
Galaxy's First Ruler

“Among all the seeds that corrupt the heart, the seed of Greed germinate the fastest.” --------------------------------------- Brief Intro: (Genius + OP + Sigma) MC + R18 stuff (Cough!) + Incredible Fights + Adventures + System + Dark Theme = This Story --------------------------------------------------- Detailed Synopsis: Bloodshed and war had ravaged the life of intelligent beings of the Milky Way Galaxy since time immemorial. Who had started the war? And why must it be continued? What if some being had created humans for its own twisted goals and pleasure? What if the struggle of evolution in intelligent beings follows a pre-planned rule? What if those who we call Gods are nothing but puppets? What if everything that happens, happens not because of a reason but because someone intends it so? It is commonly said that every life has its own story. What if all lives exist just for the sake of one story? Oblivious to such questions, on the planet Earth, Aldrich was used to living a normal life. And, to learn everything under heaven had become a part of his existence since childhood. Aldrich had just wanted to remain a normal person in an eternal pursuit of perfect knowledge. What would happen if such a person would be forced to become part of the Level-up system? What would happen if such a person would be forced to battle mythical beasts and historical legends? And what would happen if such a person would be forced to learn the Darkest secrets of the Universe? Follow the journey of a scholar becoming the Galaxy’s First Ruler. But if all lives are nothing but puppets, would this Ruler ever find out about the Puppet-master? ------------------------------------ WARNING: The first 124 chapters that I wrote were inspired from my fav Novel Series "The Stormlight Archive" by Brandon Sanderson. So if you don't like changes in POV, this might tick you off. After 124 Chapters the POV is constant and would rarely deviate from MC --------------------------------------- This cover is not my property. So if you are the owner of the cover please contact me for its removal. Thank you. For inquiries (Discord): Hand_Number_37#6967 For inquiries (Mail): handnumber37@gmail.com

Hand_Number_37 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
289 Chs

A Life in a Dream


"Sho, hold it properly." Sho's father reprimanded him.

Sho aligned his foot with the wooden stick and looked at his father. And he found nothing but those cold eyes glaring at him. He again tried hard to remember, but the memory didn't come to him. The corners of his eyes were on the verge of becoming wet.

But then he noticed an old man in the corner and hope seemed to come back. The old man pointed to his left leg and then to his toes. Even though being 4 years old, Sho had already got labeled with the tag of genius. By only a hint, he had remembered the last day's teachings. He bent his left leg slightly and brought his elbows directly above his toes.

A smile crept upon his father's face. And Sho felt he had conquered the entire world.

"Good, now perform the Kata till afternoon." His father went out after giving the instruction.

Sho made sure he had gone out of the training room and ran to the old man, "Thanks, Grandpa."

He could see a sweet smile on the old man's face. "You think your father didn't notice?"

Sho's face became pale, and he frantically looked at the entrance. The only thing in his mind was that his father could have been hiding there and would come back to catch him red-handed.

"He has gone. Now come on, I will teach you some tricks."

"Yes, yes. Tricks, yay!"

It's amazing, present even the ugliest looking vegetable to children saying it would give a random power, and they would eat it.

5 years later.

Sho was still a child, but none could fool him now. He looked at the swirling smoke of the incense and the photo of his grandfather behind them. The sweet smile of the past still lingered in his mind, and except for the tears that were rolling down, he couldn't feel anything.

The training had taken a turn for the worst. Everything seemed to break down under the stare of his father and his disappointed look. Sho practiced and practiced, learned all the forms, all the teachings, and yet he never found this man satisfied by anything.

Sho hated him.

Sho hated him for letting his grandfather go away. Sho hated him for not letting him play games like the other boys from his school. And Sho hated him when he understood why he didn't have a mother.

5 more years later.

Sho was not a child anymore. His father had said this to him, and so it must have been true. Sho not only was practicing, but they made him study even harder. He had been missing that sharp look of his father. Now it was enough if his father would come to visit him once in a while.

Sho looked at the adult in front of him, twice his size, and holding a staff called Bo. His father had come today and had brought four martial artists. And there was only one instruction for him.

'Defeat them.' His father had instructed.

Sho was not a clueless child anymore and felt that day was different. He could see his father's eyes, filled with anticipation. He took the form with his wooden swords, Katana and Wakizashi.


Sho was now 32 years old. And he had lost the will to hate his father.

Sho kowtowed in front of his grandfather's photo. And he prayed, "Grandfather, give me strength to remain humble, even if I were to surpass you one day."

Sho's father waited for him to stand up. Today was a grand ceremony. All the old and young, who mattered to anything in society, got an invitation for it. Sho's father approached him, holding a ceremonial Katana. This sword represented the status of the successor of the school. This sword would tell the world who would be the successor of the teachings of Japan's oldest Ko-ryū, The School of Heaven and Earth as One.

This sword would declare that he would be the next headmaster of the School.

Suddenly the entire world vanished and a blue-green notification flashed in this darkness.


Life Analyzation Complete

Assigning Class…

Terminating Dream Phase



"Hey Annie, don't wander too far from your grandmother, OK?" Annie's mother said, raising an eyebrow high enough that Annie forgot to answer.

"Mum, just keep her away from insects." Annie's mother shouted.

High atop the mountains in Greece, Annie lived in a village. And unlike most of the children of her age, she spent her happiest time hunting for mushrooms in the forest after the rain with her grandmother.

Annie had only a vague memory of her living in the city, but then her mother had brought her here 2 years ago. Pouting at her mother, she proudly declared, "Mother, I am 6. I am a woman now."

"Haha…" Her mother patted her and went back to the kitchen.

"Grandma, what is this little thing called?"

"Hey Grandma, look what I found."

Annie spent most of her next 5 years collecting herbs under the summer Sun and gathering nuts in the fall. She had planted more of her 'Plant-Friends' in their backyard. Herbs, vegetables, flowers, and fruits were just another part of her friend's circle. Even more fascinating were the colors she got to see every day. The Black-eyed Susan was among her favorites.

By the age of 21, her innate curiosity led her to seek even more information through her studies. She got her clinical certificate in Western, Ayurvedic, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. And a Bachelor's Degree in Health Science and Nutrition. At 26, Dr. Annie (Ph.D.), was one of the best herbalists.

And yet, all Annie wanted to do was to go out into the mountains from time to time and explore the world of plants and herbs.


Life Analyzation Complete

Assigning Class…

Terminating Dream Phase



"Kill the bastard." A local crime-boss passed the judgment on Logan.

Logan ran like a dog was being chased down by an angry Butcher. And by God, he could run well.

"That's a fast motherfucker," the fatty goon said, already panting at the idea of a long chase.

Logan was fast, but not fast enough to outrun three adults. But he knew the city. If he hadn't, how could he live till the age of 11 years?

"Not today, not today," he whispered. At the end of a dilapidated wall there was a dumpster, and behind that, under the cover of several cardboards was his lair.

Logan held his breath and if people could see him without removing the coverings, then it would have reminded them of a cockroach. Like an insect, Logan had learned to mimic a dead body. And he haughtily declared that he had learned it fastest among his friends. He noticed two of the goons were coming towards him. The third one was leaning on the wall at the turn.

"Where did that little fucker go? Fucking rat." The self-proclaimed leader of the three said, kicking a cat.

The cat wasn't in the mood for getting bullied and hissed maniacally towards him.

"I will kill you first." And with that, he took out a knife. The other goon, quieter of the three, kept looking at the fence by the dumpster.

"I think he jumped over the fence."

"What? Finally became blind. I told you not to smoke that stuff." The fat one had somehow caught up with them.

The fatty's face looked like he had been in a rainfall. With a salty taste of sweat in his mouth, he said, "The fence is too high, stupid. Not enough time to climb."

The 2nd goon was quieter but a goon he was nonetheless. He kicked the fat one and took out a knife.

"Call me stupid one more time. He had enough time to outrun us, fatty."

A whimpering sound came from the other corner and all the three, even Logan, turned their head to look. At some point, the cat had jumped over the 1st goon's head and bit him on the neck. And in sheer frustration, the goon shoved the knife towards the cat. But there was no cat at the end of the knife. The knife, at the loss of his target, made its way to his shoulder and now blood was sipping out from the corner of the wound.




"I think we go over the fence." The 2nd goon said, pointing his knife towards the fence.

"Ah! Take me to the hospital, you morons." The 1st goon screamed in pain.

The fatty eyed him from above and said, "Not enough brain on this one. I had told the boss not to hire him."

With that said, he bent down and with a jerk took out the plunged knife.

"No!" the 2nd goon shouted, but the fatty had already done the deed.

A fountain of blood spurted on the fatty's face and he screamed, "Take me to the hospital! Take me to the hospital!"

"Dumb fuckers everywhere," he ran towards the two, but then halted.

He turned back and approached the dumpster. Logan had already switched to his cockroach mode. With a swift wave of the hand, he opened the lid "Ha! Found you."

But he only found the stench of garbage.

11 more years had passed since then, and Logan had become the go-to guy in the underworld. Logan took out the knife from a man's back, "And this one is for that time 11 years ago."


Life Analyzation Complete

Assigning Class…

Terminating Dream Phase



Author's Note: The people are reliving their lives in their dreams in this chapter.