
Chapter 248: Reality-themed educational games

  Brother Slag said: "Add a space to the left and right, just these three keys."

  Liuliu was familiar with the operation and started to jump up: "This is so simple..."


  The scene suddenly fell silent.


  Brother scum sat behind Liuliu, and there was a breathless laughter from his throat, Baozi's face bulged with laughter, his eyes narrowed.

  He didn't dare to laugh at his sister's laughter, because her sister would beat him.


  Brother Slag sneaked a glance at Liu Liu's expression, then quickly moved his eyes back to the screen, closed his mouth and tried to hold back a smile, trying to act as if nothing had happened, but his blushing face and raised eyebrows didn't help. He betrayed his relaxed and happy mood at the moment.

  "He's laughing, he's laughing wildly!"

  "The joy of the god of pixel games!"

  "Brother scum has no professional training." Liuliu remained calm   and

  calm: "It's so simple..."


fell back to the bottom of the pit.

  Like a child who learned that there is no homework today, Brother Slag opened his mouth recklessly, revealing two rows of white teeth, exaggerated and silently applauded, showing his schadenfreude smile.

  Liuliu has picturesque eyebrows and a gentle temperament. Although she has fallen several times in a row, there is still no sign of annoyance on her face: "I think this is actually relatively simple, because it is a platform that you stay for as long as you like. Yes, like some previous platform jumping games, the platform will shatter after a long time, you have to quickly find the next foothold..." As

  he said, the macho fell back to the bottom of the pit.

  Brother scum puffed out his cheeks, raised his eyebrows happily, and nodded.


  Liuliu's calm expression finally couldn't be maintained, his face slumped and his eyelids sank, and Brother Slag was so happy that everyone leaned up behind the chair and couldn't stop patting the armrest of the chair.

  Ten minutes later, Liuliu finally jumped to the maple leaf map, and Brother Slag also imparted his experience to Liuliu without hesitation: "Jump to the left, yes!"

  Liuliu followed the instructions and jumped to the next platform. , looked back at Brother Slag in surprise.

  This kid let me play this game, didn't he just want to see me laugh? Why are you so warmhearted.

  I thought he would deliberately misrepresent himself.

  Well, after all, they are brothers and sisters, and the scumbag is still a bit conscientious.

  He stretched out his hand to show his friendship: "Hey, how many detours you have saved me!" The

  two shook hands and smiled brightly together.

  "A big jump in the upper right corner, ok!"

  Under Brother Zha's guidance, Liuliu successfully jumped to the platform of the maple tree canopy, feeling that all the setbacks of the previous fall, and the unhappy ridicule of Brother Zha, were released at this moment, She smiled: "That's it?"

  She patted Brother Slag's leg and said in a stern voice: "Ah, that's all? I've only played for less than fifteen minutes."

  Brother Slag laughed and pointed to the screen: "You continue."


  Hunk fell down a layer.

  Liuliu was stunned, and turned to look at Brother Slag: "Isn't this a new level? How come it still fell?"

  Is there not even a save point in the middle of this platform jumping game?

  She thought it was automatically archived there just now.

  The scumbag laughed like a sheep: "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey~"

  Biu~ The

  macho passed through the trunk of the maple tree with precision, Liuliu blinked his eyes and screamed: "Hey, eh, eh Yay!"

  Back to the second layer of the green leaf map.

  Brother slag held back for a long time, and finally burst into laughter. Liuliu couldn't help laughing under his leadership, but he stopped quickly and asked Brother Xiang slag calmly, "Why are you so happy?"

  "Because I think of happy things."

  "Brother scum is dangerous!"

  "It's not a big deal to watch the fun."

  Brother scum sensed a dangerous aura, and immediately restrained his expression, not daring to make himself look too happy, honestly Shidao: "You can see why I'm so happy after watching my video yesterday."

  After speaking, he stood up and prepared to walk away: "Come on, sister! Go ahead!"

  Liuliu looked at the screen and suddenly He shouted loudly: "Stop! Don't go!"

  Then he showed a gentle smile: "Someone has to be responsible for all this... Let's download it today, and broadcast it here first."

  Brother scum ran away: "Hey, Sister, I was wrong!"

  Liuliu just frightened the scumbag with his mouth, but didn't really shut down the broadcast, the scumbag just pretended to run away, came back soon, and continued to watch.

  The two have a really good relationship.


  On the game platform, the comments about "Jump King" are also growing rapidly!

  Surprisingly, most of the reviews for such an extremely pitiful game turned out to be positive!

  Many of the reviews are concise and concise. If players who don't know the content of the game are shown, not only will they not be able to see whether the game is good or bad, but it will probably be confused.

  "I'm an idiot."

  "The game is good, but I'm an idiot." "Not   much

  to say, I'm an idiot."

  "It's fun, but I'm an idiot."

Jump King is a magical game that allows players to find themselves again.

  The rest of the comments are also very humorous.

  "Mom asked me why I was still on the same screen two hours later."

  "This game was recommended to me by a good friend. I also recommend this game to everyone here."

  "Playing this game can prevent depression, my mother said that I have become more lively and cheerful."

  "10 points. The hot girl is very hot, I have seen it, it is true. The introduction did not lie. People."

  "This game is so fun, Teemo, it

  's driving me crazy." "It's the first time I've played such a fun game when I've grown up, and after playing this game, I just want to ask a question. I am Who?"

  "This game is really super super fun. I don't think it should be sold for such a small amount of money. It's not a loss for 300. It's so fun. I really hope you all play it. It's an unprecedented feeling."

  "If It is said that the game makes people happy, then after playing this game, you will get far more than happiness."

  "This game is actually a very educational reality game, which reminds us that we should not forget when we work hard outside. Parents and family, remember to go home often to see."

  "Wang Jian's masterpiece beyond the peak! The seemingly simple jumping game actually contains extremely profound philosophy.

  For example, no matter what you do, you must have a good attitude. It is impossible to succeed without a good attitude;

  for example, the measure of doing things must be just right, no matter whether it is a little less effort or a little more effort, it cannot achieve the desired outcome; for

  example, life has ups and downs, and don't be afraid of difficulties;

  For example... I really can't make it up."

  "Hahahaha, I almost believed it."

  "You people are really bad!"