
The Head of a Maester

It was an active and busy day, Oberyn was watching Dornishmen soldiers trained on using the rifle in the newly built shooting range, he sat on the corner, drinking beverages and fresh fruits calmly, the sounds of guns firing and the smell of gunpowder was in the air.

That 'calmness' was suddenly interrupted when suddenly the door of the firing range was slammed open. All the soldiers who have been slightly trained flinched and turned around, pointing their guns at the door. Oberyn was also alert, he grabbed a nearby spear and got ready for battle.

Oberyn saw a man standing at the door, a bloodied man, he's wearing a yellow dornish robe like what he's wearing, but it's all bloodied. The man looked at the soldiers, his eyebrows raised, as if he was amused at the situation. Oberyn recognizes the man, it was his brother, Morian. His brother stood at the door amused, his hands bloodied, and from the looks of it, he brought a decapitated head of someone in his left hand.

It was the head of a fatman, no hair at all, so Morian was grabbing it by the ear.

"Whose head is that?" questioned Oberyn as if it was a normal thing. The Soldiers also noticed that it was Morian, so they turned back to what they were doing, practice shooting.

"A traitor." Morian hummed as if he walked to Oberyn's seat, he commanded a servant to bring a bowl of water to clean himself. He then sat beside Oberyn's table, placing the head on it.

"Is that… Caleotte?" questioned Oberyn, finally recognizing the head.

Morian hummed, he grabbed a cup of wine and drank it while his hands were still bloodied. "Caught him at the port, he wanted to send a letter to the king using a messenger, but that didn't stop me from discovering it of course."

"The king?" said Oberyn while frowning.

Morian hummed again. "It's a normal reaction from the capital, Dorne is suddenly on the verge of military revolution, and the Master of Whisperers can't even send his birds to spy, naturally, they ask the neutral party in Dorne, which is the Citadel, but the maesters aren't neutral anymore when they tortured our sailors and engineers."

Oberyn tapped his fingers on the table. "So what are you going to do? Send fake letters?"

"Yes, I will be doing that," said Morian. "I'll send Mummer for that, he's good at disguise."

"Mummer?" questioned Oberyn confusedly.

"The androgynous one." Morian cleared that out. "One of my 'brothers'."

"Ah, that beautiful specimen." Oberyn smirked. "Doesn't matter if he has a cock or not, that sworn-sword of yours is simply magnificent."

"Don't try it anymore Oberyn." Morian shook his head amusingly as a servant came with a bowl of water and cloth. "You almost lost your cock last time you tried to seduce Rain."

Oberyn shrugged. "It is not everyday that you meet a red lioness."

"She's been through enough, I don't even know why she's still following me, I already gave her enough money to stay in the countryside for a long time." Morian reminded him, cleaning his hands.

"She wants revenge, I am sure." Oberyn pointed out.

"Then she'll get what she wants soon enough." Morian hummed.

Oberyn frowned. "So a war is really coming…"

"Rhaegar insulted us, the Baratheons, and the Starks brother, you think that won't go unpunished? And the nobles are fed up with the mad king, the sparks of rebellion are there."


"All they need is a reason to call their banners." Added Morian.


Morian nodded. "'They'. if a rebellion broke out, we can't do anything yet, the mad king has Elia hostage."

Oberyn clutched his armchair tightly, visibly enraged and frustrated. "Will your-"

"Yes, I'm already on it brother, don't worry." nodded Morian. "One letter to the capital, and Elia and her children will be safe, trust me."

"Then why don't you do it now?"

Morian shook his head. "Don't be blinded by your love for Elia Oberyn, if I do it now, it'll start the war early, and we will have no advantage and no ally, I will send the letter when it is the right time."

"Then when is the right time?"

Morian just smiled. "You will see soon enough brother, you will need to trust me on this."

Oberyn sighed. "Very well, I trust that Elia is safe in your hands…" he then stood up from his seat and said. "By the way, I will set sail to Volantis, I have heard that I have another bastard over there."

Morian raised his eyebrow. "How long?"

"Two months if the winds are strong, three months if not." Oberyn answered.

"Then good luck." Morian nodded. "Do you want me to search if you have more bastards?"

"Please do, well, I need to prepare for the journey." said Oberyn while he's exiting the place, leaving Morian alone, listening to the sounds of gunfire.