
Chapter 249: Where life is not difficult

In addition to these relatively ridiculed evaluations, there are still some more serious evaluations.

"Autism game. The higher you jump, the harder you fall."

"I've played so many platform jumps. This is the first game that made my mind explode. I can't even think of a backboard. I'll take a step first..."

"It's not a god, I suggest not to buy it, be careful with your computer." "Don't say anything else, I haven't left the novice village after playing for half an hour."

"It's too difficult, I don't want this hot girl anymore."

"Although it's a relatively crashing game, it's still quite interesting. As long as you can resist the urge to smash the computer, you'll be fine. It hurts and you're happy!" "Life is always full of ups and downs, and you may not feel great when playing this game. up, but you're bound to come down."

"If you can't accurately jump to the next platform, you will definitely feel hopeless. In addition, the game is very fun, and the retro background screen is also very beautiful and comfortable, which can help you judge the current position. On the difficulty There's obviously a lot of effort in the design."

"This game is very simple to operate, left and right spaces. But jumping is very problematic, and you can't adjust the trajectory when you are in the air, so you have to calculate the next landing point when you are charging."

"Very good game, refreshing.

You may have watched the anchor's live broadcast, or heard from friends that this game is difficult, but it may not be what you think it is, it is a hard-to-explode game. The difficulty of the game is actually average, as long as you can maintain a good attitude, you can always jump up. From my personal experience, this game feels quite relaxing. However, if you are not a hardcore player and like to challenge difficult games, it is recommended not to buy it. "

"My gaming experience:

Push too hard, go over the platform, and fall.

The force is too small, the flight distance is not enough, it cannot reach the next platform, and it falls.

Excessive force, a head hit the wall, rebound and then fall.

In short, when you are not familiar with the game, there are countless falls, and countless kisses with the ground. I only remember that the scenery above my head is beautiful.

Moreover, this game is automatically saved, which means that every time you jump, it will be recorded. Isn't it a very kind and humanized design? Students who want to study files should not dream.

Although you can't relax for a moment during the game, you need to maintain a tense state at all times, otherwise you will plummet, but every progress, every time you reach a new area, will also bring a full sense of accomplishment. Players who like challenges will love this game. "

"The only thing you have to beat in this game is yourself."

Some writers commented:

"You fell and you got up again.

As the speech of the moon landing program said:

We choose to go to the moon. Making such a crazy decision is not because it is easy, but precisely because it is difficult.

This goal allows organizations to measure the strength and technology we are proud of. We are willing to accept this challenge, but not willing to postpone it. We are going to win this challenge.

Perhaps the game "Jump King" cannot be compared with human feats such as conquering mountains, crossing oceans, and landing on the moon in terms of operational difficulty, but it exercises the mental and mental torture of completing the difficulties of life in a short period of time.

And the number of times and time to experience in life may be ten times as many times as this game. The difficulty may also be ten times, a hundred times.

Maybe you already know this. However, even when faced with difficulties in the game, most people still chose to give up.

In fact, that sneering old man lying on the ground at the beginning of your jumping journey is everywhere in your life. And our protagonist, no matter how many times he falls, will get up again and again and look up at the sky, because the top of the tower is there, and the hot girl is there. "


Tiandou has been coding silently for almost a year since graduation.

Her first book, "The Overbearing President Forgive Me: I Don't Want to Go to Africa" ​​has 800,000 words.

In the later stage, perhaps another 200,000 words will be finished.

At the beginning, the results were bleak, and it was not until I wrote more than 400,000 words that I had a few readers. With hundreds of subscriptions and 600 yuan full attendance, the monthly manuscript fee earned by the microwave barely covered my rent and living expenses, and even paid I made some advance payments on "Ant Flower Bar".

Tian Dou is extremely grateful to the big guy "v don't know what to call it" for the reward, thanks to "Ant Flower Bar", and thanks to the progress of science and technology, if there is no flower bar, she really can only live by eating steamed buns every month.

Although her father asked her to speak when she was short of money, Tiandou herself, as an adult, was embarrassed to let her father continue to support her!

So every month when her father asked her how her writing was, Tian Dou kept answering: "Well, it's pretty good! The grades have improved, and there is no need to worry about eating and drinking!"

At this moment, she was sitting in front of the computer, crackling on the keyboard.

"Li Lengfeng slammed Xiaoyubi on the wall and shouted: 'Tell me, do you love me or not!'

Xiaoyu stubbornly turned his head away: 'I hate people who send others to Africa at every turn! '

As soon as these words were spoken, Xiaoyu felt a little regretful. She knew that Li Lengfeng was actually a cold-hearted, kind-hearted person. Although he sent his employees to Africa, he also built a sanatorium for the employees to rest. Thoughtfully sent the relatives of the employees to Africa, own words are too ruthless, it will definitely break his heart..."

Tiandou suddenly felt his stomach growl. He glanced at the time, it was past 12 o'clock.

"Hey, it's time to cook!"

Tiandou stood up, his eyes went blank, he leaned against the wall and walked out of the room to the kitchen, a little dizzy.

The main food is rice, and it is cooked at 11 o'clock. What should I do with the dishes?

At noon the day before yesterday, it was fried pork with cabbage. Yesterday, it was also fried with cabbage. Today... let's make fried pork with cabbage too.

She has been eating fried pork with cabbage for two months.

Why? Of course cabbage is cheap.

The price of a bag of three cabbage is 7 yuan and 5 yuan, and one 2.5 yuan. It is just fried one at a time. Buy a bag of vegetables for three days at noon.

The price of potatoes is also relatively cheap, but it needs to be peeled, and it is too troublesome to do one more step. Therefore, Tiandou chooses cabbage, which is cheap and easy.

When she is shopping for vegetables, she will buy a piece of pork at one time. Although meat is expensive, it is not good to eat meat. The nutrition is not balanced, and she is so greedy that she thinks about it every day when she dreams, and she has no intention of coding.

After buying the meat, go back and cut it apart. A piece of meat that costs 30 yuan can be cut into ten pieces, each piece of meat is almost a finger wide, then freeze it, take out a piece in advance before cooking at noon, and put it in Open outside.

Tiandou cut the cabbage, and then carefully cut the melted meat into six thin slices.

Heat the pot, pour a little oil, cut a slice of ginger as thin as cicada wings and put it in the pot, press down with a spatula to spread the bottom of the pot evenly. After the scent of ginger was aroused, I poured the sliced ​​meat into the pot and smelled the fragrant aroma, and my stomach growled even louder.

Tiandou took a deep breath of the aroma of meat, and a very happy smile appeared on his face.