
Between The Flames and Wind [1]

Sen and his gang waited outside for me then I walked outside. I looked at them and walked towards them. They got their weapons ready and glared at me.

"Truly...pathetic." I said then smirked and my eyes shined. "I am but one person. Why all of this Sen? Couldn't beat me in a one on one so you brought your whole gang here?"

"Shut the fuck up." Sen said then ran to me and yelled along with his friends.

I exhaled and smoke came from my mouth. I dashed past them. They looked at me and chased after me. "I won't put Kayleigh in danger. Let's take this fight elsewhere."

Some of them began to shoot bullets at me. I used my flames to burn them into ashes. One of them appeared in front of me and tried to punch my face. I dodged him by spinning around him then continued to run ahead. They chased me until we reached a secluded area then I stopped. I looked around and noticed the place seem abandoned.

"No where to run punk." Sen said then smirked as he cracked his knuckles.

I didn't face them. I looked at the ground and my hair slowly turned into flames. "Here...there is no need to hold back." I turned around to look at them.

Sen yelled and went for multiple attacks at me. I dodged them swiftly then punched his stomach. He groaned then I pushed him aside. His gang dashed to me and yelled. I took them all on, blocking and dodging their attacks. I was hit in my face them I stumbled a bit which let me taking more attacks. I yelled and my flames pushed them all back from me.

"He's so strong. What is his Magic Power Level?" A guy asked.

"Tch..it's 295. But in this awakened state it's 590." His friend answered.

My heart thumped hard and I grunted and held my face. I panted and my flames began to grow out of control. I yelled and my flames surged around me. Sen's friends looked at me surprised.

"Leon!" A voice called out to me.

I heard the voice and panted then looked up seeing Faylen.

"Control your flames! It's you who needs to be in control! The flames don't control you! You control the flames!" Faylen yelled.

I panted and grunted then fell to my knees then gripped my hair. I began to groan as the flames burned me from the insides.

"Take this chance to kill him!" Sen yelled.

His friends charged at me and yelled.

I grit my teeth and yelled then my flames surged, pushing them back. My flames began to surround me and formed into armor then a flaming sword appeared in my hands.

"What...what is this form?!" Sen asked.

I stood up and opened my eyes and they shined a sapphire blue. I dashed to his friends and slashed at them, killing them one by one in one blow by either severing their heads or burning them alive. I roared and my flames became stronger.

"Wha...Who are you?! Y-You aren't human!" Sen said seeing his friends dead.

I looked back and glared. "What's wrong..? Surely you didn't think this was a good idea. Controlled or not, the result would've been the same. I would have killed you all regardless."

Sen looked at me and backed up then his back was against the wall. I walked to him and Faylen appeared in front of me. I looked at her then glared.

"This isn't you, Leon. You don't have to kill him!" Faylen said.

I pushed her aside then dashed to Sen and my eyes shined brightly. I shoved my sword through his heart and he coughed blood then his body slowly went limp. I kicked the sword through his body then the sword pooped around and stuck on the ground next to me. Faylen looked surprised and looked at me.

I smirked and held my arms out. I laughed softly then looked at Faylen. "This is what happened when you try to strike us down."

"Us..?" Faylen asked.

My flames began to shape in the form of my mother behind me. "You honestly believe I was going to let him live? There will be no more mercy against my opponents. I'll strike them all down! Those who wish to combat with me will die."

"Leon...Tch. Your mother is corrupting you! That crystal! She's only hurting you! Feeding off death!" Faylen yelled.

"The tournament is tomorrow, Faylen. If you wish to save him...destroy the crystal engraved in his chest." I said then pulled down my shirt and revealed the crystal. "Show me what that pathetic God has shown you. Be warned, you're no exception to the rule."

I laughed and walked away. Faylen watched me and stood up.


"And he just laughed and left!" Faylen bellowed, slamming her fists onto the counter.

"His mother must've been a very vengeful spirit. But why would she want revenge if she died giving birth to him. Is it that she blames Leon for her death? If so how is it even his fault? He didn't choose to be conceived." Ikeshia said as she sipped her drink. "The only thing I gotta say is you gotta fight at 110% in this tournament. Make it to the finals because I know he will make it. Save him."

"Yeah." Faylen said then looked up. "He is still my best friend. I'll save him no matter what."


"Welcome everyone to the Destiny Tournament where all the best fighters from across the world come to compete for the ultimate prize! A chance to meet any of the Queens of Esoria!" The announcer said and laughed. "The rules are simple! The battle is won when the other combatant is unable to continue and killing is allowed! Let's get this party started! Would you look at the screen to see the player brackets! The first match is Leon vs. The Spirit Knight, Xeno!"

Xeno looked at me and smiled. "He does look pretty strong. I hope to have a good battle with him."

I sat in my seat with my hair covering my eyes. I noticed him walking to me. He reached his hand out to shake it then I pushed his hand away then stood up. "I won't be showing any mercy. Pray to your God that you live to see another day." I walked away.

The people around murmured and looked at each other. Faylen watched me and glared.

Xeno and I had made our way to the battle area. The crowd cheered and roared in excitement. An alarm sounded for us to start the battle. Xeno summoned his sword then dashed to me. He slashed then I dodged him and a flame hand punched his stomach. He groaned and was sent flying in the air. Multiple flame arms began to strike Xeno and he groaned loudly, coughing blood as the strikes continued. I stomped my foot down then palmed his stomach, releasing a pulse-like wave then blew him away. He crashed into the wall and groaned loudly.

"Is that it? Aren't you all supposed to be the best here? I haven't even warmed up yet." I said and laughed. "Come on Xeno. Show me that power you hold!"

Xeno stood up and panted. He wiped his lip then looked at me and knew something was wrong. He dashed to me and made illusions of himself. His illusions began to strike at me in all directions. I blocked their attacks and kicked some of them away. My body flickered and I appeared behind the illusions then they all vanished. Xeno yelled and clapped his hands together and spread his hands apart creating a ball of energy. He released the energy beam at me and it connected then exploded.

"This is an intense first match folks, but it seems like Leon is- wait hold on!" The announcer said.

The smoke cleared and I stood there in perfect condition as my flames surrounded my body as armor. I held out my hand. "My turn."

I held my hand to the sky and a large blue fireball appeared above my palm. I looked at Xeno and smirked then threw the ball of flames down then a large blue explosion happened and the crowd grew silent.

Faylen looked surprised and stood up. Feno crossed his arms as he watched. Ikeshia opened her right eye. Shiro glared as he watched the events.

"P-Papa..? Is..is he dead..?" Lusette asked, scared.

The smoke cleared and revealed a scene where there was no body, but blood along the ground and walls. Everyone was speechless as they watched.

"Yeah...he's dead." Shiro said.

"T-The winner of the first round is L-Leon!" The announcer said hesitantly.

I looked up at Faylen and smirked widely. They combatants looked at Faylen and she growled then gripped the rails tightly.

"Give me back my best friend you bitch!" Faylen yelled.

"Come take him in the finals. If you even make it that far." I laughed and walked away.