
Matters of the heart


(AN: Temari is seven years old, two more than Gaara.)

I looked at her for a good while, before focusing on my book once more. I don't have time to deal with matters of the heart, so just leave... please?

Temari looked like something had died inside of her, and she made a sad smile... Drooping her head and staring at the ground.

"Gaara... I'm sorry for not coming to play with you more often... I have no excuse. All I wanted to say, is that I hope you... I hope you do well in the academy. If you need any help with anything, you can always... Well, I'll be on my way."

Yikes. I messed up there... I didn't mean to make her so sad. I just wanted her to leave me alone. I should fix this... Let me see.

As she turned around to leave, I spoke with a sort-of monotone voice.

"Temari. I know that it was father who kept you and Kankuro away from me all of this time. You don't have to worry, I'll come over to you if I ever need advice."

Temari made a complete turn and stared at me with incredulity. Her eyes still had fresh tears that she was hiding as she was walking away. Oh no. Don't tell me I made a little girl cry.

"A-Are you serious?"

I looked at her and nodded indifferently.


With a shout, I could do nothing as she pounced on me and hugged me so hard that I couldn't breathe.

Feeling her hug me tightly, I started hyperventilating. My whole body went cold, and I felt a massive wave of pain coming from my stomach. It felt like... Like fear.


"Aaaargh! Get away from me!"

Instinctively, I screamed. These urges felt as if though the moon had become full. I couldn't understand why this happened.

Temari let go of me swiftly and looked like she had seen a ghost. The sand around the area started to gather around, forming sharp spikes.

"Leave me! I don't want to kill! Leave me alone!"

I have no Idea what happened. Temari must think that these words are aimed at her. This is all too sudden for me to comprehend. I'm not even in control of my actions.

I... I just feel like crying. I don't know why... As a cascade of tears fell from both my eyes, a shadow suddenly appeared between us.

I looked over and saw it was Yashamaru... He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes and helped Temari back up.

"Temari-chan. You shouldn't show Gaara-kun so much affection in one go... Take it one step at a time. Can't you see he's hurt from the loneliness?"

Temari seemed to realize her mistake, and she started crying even louder... Hugging Yashamaru in the process. Yashamaru smiled and told her to stay back. He then turned and slowly walked towards me.

The spikes formed by the sand shield tensed up and converged in front of the approaching Yashamaru. I watched, not understanding what was going on.

Yashamaru stopped and looked at me right in the eyes.

"Gaara. Don't worry... I'm here for you, I'll always be."

A sudden burst of heat spread through my body, replacing the cold that was previously shrouding me. The sand instantly fell o the ground, softening.


I heard the high pitched voice once more, and this time it felt... Okay.

Yashamaru smiled and grabbed my hand. I felt the warmth of his smile and instinctively hugged him. He had been my only real family in both of my lives.

He was way more important to me than I had thought. I promise to treat him better from now on.

As we hugged, Temari watched on and smiled. She then silently left the library.

(AN: Rasa and Ebizo had already left when this happened. So it's a secret.)


After what happened, I regained my senses. The day went on normally, and we did some physical training with Sensei... I mean Racoon-face. Of course, I was dead last.

What happened earlier was still on the back of my mind. My mental defenses slipped up for a second when Temari hugged me and that damn Shukaku capitalized on the opportunity.

I now realize that my body is not used to affection in any way. Heh, it's kinda morbid.

Whatever, I can't let this sort of thing happen again or I'll be in trouble with Rasa. I need to get good at sealing, or this damn Tanuki is going to be the end of me.

His bloodthirst is going to be something that I'll have to counter in some way or another.

With heightened motivation, I studied the sealing introduction book for the rest of the day. I then meditated for the whole night, in hopes of calming my mind and body.

Now that I think of it, how did Yashamaru know? Where did he come from? I'll make sure to interrogate him tomorrow.


The next day, I went to school by myself. Yashamaru had left a note saying that he was leaving on a mission and that I had to take care of myself.

Well, the questions can wait. Time for some school. I need to get things off my mind.

As soon as everybody arrived, Raccoon-Sensei made an unexpected announcement.

"Hello everybody. Today, we're going to have a surprise test. I know it's only the second day, but I want to test you on your basic knowledge. Yesterday you demonstrated high intelligence, so I need to scale everything once again. Please understand."

"A test?! NO!!" Jun looked like he had swallowed a fly, while the others in the class tensed up. They all looked towards me for some reason. Their faces filled with resolve.

What? Do you think you can beat me? Dream on... I'm not about to lose to a bunch of kids. You're all my servants here, and I'm the lord.

As I escaped into my own fantasies, the teacher distributed a piece of paper and some pencils to everybody. He then set a timer and had us all start.

Well well, what do we have here.

I quickly skimmed through the paper and smirked. All of these questions were way too easy.

The test started with some arithmetic, history, and language. The standards were higher than yesterday, but still kid-level. It then got interesting, with some Ninjutsu and Genjutsu theory. No Fuinjutsu of Taijutsu present.

With ease, I answered all of the questions in about ten minutes, then spent another two checking them with the system. I had them all right.

Well, it's not really an achievement considering my real age and the time I spent reading my father's books.

Getting up from my seat, I gave my sheet to Raccoon face. He and the class looked flabbergasted, but I just smiled mysteriously and headed back to my place.

Now, I wonder how all of these guys are doing. My curiosity has been piqued. I'll start with the teacher, hehe.

I closed my left eye with two fingers, and silently gathered sand in my hand while no one was watching. A blue eye was quickly formed, and I connected my ocular nerves to it with chakra.

I got real good at this, after so much practice.

After the connection was successful, I closed my hand... Squashing the eyes into sand particles. It then reappeared behind the teacher, looming above his head.

Now, let's see what he's hiding behind that podium... Oh my god. I've struck gold... Hehehehe.

Alright, this chapter was a bit more emotional and took longer to type.

Please tell me if there are any mistakes with my grammar, as I am too lazy to proof-check this one.

Drop stones, comments, and reviews.

Happy reading!

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