
Chapter 259: Clear the barbarian camp

Originally, Tuoyi asked the warriors to step forward, thinking of scaring the barbarian riders away.

  The last time I started, I also encountered a situation where the barbarian warrior walked nearby, then dangled and walked away.

  But this time, the barbarian rider seemed to be a little arrogant, rushing into the border of the country carelessly, and even looting.

  Immediately, a peaceful vineyard burst into flames, the house was burned to black charcoal, and a black smoke floated into the air.

  Tuo Yi was so angry that he didn't know how to write dead words!

  "You really thought I wouldn't dare to hit you!" The

  warrior rushed over, waving the stone hammer in his hand, and the barbarian rider also pulled the reins, waving a spear in the other, rushed into the warrior camp, and turned around again.

  The two sides fought fiercely. After two rounds, the bodies of two warriors fell on the ground, and one of the barbarian riders was knocked down by a hammer. .

  "Hey, the warrior actually fought with the rider. I thought the rider was a more powerful unit!" When the

  gold coins were enough, he bought another slinger and joined the warrior to kill the rider.

  After the warrior kills the rider, he is upgraded to one level. There are two upgrade routes: the offensive "battle" and the defensive "turtle shield". Tuoyi chose to upgrade the "battle". When fighting with melee and ranged units, + 7 combat power.

  Afterwards, let the warriors and slingers march in the direction of the barbarian camp.

  This time, he was determined to get rid of this scourge!

  After a few rounds.

  The diplomatic interface popped up, with a river full of lotus floating in the background, and a shirtless little old man appeared with only a simple white towel wrapped around his body.

  He has dark skin, a thin body, only two gray hair on the top of his head, and his eyes are full of peace under the golden glasses: "Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi, my people support me as a Mahatma, But I'd rather you call me a friend."

  "Surprised, isn't this Mahatma Gandhi?"

  In addition to Daxian, Tuoyi really only knows him as a celebrity in Shenniu Kingdom.

  Gandhi's most famous thought is "non-violence". He firmly believed in the power of the spirit and believed that goodness is the nature of human beings. As long as this kindness is maintained and non-violent means are adhered to, all evils will be overcome, even probation. All evil deeds and things.

  The title of Mahatma comes from an honorific in Sanskrit, the original meaning is "great soul", and this honorary title was given to him by the poet Tagore, which means a saint and a hero in one.

  [It's an honor to meet you]

  After a few rounds, the warriors and slingers followed the path on the edge of the mountain to the barbarian camp, and a group of barbarian spearmen greeted them.

  And the scout, according to the instructions, has been tirelessly investigating automatically, and suddenly a prompt pops up.

  [Discovering Natural Wonders]

  The map is zoomed in and out, and a corner of a snow-covered mountain range is exposed, which is more majestic and magnificent than ordinary mountains. The snow is white and pure, and it has a very sacred feeling.

  Mount Everest.

  "We conquered not the mountains, but ourselves—Sir Edmund Hillary."

  Tuoyi saw a natural wonder for the first time, and was a little surprised: "It turns out that it is not only a man-made wonder, but also various natural wonders in the game. Right?"

  It's natural to think about it.

  "The discovery of natural wonders and the magnificence of all things in the universe inspired your people.

  Your understanding of astrology has been greatly improved."

  This round passed, and the construction of the Hanging Garden was completed, and Tuoyi began to produce builders.

  Because as the round goes on,The scope of the city is also expanding, and it will give priority to the expansion of the land where the resources are located.

  Now there are two more pieces of wheat, and a horse farm has joined the scope of Xi'an. The builders need to build improved facilities to make use of the resources.

  At the same time, the battle on the other side was also going on.

  When the barbarian pikemen faced the slingers and warriors, they directly went up to the slinger A. The long-range unit, the slinger, is extremely fragile, losing half of its health in one turn.

  Although Tuoyi commanded the slingers to retreat and let the warriors stand up, the barbarian pikemen chased and killed the slingers.

  "Ah ah ah!" Tuo Yi was very angry, his slinger died too wrongly, obviously the warrior is closer, why not hit the warrior?

  He simply let the warriors ignore the spearmen and move to the barbarian camp. The camp was unmanned at this time, and it was taken away directly, rewarding him with 60 gold coins.

  Without a steady stream of barbarians, the only spearman left is struggling to the death.

  Then I bought a slinger with gold coins, intending to double-team.

  On the diplomatic interface, Roosevelt, the leader of Jin Yuanguo, appeared. He was burly, in a suit and leather shoes, and he looked smart and strong with a big beard.

  "Welcome to Jin Yuanguo! If your behavior is decent enough, we can be friends." The

  arrogant and domineering declaration.   Roosevelt was one of the greatest presidents in the history of

  Jin Yuanguo. He once said a classic saying that reflected his ruling style: "Talk your words in your mouth, and hold a big stick in your hand."

Which civilization has a good relationship, try not to conflict in the early stage.

  Isn't it beautiful to be in a corner of your own, rich in resources, and make a fortune in silence?

  In the next round, the capital was upgraded to level 6. The advisor appeared, prompting: "Our capital is prosperous! But I think it's time to take root elsewhere. Maybe we should train a trailblazer."

  However, Tuoyi took a look and decided to build a granary first. The granary can make the capital expand faster. It can be built in 6 rounds, and then build a pioneer.

  The barbarian spearmen were besieged by warriors and slingers. The slingers raised the ropes in their hands over their heads, waving loudly, and then threw the large stones out, leaving the barbarians with only one gun left. Although the soldier raised his shield and waited in full force, he was still dizzy when a few stones hit him, and fell to the ground weakly.

  Tuo Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, you don't have to worry about the barbarians looting again! At least for a while."

  He felt a little bit of the difficulty of civilization development.

  However, in the iron-blooded confrontation with the barbarians, the civilization has also grown and progressed, this time triggering two Eurekas at one time.

  "Finally, your slinger has killed an enemy, and you crave a more powerful ranged weapon. Your knowledge of archery has grown tremendously."

  "The war with the barbarians has made you crave more powerful Weapons, your understanding of copper casting has been greatly improved." The

  war production is correct, the builders rebuilt the vineyards sacked by barbarian riders, and then built the wheat resource farm.