
Game of Saviors

In the world of Esoria, there are only two types of people. System Wielders and The Savior. Ten Regions, Ten Queens, Ten Goddesses, Many Trials...Only one Savior can claim it all. There are no Heroes or Villains, only System Wielders battling it out to become the Savior of Esoria. Kieran, a man who has been deemed the weakest, finally gets his chance to play in the Game of Saviors. He is known as the bottom of the barrel, but soon he finally gets his chance to rise up the ranks. He is given a System by Flair, The Goddess of Humans and Talent and given the chance to prove himself to the world just how much Ambition and Drive he truly has.

Aisuru_Reborn · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Learning The System

[Date: 1/31]

[Time: 2:30 PM]

[Location: Blue Monarch Academy]

The bell rang and signalled for the afternoon classes to take place. Once I woke up from my much needed rest, I noticed all of my wounds had been healed and felt rejuvenated. I looked around and noticed Ms. Fleur preparing to teach her Wielder Class.

Ms. Fleur looked over at me, a gentle smile curling on her lips. "Finally awake. Good, we have a long lesson ahead of us. Before the other students arrive, look over this quick guide I made for you."

I watched as Ms. Fleur walked to her desk and set her laptop in front of me. I looked at the screen reading the words, "Guide to be a Wielder". I stretched my arms out, feeling the crack of my bones that fully woke me up then began to scroll through the guide.

{Suru: Hello!~ You are now watching a Guide to teach you what it means to be a True Wielder! Allow me to go over the basics with you!}

I tilted my head, seeing an animated AI Girl on the screen then glanced up at Ms. Fleur. Her eyes was glued to the screen of the laptop, invested in the guide as of it were her first time seeing it too. I returned my gaze to the screen and began to focus.

{Suru: As you know you have your Ranks of Wielders: Pawns, Knights, Bishops, Rooks, Kings, Queens, and Savior. You also have your Star Rating that should be in the User Info section of your System. The Star Rating determines what Trials and Dungeons you can partake in. Go ahead, look it up!}

I kept watching the video then noticed the video wasn't continuing. Scratching the side of my head, I raised an eyebrow. 'Is...it waiting for me..?'

{Suru: Well? What are you waiting for?}

"What the—" I exclaimed, quickly looking up at Ms. Fleur. "What the heck is this?"

"What do you mean? She's your guide. Meet A.I. Suru, your personal OS. She's gonna teach you everything you need to know about the basics of the System," Ms. Fleur answered, giggling softly at my surprised reaction.

"R-Right..." I said softly, clearing my throat.

I reached in my pocket then felt a device in my pocket, taking it would and noticed how it resembled my phone exactly, even making sure the casing of the phone had the Gold Monarch symbol on the back. I turned on the screen and noticed a notification appear.

[Welcome, Kieran.]

I scrolled through the menu on the screen until I got to the User Info section and clicked on it.

Name: Kieran Achilles

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Region: Human/Homiheim

Level: 1

Rank: Pawn

Star Rating: One Star

Team: N/A

Main Skill: Grand World

Basic Skill(s): Hypersensitivity

{Suru: Great! As you can see, you're only One Star and a Pawn, so you can only enter One Star Pawn Level Dungeons and take One Star Trials!}

{Suru: So how can you upgrade? By completing Star Trials and Promotion Trials! Each Rank has a set cap they can reach. Pawns can only reach up to Star Rating 3 before they can Promote to the Knight Rank!}

I looked back at the laptop and noticed Suru had put the Star Rating and the Promotion System on display for me.

[Rank: Pawn - Max Stars: 3]

[Rank: Knight - Max Stars: 5]

[Rank: Bishop - Max Stars: 7]

[Rank: Rook - Max Stars: 9]

[Rank: King/Queen - Max Stars: 10]

[Rank: Savior - Max Stars: 10+]

As I absorbed the information, the classroom started to fill with students. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation for Ms. Fleur's lesson. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension for what lay ahead.

{Suru: Two last things before you go, Kieran.}

I turned my attention back to the laptop as Suru addressed me directly. I paused from gathering my things to take my seat and focused my attention on Suru.

{Suru: First, your Level. You can only level up by completing Trials, Dungeons, Quests, and Raids. Secondly, keep a watchful eye on your HP. If your HP reaches 0, you die.}

I stared at Suru, noting the seriousness in her digital eyes before she returned to her natural cheerful expression.

{Suru: That is all!~ If you need me, I have a call button on your system for all of your needs! Good luck!~}

As I watched the screen fade back to the main menu, I felt a chill run down my spine. 'If your HP reaches 0, you die.' The gravity of those words weighed heavily on my mind. No room for error.

I quickly shook off the unease, reminding myself that this was my chance to prove my worth. With renewed determination, I gathered my things and took a seat in the classroom, ready for Ms. Fleur's lesson to begin.

Once all of the students of her class arrived, Ms. Fleur closed her door and prepared to lock it. Before she could lock her door, a voice sounded off in the hall way.


Ms. Fleur looked out the door's window then noticed a girl hurrying toward the class door. She opened it, and watched as the tardy student ran inside. "Meadow, why are you so late?"

Meadow panted softly, fixing her large green witch hat and smoothing out her attire. "I'm sorry, Ms. Fleur. My Botany Class held out for a bit longer than expected. Someone accidentally made a flower that secreted poisonous pollen and it started affecting the class."

Meadow Thornheart, considered the prettiest girl in the academy and one of the strongest Plant Users of the Senior Class at just nineteen, was part of a group of Magic Users called Bloomers, who wield Floral Energy. Half-human, half-elf, Meadow's grace and beauty were enhanced by her heritage.

She had long dark green hair, amber eyes, a slim, graceful figure, and pointy ears. Her attire—a green and white frilly dress with a belt holstering her Grimoire, a green witch's hat with intricate golden designs, and a floral design cloak—added to her charm. Perched on her shoulder was a white dove, her familiar.

"Alright, Meadow. I'll excuse it since you have a valid reason. Take your seat," Ms. Fleur said.

Meadow bowed and walked towards her seat. As she passed me, our eyes locked for a moment, and time seemed to stand still. She smiled warmly before continuing to her seat, leaving me with a lingering sense of curiosity.

Ms. Fleur was about to close the door when a male student walked in, slightly pushing her aside. She stumbled but quickly regained her composure, her eyes narrowing.

"M-Mr. Belmond..! You're late!" Ms. Fleur exclaimed, finally closing the door.

The man sighed and dismissed Ms. Fleur with a wave of his hand as he took his seat beside mine. His presence intimidated the other students, but to me, he seemed no different from Ulric and his friends.

"Whatever… I'm here, so start the damn class," he said, his tone a mix of boredom and irritation.

This was Stein Belmond, Alastair's younger brother and his complete opposite. Stein cared only for himself and barely respected any authority. He led a delinquent group called the Blue Falcons, which included Ulric and his friends. With black hair, gray eyes, and tattoos along his neck, Stein's appearance was as rebellious as his attitude. His upside-down cross earrings symbolized his disrespect towards The Angels.

Ms. Fleur had a disapproving expression on her face from Stein's attitude, shaking her head as she walked toward the podium. "Alright, let's start the class."

As Ms. Fleur began to teach the class about more advanced skills like Element Control and Energy Constructs, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and noticed Meadow.

"Hi, Kieran..~ I saw the notification earlier and I want to say congrats on becoming a Wielder," Meadow said, her tone barely above a whisper so as not to disturb the class.

"Thank you," I replied, giving her a warm smile. My heart skipped a beat at the chance to speak to Meadow.

"Here," she said, handing me her notebook of notes. "You can have my notes from the start of the year until now. I have a copy in my backpack. It has everything you need to know about being a Wielder, from basic information to some advanced tips."

I happily accepted her notebook and admired the beautiful floral patterns on the cover. A soft blush appeared on my face as I looked back at Meadow. "Thank you…"

Meadow smiled, nodding. "If you need anything, you can always ask me..~"

I considered her offer and turned back to scan the contents of the notebook. As I read, a digital interface appeared in front of me.

{Suru: Looks like you've got yourself a nice starting point! Allow me to register the information information!}

[Info Downloaded: Dungeon Guide, Trial Guide, Star Rating Guide, Monster Guide]

'What the heck..? She can just appear out of nowhere..?' I thought.

{Suru: Of course I can, Kieran!~ I am your A.I. Assistant!}

'Well that's not creepy at all. You can hear the thoughts in my mind?' I responded to her mentally.

{Suru: I can, and you're the only one who can see me. So try not to make faces while we're communicating. I come to you privately to tell you about a mechanic all wielders share.}

I waited for her to continue, scratching the side of my head. 'Well?'

{Suru: Oops! Sorry, I forgot I'm not in Tutorial Mode~ Hehe!~ Anyway, the mechanic is called Heart to Heart! A dating mechanic!}

It took everything in me to not physically react to the information. I glanced upward, noticing that Ms. Fleur was engrossed in her lesson so I had time find out more about this mechanic.

{Suru: Heart to Heart is a sequence that happens when you want to build up your bond with someone. In Heart to Heart Mode, your primary stats are replaced with Secondary Stats. Pull them up in your User Info!}

I took out my System and scrolled through the menu on the screen until I got to the User Info section again and clicked on it.

Name: Kieran Achilles

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Region: Human/Homiheim

Level: 1

Ambition Level: 1

Lust Level: 1

Charisma Level: 1

Talent Level: 1

Passion Level: 1

Flirting Level: 1

Romance Level: 1

Luck Level: 1

{Suru: These are called Traits. Time for a little info dump for the readers!}

'Was that a Fourth Wall Break..?' I thought, a dull expression on my face. 'Wait, info dump?'

1. Ambition: Reflects the Wielder's drive and determination. High ambition is crucial for leadership and perseverance in Royal Trials.

2. Lust: Represents the Wielder's physical attraction and desire, which can influence relationships and certain interactions.

3. Charisma: Measures the Wielder's charm and ability to influence others. High charisma aids in forming alliances and winning support.

4. Talent: Indicates the Wielder's innate skills and potential. Greater talent enhances overall performance and growth in various disciplines.

5. Passion: Reflects the intensity of the Wielder's emotions and commitment. High passion can drive success in personal relationships and inspire others.

6. Romance: Measures the Wielder's capacity for love and forming deep emotional bonds. Essential for romantic relationships and the Royal Trials.

7. Flirting: Represents the Wielder's ability to engage in playful and seductive interactions. Useful for winning hearts and forming connections.

8. Empathy: Reflects the Wielder's ability to understand and share the feelings of others. High empathy strengthens relationships and teamwork.

9. Luck: Similar to the primary stat, but in the context of relationships and personal interactions. A higher luck stat can lead to serendipitous encounters and favorable outcomes in love and alliances.

'Yo, never do that again. Nine different interfaces popped up for me..' I said to Suru mentally.

{Suru: Sorry, sorry~ Anyway, Heart to Heart is very important for building relationships and alliances. Certain traits work better with certain people. Take Meadow, for example. Her Favorite Trait is Charisma, so charismatic acts will cause her to like you a lot more compared to lustful acts.}

'I see. So how would I know how high my relationship is with someone?' I asked her mentally.

{Suru: You can't see it until you've registered them as at least a Friend. But to explain, there will be two meters that will show up. A Bond Meter and an Attraction Meter. A third category will pop up called Status/Relationship. This will tell you how close you are with someone.}

'I see. Is there anything else I need to know about this mechanic?' I inquired to Suru.

{Suru: Nope, that's just about the fundamentals! Do you have any other questions for me?}

I shook my head, understanding the basic mechanics of the System now.

{Suru: Alright! If you need a recap, the tutorial feature is always there for when you need it! Happy Adventuring and Dating!~}

The interface disappeared and I let out a soft sigh. There was a lot to keep up with at once, but I did my best to absorb it, writing down everything Suru had told me in the notebook Meadow had given me.

"Remember everyone, your Rank depicts the rank of your abilities. Since you're all Pawn Ranks, you can only obtain Basic Rank Skills and Abilities and those skills can only be Overlocked up to three times and their Level cannot go higher than your System Level," Ms. Fleur said.

I mumbled to myself quietly, repeating what Ms. Fleur said subconsciously as I was still absorbing information. Soon the bell rang, breaking me from my trance, and I looked up. I noticed everyone gathering their things and leaving the classroom.

"Remember to reach your Level Quota by the end of Next Month! We will be going on a Raid on the last day of the month of Felon!" Ms. Fleur called out.

'A Raid..? Level Quota? That means I only have 29 Days to reach this quota?' I thought, standing up and walking toward Ms. Fleur's desk.

"Ms. Fleur? What is this Level Quota?" I asked, genuinely curious about these conditions.

Ms. Fleur looked at me with a smile, taking off her glasses and cleaning them. "The Level Quota for this Raid is Level 30. That is the minimum requirement to go on this raid. However, since you're still new, I'll allow your Quota to be 15, and you'll just stick with me for the Raid."

[Goal Set.]

[Goal: Reach Level 15 or higher before 2/29.]

"But…I'm still Level 1. I highly doubt there are Trials and Quests that I can do alone," I said, my tone full of concern.

Ms. Fleur put on her glasses, crossing her arms and began to think for a moment. "Hmm…Ahh, how about you meet with me after hours. I will help you Level Up, and then you'll have to stand on your own two feet."

"Really? You'd do that for me?" I asked, my eyes sparkling with excitement and nervousness.

Ms. Fleur smiled and chuckled softly, gently patting my arm. "Of course..~ I am your Mentor after all, but don't expect special treatment like this often. You are still my student at the end of the day."

I nodded at her, a bright smile playing on my lips. "Thank you, Ms. Fleur!~"

Ms. Fleur giggled softly then let me go. "Alright, go ahead now. I have a meeting to get to."

I nodded my head then hurried out of the classroom, my mind racing with ideas of how Ms. Fleur was going to help me be able to stand on my own two feet.


[Date: 1/31]

[Time: 3:45 PM]

[Location: Blue Monarch Academy]

I wandered around the courtyard of the academy, reading over my notes about the different Trials and Quests available at my current level. Most entry-level Trials and Quests consisted of errands and barely involved any real combat. I sighed, feeling a bit frustrated.

As I walked down a path, a sudden impact hit my back, sending a wave of heat and pain through me. I stumbled forward, wincing as my HP Gauge appeared in front of me.

HP: 197/197 -> 171/197

MP: 185/185


I recognized the voice and sighed softly, turning around to see Benedict, Bothild, Ulric, and Stein approaching. I quickly put my book away and braced myself.

"You think you really won with those cheap tricks and your fancy little Skills?! This ain't over, Defect! We don't know how you got your little system nor from who, but The Blue Falcons aren't gonna let you get away with this," Benedict snarled, his eyes filled with disdain.

"Yeah, and I didn't appreciate how you nearly left me to suffocate! You're a piece of shit for that!" Bothild added, pointing a cold finger at me.

Onlookers began to turn their heads, murmuring amongst themselves.

"You came after me, and you lost a three-on-one! I was just defending myself. You have no viable reason to be mad!" I shot back, glaring at them.

Stein crossed his arms and closed his eyes, sighing softly. "The Blue Braniac. When I saw you earlier, I wanted to smash your face in, but I couldn't afford to be kicked out of class. Now that we are outside where all battles are permitted…I can destroy you for what you've done to my people."

I felt a wave of fear as Stein's dark energy washed over me, causing me to break into a cold sweat. An interface appeared in front of me, displaying his stats.

Name: Stein Belmont

Level: 12

Rank: Pawn

Star Rating: One Star

HP: 287/287

MP: 203/203

Attack: 121

Stamina: 134

Dexterity: 119

Senses: 111

Luck: 105

I looked at the interface and then back at Stein, realizing I couldn't fight him head-on. I needed to come up with a plan and fast…or else…

'If your HP reaches 0, you die.'



My mind raced as I tried to think of a way out. This wasn't just a fight—it was a battle for survival.