Marching up the stairs, Motohama could only feel surprise coursing through him as he was for the first time in over a decade plus, that he was entering his Parents room.

It was sometime after his Mom died—Motohama's Dad had instructed him not to enter his room ever again.

Motohama could still remember the words and the eeriness that they carried.


"Motohama... You can do whatever the hell it is that you like. Go wherever you want to go—I won't stop you. It's your right. But from now on, don't ever enter my room again. You got that."


Motohama shivered while keeping on his gait.

"Brr—that was quite the experience."

It was at the opposite side of the house, the second door in the hallway, Dad's room remained still. As Motohama stood in front of it, he idly wondered why was it that even though his Dad had told him not to enter he didn't disobey and enter anyway.

'It's not like I was the brightest at the time nor was I the obedient one…' Motohama thought to himself. 'So why the fuck did I not enter—could have been the question I would be asking myself. But now I know.'

[Nervousness lessened due to Gamer's Mind]

'It's this damn heaviness I always feel when I try turning the doorknob.'

Even now, Motohama could still feel that heaviness pressing him—like the air was thick or something like that. Although, due to the [Gamer's Mind] it now felt negligent.

Opening the door, Motohama entered a room that stirred up memories of over a decade plus. The room still looked the same as Motohama had last seen it; the placement of furniture, the tilted slant of his Dad and Mom's marriage picture—heck, even the color of the bedspread; a yellow with lime polka dots was lain spread out.


It was indeed eerie, although honestly, Motohama couldn't bring himself to feel creeped out. After all, despite how the room kept its resemblance of over a decade plus. It was mighty obvious that there was something missing in it.

Mom was missing in it.

"Ah, you've arrived... Well, come sit." Sited on the chair some distance away from the bed, Dad called out, gesturing at the chair at the opposite side of the table. "We've got a lot to talk about."

'Dad... He feels different.' Motohama thought. Deploying his Observe, still revealed the same information Motohama has seen this morning, and that brought him a modicum of calmness.

As Motohama made his way to his seat, he figured out whatever it is that brought about this... Well—change in his Dad, he would find out soon enough.

As Motohama sat down, he couldn't help feeling conscious as his Dad's eyes followed his every movement.

'Alright, now I'm feeling creeped out.' Motohama thought to himself, and just as he was about to ask about what his Dad had called him for—a sudden bombshell was thrown at him.

"How long has it been since you had unlocked your magic?" Dad suddenly asked.

"... ... ... What?" Motohama blinked, the weight and consequences behind asking such a question still hadn't caught up to him. "Wha-What are you talking about?"

[Stupefaction mitigated by Gamer's Mind]

'Wait, calm down Motohama. Maybe, you didn't hear what Dad just said' Motohama thought to himself. Although, the look in his Dad's eyes stirred up unease in his heart.

'Surely, I must have heard wrong… Right?'

But before Motohama's self-denial could continue any further, Dad slowly raised a hand and the ambient temperature minutely chilled down.

A fist size magic circle sprang above his palm, and what manifested above the said magic circle was a glob of ice the size of a basket.

Ignoring Motohama's stunned look, the ice of Dad's hand wriggled and changed shape—sometimes taking the image of a bird, airplane, lion, dragon, before it finally settled down on a figurine of his Mom.

"Took me months before I was finally able to manipulate this amount of ice perfectly..." Dad said, letting out a light pant. "Not like it matters considering my below average talent in magic. Your Mom is certainly better at this than me."

Blinking, Motohama pulled up the Observe—only to note in surprise (again) that Dad's information had a new or rather, sudden information added to it.

Keisuke Chimon LV12 (LV9) {New!}

[Office Worker] ([Neophyte Soul Magister])

"Soul Magister? What's that?" Motohama muttered—only for him to clasp a hand over his mouth in shock. "I did not just say that out loud, did I?"

With a faint look of bemusement, Dad said. "Yes, you did... And Soul Magister... How do you know that term? The number of people who could call themselves that on this Planet were two in number. One is dead while the other is just a sham."

Resting both elbows on the table, Motohama pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a groan. "So you're telling me that all my lies this morning had been for nothing? That you already knew something was up all this time?"

Dad laughed, "Well, I had my suspicions even back at the hospital. And the way you look like now—it's clearly not puberty that's for sure. So son, can you tell me what exactly happened those ten days you had been missing?"

Sighing, Motohama rubbed his brows as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Regarding his Dad in a new light, the Gamer couldn't help but find it surprising that he had spent over 16 years plus leaving with him and up till now, there hadn't been any modicum of suspicion raised in him concerning his Dad's supernatural status.

'And the fact that he originally wanted to tell me about Mom meant that her death has something to do with that Soul Magister Class...'

[1 to Wisdom due to an apt deduction]

The thought that Mom's death might not have been an accident after all made Motohama's blood to boil in fury.

[Rage lessened by Gamer's Mind]

Exhaling his frustration away, Motohama began.

"Alright... I suppose there's no need for me to be so secretive, since you're already a part of this supernatural world... Well, first of all, I wasn't missing for 10 days. It was almost 2 months..."