
Chapter 3

Standing to my feet I looked over at my two half brothers. I wasn't sure what to do with them. I sure as hell wasn't going to turn them into women. That's going a little too far even for me.

But then an idea suddenly came to me. This power I have seems to only work on others. Meaning, I can't use it on myself. Also, if I wanted to make any changes to someone, I had to be touching them. I also would need a corpse to use as material to make any changes.

I could still manipulate the body like for instance putting them to sleep. But if I wanted to make them taller, I would need material to make it happen. If I tried to do that without material, my power would pull from the only source available. That being the body I'm trying to manipulate.

So let's say I want to give someone more muscle. I would be pulling from their own body to create it. If I try to make drastic changes, the person might just die, I think.

In essence, my power makes me a manipulator. And the fact that I can't manipulate myself and the fact I have to come into contact with my target makes me vulnerable. I'm not much of a fighter, and I don't really want to learn. Maybe I'll learn how to use a dagger or something, but I sure as hell wouldn't be on the front lines.

That means I need protection. Big and strong meat shields that can take a beating and protect me. Looking over to my half brothers, a smile came to my lips. At least they won't be useless fucks anymore.

I moved the body of one of the bandits over to Arnol. I sat between them and began my work. First thing I did was erase all emotional attachment to the family. Next I ingrained a strong sense of loyalty towards me. A desire to protect me and ensure my safety above all else. I increased his aggression but made sure that he becomes submissive towards me.

With the mental stuff out of the way, I moved to the body. First thing I did was make him seven feet tall. I reinforced his tendons, ligaments, bones and muscles. Speaking of muscle, I increased their density and all but removed the production of lactic acid. Enhancing his senses came next, then his reaction speed. I all but crushed his sex drive, don't want him getting any ideas. He would be able to get it up, but only if I command it. Lastly I darkened his hair to a blood red.

Coming back to reality I nearly collapsed due to the massive headache I had. Just as I was about to fall over, strong but soft arms held me up.

"Oh my love, are you okay!?"

"I just need to rest. How long was I working?" I asked.

"A few hours, my love."

"I feel weak, feed me while I rest." I said.

"As you wish, my love." She said as she laid my head on her thighs and spoon fed me some soup.

So it seems making such extreme changes is far too draining. I think I can handle two a day, but the time it takes is really long. I'll finish tomorrow, I just want to sleep.

"Katyia, help me to bed, I'm exhausted."

"Of course my love." She said and helped me to the master bedroom. She undressed me before laying me down and tucking me in. I grogely opened my eyes and spotted her sitting at the foot of the bed, watching over me.

"Katyia, come and lay with me." I commanded her.

Without a word she slipped in beside me. She pressed her body close and snuggled into me. My face was in her bosom and I fell asleep instantly.

Waking the next morning, the first thing I saw were a pair of perfect scrumptious looking breasts. Without hesitation, I leaned in and suckled on one of the nipples and earned a soft moan for my efforts.

"Ah, hmmm, good morning, my love." Katyia said in greeting. Unlatching myself from her nipple, I sat up.

"Good morning pet. Fix me something to eat." I said and she stood and went to complete her task.

I stood to my feet and stretched. Then I went back to the living room and got a good look at my work. Arnol looked like an absolute beast. Tall and thickly muscles, he looked like some super soldier. I was satisfied with how he turned out. I decided to keep him sleeping until I finished eating and changing his twin.

I made my way to the kitchen and enjoyed the view of Katyia's ass as she cooked naked. I walked over to her and slapped her ass, thoroughly enjoying the feel of it. She just looked back at me and smiled. I leaned down and kissed her before going to take my seat.

I only had to wait for a few minutes before Katyia placed a plate filled with meat and bread with a cup of water. I looked up at her and she smiled down at her. Reaching over, I rubbed her thigh.

"Go under the table and suck my cock while I eat." I said to her with a smile, as if talking about the weather.

She nodded her head happily and rushed under the table. She quickly took my cock in hand at the base and began licking the head. After licking all around and sliding my foreskin back, she gobbled up my cock. Her ministrations were alright, she'll learn with practice.

I focused on eating my breakfast while getting my duck sucked. Occasionally I would reach under the table and grab a fistful of her hair and shove her face into my crotch. I could feel my cock sliding down her throat yet she never gagged. Removing her gag reflex was a good idea.

After ten minutes of me eating and stuffing Katyia's mouth with my cock I came. She had great lungs, so she could hold her breath for a good amount of time. After I came, Katyia cleaned my cock while I finished eating. Once my plate was cleared, I patted her head and she released my cock.

"That's enough of that, pet. I need to finish my work. Why don't you get a bath ready for me." I said and she nodded and got to it.

I smiled as I saw her walk away. Standing to my feet I went and did the same to Aldo as I did with his brother. I made them identical in body and mind. Once I was done, I felt slightly light headed but otherwise fine. I stood and Katyia came up beside me.

"My love, your bath is ready. Would you like me to wash you?" She asked while supporting me with her body.

"That sounds fantastic, pet. After the bath I'll awaken the others."

"As you say, my love" she replied and led me to the bathing area. She scrubbed me down good, even had me stand and bend over while she spread my cheeks and cleaned my ass. I was loving every second of it. To think that just the other day that cunt was berating me. Now here she is with her finger in my ass.

After the bath I ordered her to clean herself up and join me in the living room fully dressed. Ten minutes later she emerged, wearing the clothes of that cunt. I placed both my hands on the twins and awakened them. Then I walked towards a chair and beckoned Kayla to stand behind me to the side.

The two woke up a moment later and stood on unsteady feet. Their heads nearly reached the ceiling, so they had to lower their heads a bit. They were naked since their clothes ripped during their growth. Their bodies were sculpted and they looked like Greek gods, except for the fact that they were pale.

Their cocks dangled as they moved, and I pitied the woman who had to take that inside them. I enlarged them not for personal use, I just figured I could use them against my enemies. Once their eyes landed on me they both moved forward in unison and knelt.

"Master, what is your will?"

"Raise your heads." I said and they did as commanded. They both looked at me with faces that were familiar and not at the same time. Their eyes were an emerald green and their hair was more like a crimson mane that reached their shoulders.

"You will be named Hercules and you will be named Achilles. Your sole purpose in life is my safety. You will be my shield and if need be, my swords. Is that understood?" I asked while looking down at the kneeling pair.

"As you command, my master." They said in unison.

"I would also prefer you to stay silent unless I ask you something." I said , already finding their synchronized speech annoying. A side effect of making them the exact same?

"Katyia" I said and she knelt at my feet.

"You will be my assistant. You will be by my side at all times. If the situation demands, you will be my last line of defense. You will be with me ready to be used in any way I see fit. Is that understood?" I asked while looking her in the eyes.

"I live to serve only you, my love." She replied.

I nodded in satisfaction and smiled at my creations. Perhaps I could make a living off this. With my power I could easily play the role of healer. A dark healer, or a merchant. The possibilities are endless.

Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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