For centuries the dragons roamed the skies as power incarnate. Their flesh fire and their hearts stone. And the dragonborn conquered the known world riding incarnates of power, and now a young dragon rises again.
I turned seven namedays this year, the tourney of Harrenhal will also be held in a few months.
I have started practicing swordplay and archery whenever i was allowed, in order to develop my body.
I even aksed Aerys i wish to travel to dragonstone. Rhaella was not in favour of me going to Dragonstone but Aerys approved it, with me being the heir of Dragonstone. The purpose of my visit to dragonstone is to search for dragon eggs and dragon lore that is present there.
Ser Jonothor Darry of the Kingsguard was the one tasked with protecting me. He is the brother of Ser William Darry who is the Maester of Arms at King's Landing.
We set sail to Dragonstone, i had previously collected some informatiom from my brother's collection regarding dragons. On Dragonstone, the eggs of the dragons were kept in a stone chamber.
However the location of the stone chamber was not known to me, so i was trying to research about it.
But i was not successful so far, the dragon eggs at Red Keep were mostly destroyed in the tragedy of Summerhall.
As we reached the shore of Dragonstone, my gaze landed on the castle and i was impressed. The castle of Dragonstone was not luxurious or extravagant as that of Red Keep but it was dignified.
Rightly so, as it was the military base of the Targaryens.
The castle was sparsely decorated, with very few people being present here. All in all it was a very strong castle but a deary one.
The stonedrum was the main castle which had the throne room.
The chamber of painted table had the table carved during Aegon the conqueror's reign and was an atttraction for me, as not only did it depict the map of Westros, but it was also very lifelike and detailed.
In the time that i spent on Dragonstone i truly began my planning for the coming storm, that i knew was coming.
I planned on claiming the loyalist fleet that would have been destroyed due to the storm that will occur during Daenerys'birth.
It was my main concern too as the fleets were essential for our escape and survival.
However i was summoned back to King's Landing to celeberate the birth of Aegon VI Targaryen.
King's Landing was in joyous mood due to the birth of Aegon, well as joyous with Aerys being there.
Jaime Lannister was appointed as the kingsguard, i saw him various times and he is diffrent now there is no self loathing in him that i was accustomed to. He was most spirited amongst all the kingsguard. Guess the rule of Aerys and Robert changed him.
The peace in the capital was not to last however, as it was shattered by Rhaegar when he absconded with Lyanna Stark.
Rhaegar had crowned Lyanna Stark the Queen of Love and Beauty, instead of Elia Martell. But that paled in comparison to the uproar caused now.
I had started attending court meetings as Aerys wanted to groom me, as he was wary of Rhaegar now.
The proceedings in the court were accompanied by whisperings, but no one was bold enough to voice them.
Until Brandon Stark arrived in the capital that is,
The day was a normal one, until Brandon Stark came to the Red Keep.
"Rhaegar, come out and die" roared Brandon.
The goldcloaks restrained Brandon Stark and his companions; Ethan Glover, Kyle Royce, Elbert Arryn and Jeffory Mallister.
As Aerys went apoleptic with rage, Traitors have them thrown into the blackcells."
Aerys stormed off in fury over this slight against the crown. Following which summons were sent to Rickard Stark to answer for the crimes of plotting murder for his son, and comitting treason against the king.
I knew it was the right moment, where my intervention could have avoided the ensuing bloodbath. But i was wrong, even being the Prince i had no power to convince Aerys to change the decision he had taken.
As for warning Rickard Stark or freeing Brandon Stark that was not possible as it would have put me in the spotlight.
Rickard Stark arrived at the capital with his party, and was escorted into the throne room.
Rickard Stark looked like a older version on Brandon Stark, with only slight similarities to Eddard Stark.
"Rickard Stark, your son plotted to murder my son the crown prince himself, explain why has house Stark committed the act of treason" Aerys said. He was glaring at Rickard Stark, with a glint of madness in his eyes.
"Rhaegar Targaryen abducted my daughter Lyanna Stark, and sullied our honour. My son has not plotted for the murder of the crown prince, he demanded the crown prince Rhaegar to answer for his crimes". Replied Rickard Stark evenly, you have to give the guy credit he had guts.
"A dragon takes what he wants, your son openly admitted to kill Rhaegar and you still speak for him. Has house Stark has turned traitor to the crown, if it has then the punishment for treason committed by house Stark is death" Aerys raged, he was twisting and turning on his seat.
"I am the Warden of the North, Lord Rickard Stark of Winterfell and i will let the gods decide my innocence, i demand a trial by combat".
Aerys paused, and then said; "so be it."
Rickard Stark was bound and carried away as Aerys left hurriedly as he practically bolted out of the throne room.
The next day the throne room was full of people, approximately five hundred people were present to watch the trial.
Rickard Stark entered the throne room dressed in his armour,"I shall represent House Stark in the trial by combat".
Everyone watched as he strood firm and tall near the throne
Aerys gestured, and a group of pyromancers came forward everyone was confused as they came into view.
They carried a heath with them and placed it under the rafters of the throne room.
I choose fire to be the champion of House Targaryen, all you have to do is not be burned to prove your innocence", he said.
There was absolute silence in the call, as if the throne room had turned into a crypt.
And then, the pyromancers dragged Rickard Stark and suspended him on the rafters of the throne room.
The heath was lit with a blaze, and then the screams started as Rickard Stark was roasted alive in his armour.
Brandon Stark was dragged into the throne room, and upon seeing his father he tried to lunge at him to save him, but was restrained by the guards.
"Your father is a dead man, unless of course you can save him."
Aerys laughed at Brandon. All the while Rickard continued to scream, and all the people present watched in morbid horror as it happened but no one moved.
"How...How can i save him ", Brandon gasped, there were tears in his eyes as he said it.
Aerys ordered a chord to be attached to Brandon's throat and a sword was tossed on the floor just out of his reach.
"Go save your father"...
Brandon started to struggle with all hs might, but it was futile as the chord just tightened around his throat.
The hoarse screams from Rickard Stark had started die down,
Brandon strangled himself to death as the remains of Rickard's cloak burned in the heath and vanished.
There was a pin drop silence, and the only sound in the throne room was the laughter of Aerys and echo of Rickard's screams.