
Game of Saviors

In the world of Esoria, there are only two types of people. System Wielders and The Savior. Ten Regions, Ten Queens, Ten Goddesses, Many Trials...Only one Savior can claim it all. There are no Heroes or Villains, only System Wielders battling it out to become the Savior of Esoria. Kieran, a man who has been deemed the weakest, finally gets his chance to play in the Game of Saviors. He is known as the bottom of the barrel, but soon he finally gets his chance to rise up the ranks. He is given a System by Flair, The Goddess of Humans and Talent and given the chance to prove himself to the world just how much Ambition and Drive he truly has.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Promised Power

[Trial Mission: Defeat Benedict, Bothild, and Ulric.]

[Trial Reward: System]

Those words hung over my head. I had to fight all three...or die a weakling. With the resolve I carried deep inside, I rose my fists and assumed my fighting stance. I took a deep breath then exhaled slowly.

Ulric's eyes flashed with a bit of shock, but his surprise didn't last long before his expression returned to his cruel smirk. "Well well well, you're gonna try to fight back..? I like that. This Maimed is one of the special ones it seems!"

Bothild laughed, placing her hands on her hips. "Wow~ This guy must really have a death wish! I bet Benedict would be enough to take his ass down permanently!"

I watched as Benedict walked forward, watching his body language and movements. 'I can't run...I don't know what their level is so I need to avoid taking any form of damage from this point on...'

Benedict rolled his neck, his lips curling into a wicked smirk. He sighed softly, surrounding his hand in fire and assuming his stance. "We were gonna give you a quick death, but now I'm gonna make this as painful as possible!"

Without any other words spoken, Benedict lunged toward me and launched a fiery punch. I watched the punch and it seemed to have been moving in slow motion. I leaned back dodging his first strike then began to evade his next barrage of strikes swiftly.

'Hypersensitivity. A basic Talent Trait Skill. This is no normal trial. Flair...gave me this trial,' I thought to myself.

[Hypersensitivity Description: The user has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to  see, hear, smell, taste and feel better than the best member of their species. Pawn Rank Skill.]

'No way...am I chosen by a Goddess out of everyone here..! Why..? Why— No there's no time to think about that. I was chosen...I have to prove myself to her,' My thoughts ran as I continued to evade his attacks.

As Benedict's attacks became more predictable, I spotted an opening. Seizing the moment, I launched a counterstrike to his midsection, landing a clean hit. Benedict groaned and stumbled back, clutching his stomach.

'And fight back!'

"That...How did he land a hit on me? Us Wielders are supposed to be much faster than some worthless Normal!" Benedict exclaimed, his once arrogant expression now an expression of anger and confusion.

I watched Benedict, bracing myself for the next move. As I was about to capitalize off my last attack, threads of lightning wrapped around my body and electrocuted me. I groaned loudly in pain, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

'I can't die...I can't die..! I won't die! Won't die! Won't die! Will not die!'

I yelled out, light blue energy flashing from my body and allowing me to break out of the lightning threads. Ulric's eyes widened as he witnessed my aura flashing around my body.

'This Defect isn't supposed to have any form of energy...and definitely not Esoteric Energy..! What the hell is going on?!' Ulric thought to himself.

[Skill Unlocked: Grand World]

[Grand World Description: The user can manipulate energies that don't abide by the same physical laws and modern science (Esoteric Energy). Like normal energy, this form of energy comes in multiple forms.]

I panted heavily, falling onto my knees and catching my breath. My body stung and ached from the electrocution I endured, but I was still able to stand. Once I made it onto my two feet, I noticed multicolored energy flowing around me.

"How can this be..? How can someone like this freak have Esoteric Energy?! Not even most Rooks and Queens wield such energy in the Human Region!" Ulric explained, his tone a mix of disbelief and anger.

'Grand World. This is definitely Flair, I can confirm this. Grand World is an ability where I can create virtually anything and have access to most Talents in the Monarch Index, but the more complex the skill or creation, the more energy it consumes,' I thought to myself, staring at my hands in realization.

"Let's jump him!" Bothild called out.

Ulric and Benedict nodded at Bothild's request and all three readied themselves to strike me at once. I watched all three of them then got into my stance once again, bracing myself for a three on one instead of a faithful one on one.

"Get him!" Ulric commanded, launching multiple bolts of lightning at me.

Bothild began to launch shard of ice toward me while Benedict hurled multiple fireballs my direction. I grunted loudly, my eyes flashing as I began to perceive the attacks in slow motion. I evaded each elemental attack then lunged forward, throwing a fast punch to Benedict's face.

I bellowed as I exerted more energy, knocking him down the alleyway into a dumpster. Bothild's eyes widened, her expression changing into one of uncertainty as she watched her friend fly past her. She looked over at me slowly, noticing my Esoteric Energy calmly flowing around my body.

'How...can he be so calm..?' Bothild thought to herself, taking a step backwards.

"You are a freak! How can you be so calm?!" Bothild yelled then gasped as I held my hands out.

I closed my eyes and imagined the lightning threads that were used against me then iridescent lightning crackled around my hands. I opened my eyes and fired lightning threads from my fingertips toward Bothild. Ulric swiftly came to her aid and absorbing the lightning then used a burst of lightning speed to appear behind me.

I looked behind me, my eyes widening as he outsped my perception. 'He's now faster..?!'

Ulric's eyes flashed with anger as he landed a backhand fist to my jaw, lightning flashing upon impact and knocking me away. He dashed toward me at lightning speed, rushing me with attacks I couldn't keep up with anymore.

Ulric launched me in the air then rose his hand, lightning crackling around his entire body. "Skill: Fulgur's Bolt!"

A powerful bolt of lightning struck me, sending me crashing into the ground then a massive smoke cloud formed. Ulric watched the smoke cloud, lowering his arm slowly and let out a scoff. Once he saw there was no movement, he walked by to check on Benedict.

Suddenly, Ulric was stopped by his shadow being pinned down. He grunted as he couldn't move no matter how much he tried. Once he heard Bothild's scream, he turned his head around and noticed a being made of shadow energy rising on the ground.

Once the smoke cleared, they could see my emotionless eyes. I stood up slowly, holding my arm and the Shadow Being laughed as he struck Ulric's shadow, physically harming him.

"Ulric!" Bothild cried out, running toward him and groaned as she was yanked away from Ulric by her shadow. She grunted as she hit the wall and held her head.

'Esoteric Darkness Technique: Shadow Mutilation...' I thought to myself, subtly holding a steady hand gesture with the Shikigami hovering behind me.

Ulric struggled against the shadows pinning him down, his face contorted in rage and frustration. "What is this…?! Let me go!" He roared, his voice filled with desperation as the Shadow Being continued its assault.

I could feel the strain on my body from maintaining the Esoteric Darkness Technique, my limbs trembling with the effort. But I couldn't let up now—I had to keep going. For a moment, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the energy flowing through me.

"Ulric!" Bothild screamed, trying to free herself from her own shadow's grasp. She summoned more ice shards, launching them toward me in a frantic attempt to break my concentration.

The Shikigami behind me shifted, its dark form twisting and expanding to create a protective barrier. The ice shards shattered against the shadowy shield, falling harmlessly to the ground.

"You think you can just control shadows and get away with this?!" Ulric snarled, lightning crackling around his body in a desperate attempt to break free.

I opened my eyes, staring at him with a newfound resolve. "You underestimated me, Ulric. You underestimated all of us Non-Wielders." With a determined shout, I directed the Shadow Being to tighten its grip on him, causing him to cry out in pain.

"You…! You'll regret this!" Ulric yelled, his voice cracking with the strain of trying to resist.

Ignoring his threats, I turned my attention to Bothild. Her eyes were wide with fear, but she still tried to fight back, summoning more ice to her aid. I had to end this quickly.

Channeling more of my Esoteric Energy, I extended my hands and focused on her shadow. "Esoteric Darkness Technique: Shadow Bind." Dark tendrils shot out from her shadow, wrapping around her limbs and immobilizing her completely.

"No…!" Bothild struggled, but it was futile. She was trapped, just like Ulric.

With both of them restrained, I took a moment to catch my breath. The strain of using these powerful techniques was taking its toll, but I couldn't afford to stop now. I had to finish this.

"Bothild… Ulric… you both thought you were untouchable because of your powers," I said, my voice steady despite my exhaustion. "But power isn't everything. Determination, courage, and the will to protect those you care about—that's what truly matters."

Benedict groaned, slowly pulling himself out of the dumpster. His face was bruised and his expression was a mix of anger and disbelief. "You… you're just a freak!" He spat, summoning flames around his fists once more.

I readied myself, feeling the energy surging through me. "I'm not a freak," I replied, my voice calm and resolute. "I'm just someone who refuses to give up."

Benedict charged at me, fire blazing in his eyes. But this time, I was ready. With a swift motion, I directed the Shadow Being to intercept him, its dark form colliding with his fiery attack. The clash of energies created a shockwave, sending sparks and shadows flying in all directions.

As the dust settled, I stood tall, breathing heavily but still standing. Benedict lay on the ground, unconscious, his flames extinguished. Bothild and Ulric were still restrained, their struggles growing weaker.

I had done it. I had won.

But I knew this was only the beginning. This victory had shown me that I had the potential to fight back, to protect those I cared about. And I would keep fighting, no matter what.

With one last look at my defeated enemies, I turned and walked away, the shadowy energy dissipating around me.

[Trial Mission Cleared.]

[You have been acknowledged.]

An alert sounded off on my now damaged phone, breaking the silence that had fallen after the battle. I pulled it out of my pocket with trembling hands, my eyes widening as I read the notification.

{Kieran Achilles has become a System Wielder!}

{Configuring Body…}

{Assuming Stats…}


For a moment, time seemed to stand still. I felt a strange warmth spreading through my body, a sensation both foreign and exhilarating. It was as if every cell in my being was awakening, infused with newfound power.

Name: Kieran Achilles

Level: 1

Rank: Pawn

HP: 93/197

MP: 12/185

Attack: 58

Stamina: 42

Dexterity: 63

Senses: 70

Luck: 50

I stared at the stats, barely believing what I was seeing. I had done it. I was no longer just a Normal—I was a System Wielder. A flood of emotions washed over me: relief, excitement, and a fierce determination.

I looked at my hands, still shaking from the fight and now tingling with energy. "I did it," I whispered to myself, a small smile tugging at my lips. "I really did it."

But this was only the beginning. The path ahead was still fraught with challenges, but now, I had the power to face them head-on. I clenched my fists, feeling the strength coursing through me. No longer would I be looked down upon or dismissed. I was ready to prove my worth—to myself and to the world.

With a deep breath, I pocketed my phone and glanced back at the alleyway, where my defeated foes lay. This victory had shown me what I was capable of. And I knew, without a doubt, that I would continue to grow stronger. This was my new beginning.


[Date: 1/31]

[Time: 12:35 PM]

[Location: Blue Monarch Academy]

The imposing structure of Blue Monarch Academy loomed ahead as I sprinted towards it, each step a painful reminder of the battle I'd just endured. My lungs burned, and my legs felt like lead, but I pushed on, determined to make it before the ten-minute grace period expired. As I neared the main entrance, I could see other students milling about, their gazes following me with mild curiosity.

I burst through the academy's doors, my breath coming in ragged gasps. Without pausing, I dashed up the grand staircase, two steps at a time, my heart pounding in my ears. The second floor seemed to stretch forever, but I finally reached my classroom, my hand gripping the door handle as I swung it open.

Class was already in session, and Ms. Fleur was mid-sentence. She paused, her eyes meeting mine with a mix of surprise and amusement. I panted, trying to catch my breath. "Ms. Fleur, I know I'm late. I just—"

Ms. Fleur's expression softened, a gentle smile spreading across her face. "No, it's alright, Mr. Achilles. I saw the notification. You've been moved to my afternoon classes where I teach Wielders," she said, her voice carrying a note of understanding. She giggled softly, her eyes twinkling. "You're actually extremely early."

I stood there, my shoulders slumping with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. "So I ran all the way here for nothing," I muttered, shaking my head. "Can I at least sit in your class and rest? I'm exhausted."

Ms. Fleur nodded, gesturing to the chair beside her desk. "You may sit at my desk while my lessons are ongoing. Take as much time as you need."

Grateful, I offered her a tired smile and made my way to her desk, my legs trembling slightly. I sank into the chair, feeling the weight of my fatigue settle over me. Resting my head on my folded arms, I closed my eyes, the sounds of the classroom fading into a soothing background hum.

As I lay there, the cool surface of the desk against my cheek, I listened to Ms. Fleur's lecture. She was discussing the history of Esoria, particularly the Civil War in Homiheim between the Normal Superhumans and System Wielders. Her voice was a calming presence, and though I didn't care much for the lesson, it provided a comforting rhythm that lulled me towards sleep.

Ms. Fleur's words became a distant murmur as I drifted off, my mind replaying the events of the day. The fight, the notifications, the realization that I was now a System Wielder. It was overwhelming, but in this moment of peace, I felt a sense of accomplishment and hope.

{Entering Recovery Mode…}

The notification appeared in my mind's eye, and I welcomed it, allowing myself to fully relax. My body, still aching from the battle, began to heal, the energy slowly replenishing. In this brief respite, I knew I was preparing for the challenges ahead, ready to face whatever came next with renewed strength and determination.