
Game Entertainment Emp

LordLho · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


Restarting the game once again, Chuji took every monster seriously and encountered new props he had never seen before. The only difference was that, in the end, he faced the big spider boss.

"Randomly generated game?" Chuji's face showed surprise.

The game content is completely random. In fact, it's not a difficult technology. Many game producers in the industry use this type of production.

But the difficulty lies in how to design that randomness.

The randomness here isn't truly random, because then it would be purely a test of luck for the player. For example, if you encounter a die in the first level to defeat your BOSS, what would that be like?

The true random game refers to your game being random, not just on paper.

It randomizes the game content, but it can't be extended to different forms of play. This is undoubtedly a failure.

The true power of random games lies in how random elements can be combined into a completely new gameplay.

"Treasure rooms representing wealth, merchant rooms where money can be spent on items, elite rooms offering rare treasures, mysterious event rooms with angelic and demonic surprises, and game rooms where money becomes the key to play, culminating in the final boss room." It's a shame that carrying a variety of props and treasures in the inventory is required to combine different abilities.

After playing three or four times, Chuji almost mastered the main mechanics of the game.

But he didn't stop there. Chuji was still trying to figure out if there was any hidden trick in this game.

"Interesting, is it like playing the lottery every time I open a treasure chest?"

"Just like scratch cards, raffles, and capsule machines, uncertainty is the most exciting element."

While playing, Chuji muttered to himself. For players, it may seem like just fun, but for the gaming industry, playing is not just a recreational activity but also a study of the game, analyzing which elements provide fun to players and what factors can make the experience less enjoyable.

This is part of the nature of the profession.

"Just like MMORPG characters, different props form powerful routines, which is quite intriguing." Even after the character's death in the game, Chuji quickly started a new game to continue his exploration.

Time passed, minute by minute, until the alarm on the phone next to him rang.

More than two hours had passed?

Checking the clock on his phone, Chuji's face showed surprise.

As a practitioner in the gaming industry and a professional game reviewer, Chuji hadn't experienced such an engaging game in a long time, a game that made him lose track of time.

Addictive, this game is addictive!

An idea sprang up in Chuji's heart!

"This game, maybe it's worth fighting for!" Chuji fixed his eyes on the game screen on his desktop, immediately opened his communication system, followed the instructions to contact his friend from the developer's side, and sent a message, while thinking about making a call.

After about two seconds of ringing, the phone was answered, and without waiting for the other person's response, Chuji ordered: "Xiao Zhao, please help me find a contract for 'Monster Dungeon' and give me the contact of the game's creator at that time."

On the other side, in the independent game publishing departments of Tenghua, NetDragon, and Phoenix.

An auditor raised his eyes for a moment, was momentarily surprised, and then immediately opened the company's internal communication software, sending a request.

"Boss, we have an extremely interesting game here!"

At the same time, similar scenes unfolded in the editorial departments of NetDragon and Phoenix.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Alex finished eating the large meat buns he had just bought.

In the rented room, Alex and Emily sat side by side in front of the computer, immersed in playing "The Binding of Isaac."

"This game is a lot of fun, but the characters are a bit weird." After being defeated by the boss in the boss room, Emily picked up the milk next to her and momentarily forgot her frustration with the game.

"The art style has its own characteristics and is impressive," Alex commented with a smile.

In fact, Alex made several changes to the original monster design. Now they aren't as weird as in the original version, and even look a bit cute.

Additionally, Alex made some changes to the characters' blood amount to make them more suitable for a wider audience.

In addition to the basic mechanics of the game, Alex also introduced some changes that weren't present in the original version.

For example, the slot machine in the game's arcade room was simple in the original version, but Alex made it more detailed, offering players the opportunity to choose patterns and actively participate in the game.

At the same time, Alex made some other changes to the game's mechanics.

Relying on his own skills, Alex didn't acquire these skills quickly, but he drew from his extensive experience with roguelike games, especially from his memory of "Slay the Spire," to incorporate key elements of "The Binding of Isaac" and enhance the game, removing its imperfections.

"Yeah, I was quite impressed too. Before, the characters were weird. Not cute at all," Emily said with an ironic smile as she took a sip of her milk. However, upon realizing that it was already finished, she glanced at the milk next to Alex, attempting to discreetly borrow it.

Alex didn't notice that his milk had disappeared, continuing to focus on the game as he analyzed areas that could be improved.

"Actually, it looks cute when you look closely," Alex remarked.

"Hmm, maybe there's something to that," Emily whispered as she silently sucked on the milk and cast a furtive glance at Chuji's profile, repeating the observation.

After about ten seconds, the straw made a slight rustling as it disappeared into thin air. Emily stopped sucking and discreetly returned the milk to Alex's arm.

Alex smiled, got up, and went to the refrigerator, grabbing another glass of milk and placing a straw in Emily's hand, whose face was a bit red.

"The gameplay style is crucial, but for this game, it's not the main element. Ensuring that the player isn't deterred by the style is enough," Alex explained in detail.

Tick-tock, tick-tock... Alex's phone, beside the table, began to ring with the pure tone and vibration of water droplets. He picked up the phone, saw the number on the screen, and his face lit up with a smile.