
Chapter 260: Peaceful development and accumulation of strength

Bronze casting and political philosophy are both studied.

  Advisor: "The time has come to transform into a new, stronger regime, let's strengthen our sense of identity and develop more policies to govern our people."

  "Politics is the art of possibility and can be the next best The art of. - Otto von Bismarck's

  eyes lit up, a new regime?

  Open the policy interface, there are three new government types to choose from: dictatorship, oligarchy, and classical republic.

  The bonus of each type of government is different. For example, the effect of dictatorship is that all output in the capital increases by +1, and wonders have a 10% productivity bonus.

  Although the bonus is good, there are two military slots in its four policy slots. Tuoyi wanted to develop peacefully in the early stage, and he had no pursuit of combat power. The two military slots were a bit wasteful, so he gave up after thinking about it.

  Oligarchs have well-balanced slots, one each for military, economic, diplomatic, and general, which can be allocated reasonably. In terms of bonuses, combat effectiveness and experience of combat units are improved. If it is normal difficulty, it should be the best choice. Farming and fighting Both, but it is useless to Tuoyi.

  So he finally chose the classical republic, two economic slots, one diplomacy and wildcard slot, the effect is that all cities in the built area increase by 1 livability, so that the city develops faster, and at the same time, the great man points get +15%.

  In the economic policy, I chose to increase the productivity of the pioneers and builders, and the diplomacy slot and the general slot chose the policy of increasing the influence of the city-state, which can get envoys faster.

  The trade party to Antananarivo is back and sent to Kabul again, this route can bring +3 gold per turn, +1 productivity.

  After the pioneers finished building, Tuoyi asked the pioneers to go to the protruding continent below and build a city near the original barbarian camp. Then another academy area was created near the mountains.

  Diplomatic interface.

  Because before the exchanges were very friendly and there was no conflict, now the relationship with various civilizations is friendly.

  Tuoyihua sent a delegation to visit India for 25 gold coins, and Gandhi extended his hand to welcome him: "You are so considerate, my friend. Your country's trade embassy brought your gifts, and I thank them myself. ."

  Declare Friendship: Formally state your willingness to maintain friendly relations with the country, as a friend you gain an ally, but cannot formally declare war on the country.

  Gandhi: "I accept your friendship, may it bring peace."

  Tuoyi also announced friendship to other civilizations, and everyone accepted it readily.

  Tokimune Hojo, the leader of the Sakura Kingdom, bowed slightly: "I see the peace and tranquility of a warrior in you, and I deeply welcome this kind of friendship."

  Alexander threw the golden lion helmet into the air with one hand . , caught it firmly, revealing two rows of white teeth: "The Macedonian people welcome the long-lasting friendship."

  Tuoyi thought with satisfaction: "NICE! If you build a relationship in advance, you can develop peacefully in the early stage, and you don't have to worry about being like a boss. Like Nubia, the relationship deteriorated, and finally war was declared."

  After the academy was built in several rounds, he chose to build the Apadana Palace on a plain with no resources next to the capital.

  "When building wonders (including Apadana Palace) in this city, +2 messengers must be built next to the capital. +2 masterpiece slots." The

  pioneers came to the predetermined location and landed as the city of Longxi.

  There is a world ranking button on the right, you can easily see the player's current status.

  The Chinese civilization ranks first in terms of technology and culture, but its domination and victories are ranked sixth—this ranking is mainly related to military power, and even the God Cow Kingdom, which does not like war, ranks fifth.

  Religion ranks seventh.

  Just when Tuoyi was thinking about the next development strategy, he suddenly heard a call.

  "Come for dinner!"

  "Huh? Why is it about to eat, didn't I just go home for a while?"

  Tuoyi looked at the time in the upper right corner of the game and was shocked. Now it's 7 o'clock in the evening!

  This game is poisonous! Obviously he only ordered a few rounds, and the time was inexplicably gone.

  The meal was plentiful.

  Tuo Yi's wife said, "I wanted to call you over for dinner after 6 o'clock, but since you were so fascinated, I called you later."

  "Well, delicious!" back to the computer.

  Usually, he would go out for a while after eating, but for today, he won't slip!

  There are still 5 rounds to build the Apadana Palace. I haven't seen the wonders built, and I guess I can't sleep well.

  After 5 rounds.

  A wonder of the world has been built!

  The cheerful bgm with exotic characteristics sounded, and the smoke was billowing. First, the outer wall stood up and perfected, and then the main palace broke out. The overall color is a desert yellow, with a magnificent appearance and a desert style.

  The Apadana Palace consists of a main palace and many small palaces, with dozens of pillars supporting the wooden roof, the foundations are paved with stones higher than the ground, and there are wide stairs for people to walk on. On the front of the palace, there is also a statue of a golden lion and a blue fountain pool as an embellishment.

  "My ancestor Darius I built this Apadana Palace, but it was ruthlessly burned down..."

  This palace is recorded as the palace where Darius I received foreign envoys , the walls are engraved with tributes to the dynasty, written declarations or reliefs depicting the greatness of the kings.

  Tuoyi admired the shining golden lion for a while, and couldn't hide his smile: "Not bad, now my civilization has two wonders!"

  Two envoys of the reward, sent one to Carthage to increase the Faith gained each turn.

  Another messenger is assigned to a city-state that the scouts later discovered, and gold coins can be added each round.

  The next step is to build a port.

  Located on the seaside, a port is very necessary, not only for maritime trade and production of navies, but the spectacle of the Great Lighthouse must also be built on the coast near the port with the existing lighthouse.

  After 78 rounds of development, the map is now prosperous. Scouts, warriors, and archers of various civilizations are running around on the map. There are also galleys wandering in the water, and some civilizations have even opened two a sub-city.

  However, Tuoyi felt that quality was more important than quantity. After his capital had a sky garden, it expanded rapidly, and the resources included were all improved by the builders. It can stand up to the other three cities.

  Moreover, after there are more cities, it is also very troublesome to switch between different cities and choose the content to build.

  Hehehe, the peaceful development has been almost reached, and if you save a little strength, you can choose other civilizations to operate!

  At that time, who should I hit first?