
Galaxy's First Ruler

“Among all the seeds that corrupt the heart, the seed of Greed germinate the fastest.” --------------------------------------- Brief Intro: (Genius + OP + Sigma) MC + R18 stuff (Cough!) + Incredible Fights + Adventures + System + Dark Theme = This Story --------------------------------------------------- Detailed Synopsis: Bloodshed and war had ravaged the life of intelligent beings of the Milky Way Galaxy since time immemorial. Who had started the war? And why must it be continued? What if some being had created humans for its own twisted goals and pleasure? What if the struggle of evolution in intelligent beings follows a pre-planned rule? What if those who we call Gods are nothing but puppets? What if everything that happens, happens not because of a reason but because someone intends it so? It is commonly said that every life has its own story. What if all lives exist just for the sake of one story? Oblivious to such questions, on the planet Earth, Aldrich was used to living a normal life. And, to learn everything under heaven had become a part of his existence since childhood. Aldrich had just wanted to remain a normal person in an eternal pursuit of perfect knowledge. What would happen if such a person would be forced to become part of the Level-up system? What would happen if such a person would be forced to battle mythical beasts and historical legends? And what would happen if such a person would be forced to learn the Darkest secrets of the Universe? Follow the journey of a scholar becoming the Galaxy’s First Ruler. But if all lives are nothing but puppets, would this Ruler ever find out about the Puppet-master? ------------------------------------ WARNING: The first 124 chapters that I wrote were inspired from my fav Novel Series "The Stormlight Archive" by Brandon Sanderson. So if you don't like changes in POV, this might tick you off. After 124 Chapters the POV is constant and would rarely deviate from MC --------------------------------------- This cover is not my property. So if you are the owner of the cover please contact me for its removal. Thank you. For inquiries (Discord): Hand_Number_37#6967 For inquiries (Mail): handnumber37@gmail.com

Hand_Number_37 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
289 Chs

Prologue 2

1 June 2021

Milky Way Galaxy

Few people could resist the temptation of being worshipped. And even fewer could resist the urge to rule them all. Even with their rarity, one could still find such people. And this old man was one of them.

This old man did not want to be idealized as a God, nor did he want to be a Saint. If someone were to give him the status of the Supreme, he would have humbly rejected that too.

The status he wanted and desired was just a simple word: RULER

A Ruler in all directions. A Ruler of all things.


An ancient voice came out of this old man and a screen materialized in front of his eyes. If one could see this screen, it would appear as symbols imprinted in his eyes. On the right side of this screen was a 3-D image of the old man with a golden halo. It had even copied his long and heavy beard as it is. The left side of the screen showed various stats.

Now, this was not the time to look at those stats. This old man didn't even care about them, as his eyes moved downward and to the middle part of the screen.


CLASS: Class Update in Progress

Update Status: 99.99%

Time Elapsed: 12,160 Years


There was a gold progress bar underneath this information. And there was a minuscule empty area devoid of golden color, almost equivalent to a line, was visible at the end.

This old man had not got up from his throne in a long time. The cold sensation of the armrest of the throne had already subsided a long time ago. But today this sensation returned by an inconsiderable amount. As he saw that progressing bar, a slight smile showed itself on his time-worn face. It seemed he has not smiled for a long time, for his lips were struggling to even turn the corners up.

This old man was content. A dream was coming to fruition.

Something indeed relaxed this old man. A new beginning to an old end was going to start.

But this old man was destined to be disappointed. The screen, which he was looking at, suddenly shook. It was like a glitch. The words, the image, the numbers, and the progress bar got blurred. Out of nowhere, in big, bold red letters, a message popped out on the screen.


This old man had never shown such a silly face. His eyes were almost popping out of the sockets. His brows were at their highest point, and his mouth felt dry and cracked. The message flashed three times and then disappeared. It only left behind a sense of redness on the appearing screen. And all this baffling process had happened in the blink of an eye.

The image came back and so did the words, the numbers, and even the progress bar. But something was different.


CLASS: Class update in progress

Update Status: 0.00 %

Time Elapsed: 0 years


The otherworldly grace, it used to own, had abandoned the image and the progress bar.

This old man had seen in the eyes of Death. Yet, his old body never shook to this extent ever before.





Emotions he had forgotten came back to him like lost friends.

First, the throne shattered as the old man straightened his posture. Then the massive structure, which looked like an amalgam of a pyramid and castle, got blasted apart into hundreds of illusionary stars. A distant part within the Milky-Way Galaxy trembled. And only an inhuman scream of agony and wrath reverberated in the emptiness of space.

The cause of his misfortune, if this word could summarize what had happened to him, was a single person. Oblivious to everything, he did not know what kind of Karma his choices would bring back to him. Calling it a butterfly effect would not be wrong, but it would not be right either. Because in this case, the butterfly had slapped its wings on the face of that old man.

And one could trace the whole matter back 1 year to a time called–The Night of Awakening.

That was the moment when the hands of Darkness had reached the small but bright planet called Earth. That was the moment when Hell brought itself to Earth. And that was the moment when it all began.


Author's Note: The symbol * would be used as a change of scene, or time, or place, or all at the same time.

This event happened after a year from Chapter 3. The coming chapters ranging from Chapter 3 to Chapters 16 will discuss what led to this Galaxy shaking event. What are the origins of the System? How it came to be on the Earth? And how our MC is connected with all this? 

Even if the start will be a bit slow, it won't take much time for the novel and MC to pick up the pace.