
Chapter 31 - Injured

Kyle was channelling the power from his dantian and into his hand first, just like he would usually do when performing the Wave of Conviction. Now though he was not pulling his thumb to perform the attack, he willed the qi to stay in that spots and strongly gripped the sword in that hand.

The sword handle at first started heating up, and after a brief pause, Kyle could feel the Qi entering the sword. It was exactly the same sword that the system has made. All of the qi seemingly was going from Kyle's hand and into the mana crystal that was on the handle, after 10% of Kyle's qi was inside the crystal it started glowing azure and Kyle could finally push his qi to the tip of the sword.

Once the sword was fully embedded with Qi, Kyle started running at the toad again. Then when he reacher around 4 metres, he thrust his sword In the direction of the toad and the white and yellow energy shot at the toad.

If the palm strike's energy only travelled for 2 metres and the beam was the size of a man's hand, then the Wave of Conviction coming from the sword travelled much further but was only the size of a needle. Even though Kyle aimed straight at the toad's head to kill it straight away, due to him using the Wave of Conviction together with the weapon for the first time, he missed and pierced toad's shoulder. The Wave of Conviction didn't stop there and hit the trees on the pond's bank, piercing them as well. This range and power really surprised Kyle, but this meant that his range problem could be solved easily, using the Wave of Conviction.

The toad, on the other hand, wasn't so happy about being damaged. Green blood flowing through his shoulder was dropping down on the floor. The toad was clearly furious, and it jumped straight at Kyle to crash it.

Kyle didn't think that toad would go as far as try to crash Kyle, which caused him to try dodging the attack, the only problem was that Kyle has already used Wave of Conviction couple of times and his qi reserves were slowly going down. He couldn't show the same power and speed as when he was at his full qi.

Kyle successfully dodged the jump attack, but the toad also launched a tongue attack straight at Kyle as soon as it landed. Kyle simply couldn't react and got hit on the left hand, very close to the heart with the tongue.

If the first time, the toad was toying with him and hit him with a blank attack like a hammer. This time its tongue was more like a knife blade, and it wrecked Kyle's hand with multiple scars that reaching as deep as the bone.

"Aaaaa!" Kyle screamed with pain. 'This is unbearable. I will die if this keep on going, I need to kill it instantly.'

Without further thinking, Kyle gripped the wolf fang in one hand and started channelling his qi through all of his body and into the wolf fang.

Kyle's hand was bleeding, but the qi was trying to stop it. The pain was terrible, and Kyle's concentration was worse now for sure. He had to finish this quick to recover. Even a normal, level 1 beast could be a problem right now.

Kyle channelled the qi into his foot and started running at the toad with Lighting Step. Even though the toad jumped to dodge Kyle's strike couple of times, Lighting Step allowed Kyle to be faster, and after chasing the toad for a good minute, Kyle was able to finally slide bellow the toad whilst the toad started jumping and stabbed the wolf fang straight into the bottom of the toad.

The toad was about to jump away, and Kyle's energy was dropping too fast. He decided to use Wave of Conviction. As the dagger was already inside of the toad's body the violet white and yellow energy ripped through everything inside and pierced straight through the toad body and exited from the scull together with a bunch of green liquid that splashed onto the earth.

The body of the toad that was mid-air started dropping on Kyle that was already injured and nearly trapped him under this massive body. To make things worse, the green blood that dropped from the toad was also acidic and was eating through Kyle's clothes at an unbelievable rate. Kyle frantically dodged the body and took off these clothes that had green liquid on.

After the surrounding have stabilised, only the hissing sound of acid eating away the earth and some of the plants remained. Everything else was silent.

'I nearly died… again… I thought that level 2 beast would not be a problem to me after all of the power-ups, but it seems that I was mistaken.' Kyle's hand was still a mess, but the qi was trying it's best to heal it. Qi reserves were at around 20%, which caused less qi to heal the injury. Kyle could meditate to recover it or get it from the toad.

As Kyle came up close to it, he got the absorption notice. The difference was that there was a part of the element absorption.

[ Would you like to absorb energy and elements affinity? ]

This was the first time Kyle saw that notice. As if answering Kyle's puzzled thoughts, another notice appeared.

[ Due to understanding of the world have deepened, new options became available ]

'So this how it is. It seems that what system can do depends on my understanding of the world and of the system.' Kyle, of course, liked that system would be upgraded as long as he learnt of more things.

Kyle pressed yes. The huge amount of energy first rushed into his body. As Kyle was constantly absorbing level 1 beats all this time, his qi size was at around 85% now that level 2 beats energy started entering his body, his qi reserves first came to being full, then the qi size started increasing. When the size was at 99%, it stopped. 'This felt so good,' Kyle breathed out, and he could feel purer qi starting to close up his wound.

Next, as the energy finished, a green light started entering Kyle's dantian, and where he had his pearl, next to it, a dim light cracked open, revealing itself to Kyle's consciousness. There appeared 1 tiny sphere that was in the middle completely black, around it were 8 different also tiny spheres rotating. Right now Kyle couldn't really understand what they were, but one of the spheres was absorbing the green light and becoming from fully black to something that had a shade of green and was not as round as a sphere before. After this lasted for more than a minute, it stopped completely.

The system that will be responsible for the elements is very thought-out Chinese system and the combination of the DnD system that also has some incredible power ups.

Simvolickcreators' thoughts