As I smiled down at my creations and thought of the possibilities, a sudden thought came to me. I looked towards the twins, they were physical specimens. And I highly doubted a normal man would stand a chance against them. But that's all they have, they were nothing more than gorillas. Making them stronger isn't going to suddenly make them competent fighters. Hell, I can't remember the last time I saw the twins do anything remotely physical.
As I thought, my eyes drifted over to the remains of my father. He seemed to show some skill with the sword, enough to nearly fend off two men on his own. If only he bothered to teach those skills to any of us. Wait a minute, what if, what if I could make use of his knowledge?
Standing to my feet I walked over towards his remains and placed my hand on it. His information instantly became available to me. His status read as dead, unsurprisingly. I delved into his memories, sifting through all the useless information. Coming to what I had been looking for, I was pleased. All his training as a warrior, even long developed muscle memories became available to me. Detaching myself I looked over towards the twins.
"Hercules, Achilles, come to me." I said and the two wordlessly moved to stand beside me.
I started with Hercules by placing my hand on him and the corpse. I copied the knowledge into his mind from the corpse. The process proved to be far easier than I had thought. Once done I immediately did the same for Achilles. Standing and facing them I took a moment to steady myself before addressing them.
"How do you feel?" I asked.
Instead of speaking in unison as I had expected, Hercules spoke first. "I feel perfectly fine, master."
"As do I, master," Achilles added.
"Let me be a bit more specific. Do you have knowledge that you didn't have before?" I asked while scrutinizing the both of them for any signs.
"Yes master, I feel as though I am more able to protect you." Hercules responded with no change to his face.
"As do I, master." Achilles replied with the same stoicism.
"Very well, you may return to your original positions." I said and they walked back to the center of the room while keeping their eyes on me.
So, I can access memories. Not only that, but I can transfer them from one host to the other as well. I seem to have free reign on a person's body and mind, but how far does it go? Can I manipulate other things?
I walked over to a chair and placed my hand on it. I tried activating my power, but nothing happened. Either I lack the power to work on inanimate objects, or it solely works on people.
"Katyia," I said.
"You called, my love." She replied while standing before me.
As she stood before me I quickly implanted the same knowledge on combat and other things to her as well. She simply stood there smiling up at me, without a care in the world. Once I was finished I didn't bother asking her anything, I wanted to try another experiment.
"Fetch me a chicken," I said.
"As you wish, my love. I'll be back shortly." She replied before leaving out the front door.
Thinking back, I was able to use my powers on a dead chicken. That must mean I'm able to use my powers on animals as well, but can I modify their mind as well? Could I say, increase the intelligence of a lion and make it see me as it's god? Something to be protected? Why not take it a step further, could I modify the mind of a dragon?
"I've returned, my love." Looking over I was surprised to find Katyia standing next to me with a chicken in hand.
"Good job, pet. Hand it over." I said and she passed the chicken over to me before taking her place just behind me.
Holding the odly calm chicken in my lap I activated my power. The same panel filled with information appeared before me. I looked into the mind of the chicken and found exactly what I expected. Simple things, it's brain far too small for anything more complex.
It recognized things like food, well somewhat. It has a built in drive to chase and eat anything small that moves quickly. It knew where to find food, the feeding area that we use. Huh, it even recognizes me. I can see images of myself within its mind, even those of my father and occasional ones of the twins. The latest one was of the twins opening the pen and letting them all out.
Oddly, there were no memories of that woman. Wait no, that makes sense, she rarely if ever handled them. I think the last time I saw her near the chickens was a week ago? Guess chickens have severe short term memories. Or perhaps it's just that she had no value in their minds, so they simply forgot her.
I focused on the image the chicken had of myself. I permanently seared my image into the chicken's mind. Obviously I dulled the pain to nothing, or the chicken would have no doubt leapt from my lap. Once that was done, I implanted the closest approximation to the feelings of loyalty, affection and protectiveness a chicken could understand.
Pulling my powers back, I looked down at the chicken and observed it. The little thing gazed up at me for a long moment before snuggling into me.
"Well that works I guess." I said aloud and a moment later soft clapping came from behind me.
"Good job my love." Katyia said with a soft smile.
"Ah, thanks." I said, not believing she even knew what I did.
Placing the chicken down it just sat next to my foot. So I guess I have a pet chicken that would defend me with its own life, that's nice I suppose. Ok, that's enough experimenting for now.
"Hercules, Achilles, I'll be in my room for some time, just stand guard." I said to the two and they both nodded. I really need to get them some proper clothes.
"Katyia, prepare a bath for us both." I said as I stood to my feet and made my way to my room.
"Of course, my love." She replied before scampering off to accomplish her task.
As I made my way to the bedroom, I noticed the chicken was right on my heels. Seems the little thing would follow me wherever I went. I should give it a name, Ah, I'll come up with one later.
Once in my room I sat on a chair and waited for Katyia. As great as this new power is, and with the endless possibilities available to me, I still had to do something very important first. I need to lose my virginity. I mean, that is what I designed her for.
Just then, the twins entered the room carrying the tub. They laid it down near the door before silently leaving the room. Seems Katyia ordered them to bring the bath into the room. So they can also take orders from her? Interesting, I'll have to look into that at some point.
Some time later the twins brought in buckets of steaming water and filled the tub up. Once they were done they left and Katyia entered, closing the door behind her. She stood there and peered at me lovingly. I was caught off guard by the sheer adoration in her eyes. But I quickly calmed down, hadn't I made her that way? No reason to be surprised by such things.
"Undress me." I commanded.
"As you wish, my love." She replied while setting aside the rags and other supplies she had brought with her.
I watched her every move, she was surprisingly graceful. Was that because of past experience, or due to my alterations? She knelt by my feet and slowly removed my boots, setting them to the side. Then she sat up and looked into my eyes.
"Will you please stand, my love?" She asked and I just stared into her smokey eyes, she really looked amazing. Her full lips parted slightly and I just wanted to ravage them, but I controlled myself. She was mine, and I'd have her anytime I wanted.
Standing to my feet, she reached up with her delicate hands and undid my pants. Once the string was undone, she stared up at me with those mesmerizing eyes as she slowly pulled my pants down.
As they slowly slid down my heart began to race. My cock began to swell but she continued her slow removal of my pants, a small smile forming on those luscious lips. Just when my pants were at the base of my cock she stopped and I couldn't help but groan in indignation.
She had her hands on either side of me holding my pants in place while looking up at me. I was about to tell her to get on with it, when suddenly she leaned forward and pressed her face into my crotch. She nuzzled her face into my hardening cock before closing her eyes and taking a long inhalation. My breath caught as I watched her.
"Hmm, you smell so good, my love." She said before opening her eyes and looking up at me, face still nestled in my crotch. She reached up and bit the waistline of my pants and slowly pulled. Inch by agonizing inch she lowered my pants, until only the tip remained. My cock at this point was fighting to be released and it twitched in seeming irritation at being restrained, yet so close to being free.
She leaned her head down and used her lips to encircle my head, sucking it into her warm mouth. She swirled her tongue around the head, creating a vacuum with her lips.
"Agh, fuck that feels good." I said while staring down at her. The whole time she never looked away, just staring up at me as she suckled my head.
With a pop, she released my cock and it sprung up and slapped my abdomen. She pulled my pants the rest of the way and stood.
"Can you raise your arms for me, my love?" She asked in a purr.
I raised my arms while looking down at her. She smiled and slowly pulled my shirt up. As she did, with every inch of skin revealed, she trailed kisses and light nips along my body. Once she reached my nipples, she sucked on the left one.
"Ugh, god that feels good, hiss." I said before hissing lightly as she bit my nipple. She rolled it between her teeth lightly before going back to suckling. I had never known such pleasures. After a moment she went to the other nipple and repeated the process. Eventually, she finally pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the side.
She leaned forward and kissed me so tenderly that I just stood there, completely swept away by her actions and the novelty of the situation. She broke the kiss and stepped back while placing a hand on her lips with a giggle. I just stared at her dumbly.
"Come my love, it's time for you to be cleaned." She said while grasping my hand and guiding me to the tub. All I could think of, besides the pleasure and teasing, was when the hell did she learn how to do that?
"Bawk bawk!" The chicken spread its wings before sitting back down. When did the chicken get in here? And why is it on the bed watching me? How much did it see? I looked at it and I swear I saw something in its eyes that looked far too, human. I suddenly felt self conscious, and my erection began to flag. Way to kill the mood.
Been a long time huh? Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review, peace ✌️