
Game Developer: A Transmigrated Tale

In a world where gaming is not just entertainment but a fundamental part of society's fabric, Leo, a dedicated gamer finds himself transmigrated into a realm known as Apex. Initially bewildered by his new surroundings and grappling with questions of where he is and how he got there, Leo soon discovers that Apex is a world where gaming isn't just a pastime but a driving force behind technological advancement and societal structure. Drawing on his passion and expertise as a gamer, Leo immerses himself in the world of game development. Along the way, he encounters challenges and opportunities, forming alliances with fellow developers and enthusiasts, and contributing his insights to the burgeoning industry.

Silent_Thinker · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


While Ria and her friends were enjoying Roblox, Leo's other game didn't go unnoticed.

Among Us was also slowly gaining popularity. Moreover, since it is not a sandbox-style game, there weren't many differing opinions about it among players. Most people who tried the game liked it and appreciated the innovative style Leo introduced.

Many streamers chose to play Among Us over Roblox.


Grace Moonshadow adjusted her headphones, her thick-rimmed glasses reflected in the bright LED lights. She got ready for another streaming night. As a streamer, Grace, also known as "Moonshadow," had amassed a sizable following. She and her numerous female friends would participate in gaming sessions on her channel, which was a vibrant community where they would show off their abilities and friendships.

Tonight was different, though. Among Us, a brand-new multiplayer game, had just been released, and the anticipation for it was great. Grace's chat was filled with recommendations, asking her to play this new game on her stream. She opted to jump in because she was intrigued and constantly looking for new experiences. 

"Alright, everyone," she continued, her voice full of enthusiasm and interest, "I've heard about this game called 'Among Us'. It looks like it would be a wonderful ride, so let's go for it!" Her news elicited an ecstatic swarm of emotes and comments from her viewers, who shared her excitement. 

Grace quickly chatted with her group of gaming buddies, the ones who always wanted to try new games.

In the future, they will be known as the "Gamer Girls." There was Elena, who will be a strategic genius with a thing for puzzle games. Ava, who will have the best FPS skills in the group. Nia, who will be the team's tech whiz. Sophie, who could bring a smile to anyone's face in the darkest of gaming situations. But of course, that's for the future. They are still unknown now.

The group answered the Discord call, the sound of their voices blending in with the usual greetings and banter. "Ready to try something new, girls?" Grace asked, running her fingers through the game's settings.

"Yeah, I heard it's all about deception and team-building," Elena said, already planning her strategy.

"I can't wait to see who tries to bite me in the ass first," Ava said, her competitiveness already sharpening as the game loaded.

Among Us is a social deduction game. Players take on the role of Crewmates or Impostors, and the goal is to either complete tasks or deceive and eliminate the others. It's got it all: strategy, trust, betrayal, and a whole lot of fun.

Grace Moonshadow's fingers flew across her keyboard as she stepped into the lobby of Among Us for the first time. The discussion on her live stream was buzzing with excitement, with emotes. Grace's buddies were already online, with their avatars forming a semi-circle in the colorful spaceship-themed lobby.

"Alright, team," Grace exclaimed, her voice full of enthusiasm, "let's see what this game is all about!"

The lobby screen displayed the names of her friends: Elena, Ava, Nia, and Sophie, each wearing unique headgear and clothing that they had swiftly designed.

"Remember, our goal is to either complete all of our tasks or, if you're the Impostor, sabotage and eliminate the Crewmates," Elena concluded, always the strategist.

Their first game began, and the group soon learned the basics. Grace, acting as a Crewmate, became interested in doing jobs while keeping an eye on her teammates.

Her first assignment was at Electrical. Grace guided her little avatar through the spaceship's cramped corridors, her gaze drawn to the chart to ensure she was on the right track. Suddenly, a report button appeared on her screen.

"Dead body reported," the announcer blared.

The conversation screen appeared, with everyone's avatars arranged around a central table.

"Already? Who discovered the body?" Ava inquired, mistrust in her tone.

"I did," Nia answered. "It was at MedBay. I did not see anyone around, however."

The chat was filled with hypotheses and allegations, but with no evidence, they opted to skip the vote. The round restarted, and Grace's uneasiness increased as she continued with her tasks. The following task was in Navigation, where she needed to position a spaceship. The assignment was straightforward, but her heart raced when she saw Ava enter the room.

"Stay away from me, Ava," Grace laughed uncomfortably, keeping her distance.

"Relax, I'm just doing my tasks," Ava said with a chuckle.


Grace was mid-task in Admin, swiping her card, when the lights went out. Panic set in as the screen darkened and the ship's emergency lighting cast eerie shadows down the corridors. She could sense the stress in her friends' voices through Discord.

"Who is sabotaging the lights?" We need to fix them quickly!" Ava exclaimed.

Grace rushed to Electrical, where the sabotage might be fixed. She arrived to find Nia already there, feverishly attempting to repair the wires.

"I've got your back," Grace responded, stepping in to help. As the lights flickered back on, Grace noticed Nia's strange silence.

"Nia? Are you there?" She inquired, but there was no answer.

The report button appeared again. This time, Grace found the body.

"It is Nia! She was right next to me in Electrical!" Grace let out a shout.

The emergency meeting was called, and the group met.

"Is it Ava?" asked Elena.

"I don't know," replied Grace.


"It wasn't me, I swear. She was already dead when I arrived," Grace said.

"But if you were with her, how did you not see who did it?" Elena inquired.

"I don't know," Grace replied feebly.

They both discussed it and ultimately chose to vote off Ava, who had been uncharacteristically quiet. As Ava's avatar drifted away in space, the screen said, "Ava was not an impostor."

And in the next second, the screen said "Defeat" and Elena's avatar showed up in a red hue.

"Huh?" Grace asked, confused. "What happened? We lost?"

"Of course, dumb, we lost," came the irritated voice of Sophia from Discord.

"How did we lose?" Grace asked dumbly.

"Oh my god, how dumb can you be?" replied Nia.

"Oh my god, I am dead," came the sound of laughter from Elena.

"What happened? Can anyone explain it?" Grace, still confused, asked.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you. There were five players in total. In the beginning, Sophia died and Nia reported it. Then Nia died, and you reported it. Then you, dumbass, ejected me," explained Ava.

She added, "What were you thinking? We were the last ones. If any one of us died, the impostor wins. I was telling you to vote for Elena, but you voted for me."

"Huh, but your voice wasn't coming through. You were mute, so I thought you were the impostor," replied Grace slowly.

"What? I was screaming in the live stream the whole time! I was mute?" Ava asked slowly. "Oh my god, I feel so dumb."

"It was fun," came the laughter-filled voice of Elena.

"What fun? I didn't understand the game," Grace retorted.

She added, "Anyway, now that I understand a little, I feel like five players are very few. It is hard to play with only five players."

Sophia asked, "Then should we invite other girls? But they are not active now."

Elena said, "Invite them for tomorrow. It will be fun."
