
Game of Thrones - A Song of Fire and Blood

For centuries the dragons roamed the skies as power incarnate. Their flesh fire and their hearts stone. And the dragonborn conquered the known world riding incarnates of power, and now a young dragon rises again.

KingMaekar · TV
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Growing Up

I had my nameday where Aerys arranged a tourney for me, i could remember Tywin had arranged one to celeberate my birth. Tywin is celeberating my birth (lol) well don't know why but father dearest wants to have a larger more great more... yup that's it.

Is it the so called butterfly effect or it had happened in the story too, means it's logical Aerys is jealous of Tywin so he must have wanted to overshadow Tywin.

For me i don't know if i would even be attending, well i am one of the most protected person in Westros.

Aerys was always paranoid that something may happen to me, so there's that, well good for me i guess.

I can walk now, as i have got my motor functions back. Normally i just roam the red keep that is my section of red keep.

Yes my section though i am always followed by a kingsguard i don't know who though.

I am advanced for my age of course. So i have already started to have conversation with my mother when she is available though she was not shocked by my rapid progress says i remind her of her father Jaehaerys. My brother visited me twice with Ser Arthur well i assume the kingsguard with him was Ser Arthur. 

Rhaegar looks quite like Rhaella Targaryen though, which means he is good looking guy but what is very remarkable about him is his voice, his voice is very melancholic. He is very softspoken and keeps his tone low, and he also calls me clever dragon, which means i'm okay in his view.

On the day of the tourney i was not allowed to watch, and i was kind of dissapointed though as i wanted to watch a real life tourney. But Aerys deemed it dangerous for me, so there went my hope of watching the tourney. Mother told me it was a very grand tourney and that Ser Barristian Selmy won at jousting by unhorsing Ser Yohn Royce so there is that.

Life was moving at a slow pace i had started to learn to read books it was not difficult to learn common tongue so the maester then started the basics of high valyrian for me.

And then Duskendale happened.

The day started as any normal day, by afternoon everything was the same and then commotion rose.

Well relatively speaking i was far away from that but still hushed whispers reached me i had understimated the event i guess .

Rhaella was tensed and so was everyone else but it provided me with an oppurtunity.

With Aerys a prisoner i got more space to move around which i exploited to my full advantage and that is how i met Elia Martell.

I didn't knew how to feel when i met with her, as her death was one of the most sickening one in the entire series after all.

And she was pregnant as i could see her hand resting on her belly, so Rhaenys will be born in a few months.

As Aerys returned from Duskendale there was a drastic change in Kings Landing. While earlier there was commotion, there was anxiety and wariness this time.

Well i came to know the reason, Aerys had tortured and slaughtered Lord Denys his family and the Hollard family, well he tortured and then burned them alive.

He started visiting me quite often, the frequency of his visits increased from earlier as well as the crazy glint in his eyes. He had started to grow even more paranoid and refused to cut even his hair and nails.

He was even suspicious of Rhaegar, and belived that it was Rhaegar who led him to be captured and the trap was laid and orchestrated by Tywin.

I was relatively composed now compared to earlier, guess i got used to him.

I started seeing Rhaegar less and less, and during this time Rhaenys was also born but it was quite a subdued affair.

Aerys was not concerned though or simply did not care enough about her i guess, Rhaegar returned from Summerhall though and from what mother told me sang in the square of King's Landing at his daughter's birth.

It was amidst this chaos that Aerys decided to take me to the throne room..

And as took my first step, i was staring at the skulls of dragons.