
The Nice Girl [1]

Aubrie and I strolled around the mall holding hands, just window shopping. It was a perfect day especially after the events from last night. I could tell Aubrie was really happy, I mean she wouldn't stop blushing! We sat down for a bit so Aubrie could rest her feet.

"Ugh...these shoes are killing me..." Aubrie sighed and looked at her feet. "They are digging into my heels and it hurts."

"We can go back to your house so you can put a more comfortable pair of shoes on." I said.

"Please?" She looked at me.

I nodded and smiled. We stood up and made our way back to the car. We got in and made our way to Aubrie's house. I stopped the car in front of the house.

"I'll be quick." Aubrie smiled.

"Mhm." I nodded.

She got out the car and hurried on inside of her house. I looked at my Lover Finder and clicked on Aubrie's name.

{Aubrie's Stats Acquired!}

Name: Aubrie Acacia

Age: 26 Years Old

Birthday: February 14

Species: Human

Occupation: Waitress

Status: Best Friend

Affection Points: 1,035

Intimacy: 0

Bust: C

Hobbies: Partying, Relaxing while smoking, Cooking, Shopping, Going for joy rides, Masturbating, Having sex up to three times a day, Going to a Scenic Outlook

Favorite Love Trait: Lust

Least Favorite Love Trait: None

Favorite Personality Trait: Rebel

Least Favorite Personality Trait: Charming

Favorite Food: Junk Food

Favorite Gifts: Expensive Gifts

"I guess even if I do have sex with them, it's more considered messing around than intimate...unless I'm with Myrrh...then it's intimate. Then again, she does see me as her husband and I don't mind it." I smiled.

Aubrie hurried back into the car and I looked at her. "Alright, I feel so much better...No more pain on the back on my ankle."

I smiled and turned my Lover Finder off then put it away. "Good. Now ready to hit the movies?"

"Mhm~ I can't wait to see that new movie starring Serenity Starr. She's such a beautiful woman." Aubrie smiled.

"Well I guess it's a first for me hearing her name, hopefully I'll enjoy it." I smiled.

"You will. I know it." Aubrie nodded.

"Alright, let's get there before we are late." I said then started the car up again and drove off.


I parked the car in the parking lot of Damselt Cinema. I turned the car off then we got out of the car and made our way to the ticket booth. "Two tickets to the movie called...The Woman Who Can't Speak."

"That will be $30." The man said.

I paid the man $30 and got the tickets.

{Money: -$30}

We walked inside the cinema and went to get snacks like popcorn and candy. After we got everything we wanted we went to go into the room where the movie was being shown. We sat in our seats. Aubrie smiled at me then leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I don't usually watch romantic movies, but I'll make this one exception for you.." Aubrie whispered.

I nodded and smiled.

After a few advertisements and movie previews, the movie finally started. It was...a dark romance. It wasn't like depressing dark, well it was kinda depressing. The woman is mute and she falls in love with a male. She has never said a word the entire movie and she only communicates through pen and paper or making clicking noises with her tongue. The movie ends with her speaking her first words and because of that she dies. I was sitting there, wondering if this has ever actually happened in Esoria. The credits ran and at the end it said "In tribute to the woman who saved her husband". The woman's name was Esta Varel.

"Wow..." I said then looked at Aubrie who was wiping her tears.

"I don't know why I cried at the end. It was so cheesey.." Aubrie said and sniffled. "It was a good movie, Serenity Starr never fails to deliver."

I smiled at her and stood up. "I also enjoyed the movie, we should go to another one sometime."

"Yeah.." Aubrie said sadly, knowing it was time for us to split because of her job.

She stood up and we walked down the stairs, throwing away our trash and exited the cinema. We walked back to my car and got it. I drove back to her house then parked in front of her house. She looked sad and I leaned to her and kissed her cheek.

"We can always hang out whenever you're free. It isn't like I'm gonna just disappear from your life." I smiled.

She smiled a bit. "I had a wonderful time these past few days. I'd love it if you stop by once in a while."

"I will." I nodded.

She leaned forward and kissed my lips. She got out of the car.

{Aubrie Locked}

{Unlock Requirements}

Gloria [Friends With Benefits Status]

Whitney [Friends With Benefits Status]

Chelsey [Friends With Benefits Status]

Dilya [Crush Status]

I started the car then drove off. I decided to head back to Old Wellspring for a while. I had enough money to get my own home and homes were really affordable in Old Wellspring. There wasn't enough space to drive around in Old Wellspring so I parked my car in the forest then hopped out and walked into the village. I looked around and smiled at the familiar territory. I went to the tavern and met saw Ikeshia then sat beside her.

Ikeshia looked at me then smiled. "Hey there stranger...Glad to know you're still alive.."

"Yeah, we were worried when you weren't around for a while." Victoria smiled as she cleaned the cups.

{Ikeshia Locked}

{Unlock Requirements}

Faylen [Lover Status]

Magic Power Level: 3500

{Victoria Locked}

{Unlock Requirements}

Ikeshia [Crush Status]

Obissa [Crush Status]

Ibise [Crush Status]

Queen Ulana [Friend Status]

I looked up from my Lover Finder then looked at Ikeshia. "Hey I wanna apologize for what I did at the tournament...even if it wasn't truly me, it was my actions."

"Hey don't worry about it. I mean I've killed many people when I was younger. I have no reason to be too mad at you." Ikeshia smiled.

"Yeah besides what you did isn't even anything to write home about. Should have seen Shiro in his Ardour Phase. Nearly blew up the Dark Elven Kingdom." Victoria smiled.

I smiled a bit then stood up. "I'm in the area for a while. Damselt is a beautiful location but I've had enough of it."

"I bet." Ikeshia laughed a bit. "I'll see you around."

I nodded then left the tavern and went to go to the academy. I placed my hands in my pockets then noticed a woman sitting on a bench, feeding the birds. It was Whitney. The birds flew away and she smiled at them. I walked to her. She looked at me then looked a bit surprised.

"You're Leon from the karaoke bar." Whitney said.

"And you're Whitney from the karaoke bar." I smiled.

She stood up and bowed to me. "What brings you here?"

"I could ask you the same. I actually live in this village." I said.

"Insanity, I live here too!" Whitney said in shock.

"Well now this is a coincidence." I chuckled.

{Whitney Dawn Unlocked!}

{Whitney's Stats Acquired!}

Name: Whitney Dawn

Age: 26 Years Old

Birthday: May 7

Species: Human

Occupation: Babysitter

Status: Stranger

Affection Points: 0

Intimacy: 0

Bust: C

Hobbies: Hanging out with Chelsey, Singing, Dancing, Reading Books, Looking out into the sunset, Going to the mall, Baking, Watching the scenery

Favorite Love Trait: Sensitivity

Least Favorite Love Trait: Lust

Favorite Personality Trait: Charming

Least Favorite Personality Trait: Rebel

Favorite Food: Fast Food

Favorite Gifts: Books

"Would you...like to hang out?" I asked.

"Sure! I got nothing planned." Whitney smiled.

I nodded and walked ahead. Whitney walked next to me. Kyu-Pit appeared beside me and cleared her throat.

"Don't respond to me, but you should know a little something about Whitney here. Her and her mother aren't on good terms much. It would be wise to not ask about her family. She is also sensitive so be mindful of what you say. She's also a hopeless romantic. Honestly...Whitney is the easiest person to get along with out of all the Destiny Harem women. She's lovable and loves to be loved. Just be nice to her and she will return the favor." Kyu-Pit smiled then vanished.

"So have you eaten anything today? Are you hungry?" I asked.

{Whitney's Affection rose by 30}

{Whitney's Affection Points: 30}

"I haven't eaten anything other than breakfast at Chelsey's home when I was hanging out with her and her daughter. I am a bit hungry. I could really use a good burger and fries." Whitney smiled.

"Well I know this good diner that sells some good food. We should head there. I'm hungry as well." I chuckled and placed my hands behind my head.

"Oh! Let's hit the diner then!" Whitney smiled.

We walked to the Wellspring Diner. Once we made it, we entered the diner and got our seats. The waiter noticed me and smiled.

"Good to have you back, Shiro." The waiter smiled.

"It's good to be back.." I smiled back at him.

Whitney looked at us and smiled. The waiter handed us menus and walked off. "You're surely famous around huh.."

"Ahh...I wouldn't say famous. Ever since I came to this world I have been the talk of the village though." I looked out the window and smiled at the skaters skating by the diner. "Things haven't been the best, but it's looking up again.."

Whitney looked at me and looked out the window. "You come from Earth don't you."

"Yeah and I'm gonna assume the same for you?" I asked.

"Mhm." Whitney nodded and looked at me. "I was actually tricked into coming here."

"Oh really? I was thrown into here by people I knew. Only one of them turned it around, but the other two are still on Earth. I did want to go back to Earth at first, but I met some amazing people here. I don't want to go back any time soon.." I smiled and closed my eyes.

Whitney smiled and looked at the menu. "Come on let's order something."

"Yeah." I chuckled and looked at my menu.


We exited the diner after we ate then she hurried ahead of me then turned around. I looked at her and placed my hands in my pockets.

"I should head on home, but I'll be available tomorrow! We can hang out tomorrow. Good night!" She waved and hurried home.

I waved at her then placed my hand back in my pocket. Kyu-Pit appeared beside me. I looked at her. "Think you can help me get a house and move in?"

"Of course. Let's go it!" Kyu-Pit nodded.