
Revenge pit stop

After a few hours of traveling down a dirt road heading towards the capital of Atraxia, I thought I'd spend my time sitting in peace in meditation training my magics but alas that idea was flung out the windows quickly because a heated argument between Zara and Hestia was on going. After Hestia's transformation she became more confident and outspoken upon her wants and need and Zara was jealous to say the least. Currently I'm being pulled between the two women, thurst into the bountiful bosoms while they are at each other's throats. Usually I would like being in between breasts however the yelling and name calling started to annoy me. They were fighting about who would be sitting next to me no less...

Zara pulled me into her chest while yelling, "Just because you were given a gift by my Lithia doesn't mean you have the right to sit next to her radiant form!" I was then pulled into Hestia's bosom, "Exactly my point you sluttly pussy cat all you care is getting filled by MY Lithia, plus Lithia and I are bloodbound her blood runs in my veins it empowers me at least I was trusted enough to gain this boon!"

Zara retorted pulling back into her embrace, "You are just jealous she hasn't made love to you yet you knife eared bitch!"

As the fighting continued I became increasingly more and more annoyed however the two women kept fighting eventually I snapped I activated my aura of Dominance, usually my aura is infused with lust however this time my aura was infused with anger and annoyance, my aura erupted out sending a chill down Hestia and Zara's necks causing them to close their mouths and stare at me nervously, even the carriage driver shrieked the horses started to freak out as well..

As my aura encompassed the whole carriage and even the surroundings I stood abd turned to them my hair moving like tentacles my eyes had a fierce gleam in them and the surrounding temperature dropped drastically as ice crystals formed inside the carriage.

"Listen here both of you will cease this useless fighting between the two of you if you don't become friends by the time we arrive in the capital.. I'll make sure to punish you both thoroughly." I didn't like talking to the women I loved like this but sometimes I felt like I was herding kittens.

After that they both pouted and turned from each other, even though i was the youngest between the three of us sometimes I felt like the oldest currently I'm 16 years old but in terms of this world I am officially recognized as an adult meanwhile Zara is in her mid 20s and Hestia is.. actually I'm not sure how old Hestia is.. as my aura was slowly fading I turned to Hestia who was still sneaking glances at me, "Hestia how old are you." I asked with my head cocked to the side Hestia blushed slightly and replied, "I.. I'm 29..." I nodded, "So you are older than Zara." Zara looked unhappy but I ignored it.

Anyways I shouldn't have to act like this if my two other women are fighting over a newly minted adult.. but oh well I sort of like how stronge their emotions are for me.

After that I sat down across from them then closes my eyes and allowed my consciousness to make it's way to my mana core as I spent the next few hours training my magic control in my mind. After I realized how much time had past I opened my eyes to see Zara and Hestia quietly chatting together laughed about everything and nothing this sight brought a smile to my face. "Hey Hestia make sure to inform the driver of our plan." She nodded and made her way to the driver.

Zara nestled into my chest lovingly looking up to me, "Lithia.. when will you change me bind me in blood.. I want to be with you forever." I lifted up her face and brought her into a passionate kiss her tongue intertwining with mine after a moment I broke the kiss and spoke, "Zara.. I do want too but let's finish up taking care of Hestia's demons and arrive at the capital then I promise to make you blood bound to me." Zara smiled before she nestled her head into my lap.. as Hestia returned she pouted, "Awww no fair... as she re entered the cab. I then felt a wetness on my crotch and saw Zara drooling on me.. she had fallen asleep so I kept brushing her hair with my fingers as she purred.

Hestia spoke up, "She is rather tame with you." I nodded my fingers still running my fingers in her hair, "Mhm.. she's been with me since I was born, she actually helped birth me.. I don't really know a lot about her but I know she loves me and I love her she knows I love many and though she gets jealous she knows she will always have a place in my heart. Zara mumbled, "Suck... my.. again... lith..." I didn't know if is should laugh or cry.. Hestia chuckled with her hand infront of her mouth.

A moment later, "Hestia.. tell me I'm planning on slaughtering your hometown leaving no life behind is this something you would not like?" As my voice shifted to a serious tone. Hestia was silent for a long time before opening her mouth, "You are willing to wage war for me? Doing this will surely hurt the bonds between humans and the Light Elves."

"Hestia you are my kin, you are my woman and they hurt you, sold you they abandoned you, I'm willing to raze the entire world into an icy wasteland for any of my loved ones, so yes I am willing to spark war for you.. Hestia I have many golals and I'll have to cause a war or two sooner or later..." my fingers still brushing Zara's hair.

Another moment of silence passed before Hestia spoke again, "After you turned me into your bloodbound kin I became a demonic elf and lost my Affinity with nature and instead it was replaced with this beautiful icy blue fire, and I don't care If the entire world is against you I'll happily stay by your side." Hestia then sat up leaned down to me and her lips pressed into mine as we fell into a passionate kiss, she then broke the kiss and whispered to me, "Your mother gave me a gift during my evolution.. she restored my virginity and I want you to take it again.. I want you be yours too..."

My face flushed with lust as my loins were stirring however I bit my lip and held back my lust.. I bit my lip so hard my lip started bleeding, Hestia waisted no time before she licked the blood off of my lips.

"Stop... before I take you in this carriage.."

Hestia then sat back down with a warm smile on her face.

The rest of the journey to Kuz was peacefully Zara slept on my lap until we entered the city of Kuz. The city of Kuz thrived on trade and was a well a trade city home to many merchant families as well as it's share of nobles, all of the city guards made the common folk get out of the way of our carriage.. of course I couldn't care less I bought some disguises just in case, 3 sets of black robes and plain white masks one can never be too safe. We decided to ditch the cart the and walk to the teleportation array.

I told Hestia and Zara to put their black robes on and follow me as I did the same, now as all of us were clad in robes of midnight we dodged our way through the busy marketplaces. We approached the large dome like building after asking for directions we entered, the room was wide with a runic circle on the floor the three of us approached the front desk a dog demi human woman with red hair spoke, "Hello my name is Karen welcome to the Kuz city Teleportation Array how can I be of assistance." With my hood covering my upper face a few strands of green hair visible, "Three of us need passage to Ivyersine." Karen spoke up. "Alright.. what is the reason for your traveling?" Without hesitation I replied, "Diplomatic matters and to visit some family." Karen replied, "Very well for three that will come tona total of 100 gold coins each." I then waved my right hand over the counter producing 300 gold and handing it over.

This money was part of the items mother prepared before we left, currency on the continent of Atraxia was as follows 100 copper coins makes 1 silver coin 1000 silver coins makes 1 gold coin and 1000 gold coins makes 1 crimson coin. Mother had packed 300 crimson coins in my ring so spending a few gold coins was nothing.. nothing to me at least.

After Karen took the coins she stood and lead us over to the array, "Step into the center of this array." Karen ordered. We did just that I stood in the middle while Hestia and Zara were flanking me all of a sudden all of the runes started to glow a brilliant golden light that filled out vision I felt as if I had fallen from a great height and my stomach was slowly catching up. As the light faded both Hestia seemed as if nothing had happened but Zara fell to her knees, as the light completely vanished we were in a different place as the workers of the ivyersine teleportation array led us off of the dais we left the building to see a magnificent city built from from a massive tree and the city street carved its massive sprawling roots it does look beautiful but unfortunately it will be all destroyed soon.

I asked around for an inn and it didn't take too long for us to fine an inn by the name of Nature's Compass oddly seems like the owner was going for a nautical theme despite being land locked.. as we entered I saw mainly elves present however there were some humans and demi humans like Zara and Karen they ranged from cat like people, to dog like people to bunny like people and some scaled lizard like people but the majority was elves. Many people stopped talking upon seeing the trio of us still hooded, suddenly a big muscled man with bull like horns on his head stepped infront of me the height disparity was large, I stood at 5ft 6 in and the bull man was probably 7ft and some change, "Oi whats this take off your hoods or im gonna remove em for ya." Zara hissed slightly under her robe and I could feel Hestia's myriad of emotions being back home, before I could speak the bull man reached out and was about to touch me when I said, "If you touch me you will loose your hand." Hearty laughter bellowed from the bull man as resumed is actions as soon as his finger touched my hood in a flash to fast for anyone apart from probably Zara and Hestia an extremely quick burst of highly concentrated mana created a Shockwave as I summoned my Umbral Frost blade and sliced his arm completely through the muscles and bones in that moment to everyone else they only felt the Shockwave of magic, I summoned the blade, sliced his arm off and unsummoned the blade in extremely quick succession, it was like time stood still for me everyone else just felt the magic and watched as the arm hit the floor as blood gushed the bull man screamed in agony as the three of us stepped past him ignoring everything else the elven man at the front desk was stunned.

"Is there a room with a big bed enough to fit the three of us?" I casually asked the elven man at the front desk ignoring the other people and the bull man swearing at me. "A..ah y..ess the.. queens.. chamber.. for how many... days?" He asked nervously "Hmmm only two days, we won't be needing to stay long surely this will cover it." I placed two gold coins on the counter. The elf took the coins looking relived for some reason. The elf took a deep breath and steadied himself before speaking. "Right this way.." However before he could continue I heard a voice from behind me, "Excuse me! But could you become my teacher I beg of you!" A silver haired wolf like demi human man was bowing infront of me. He was wearing white and dark blue robes he had a light blue flame like mark on his forehead, still bowing infront of me he continued, "It was simply amazing to see you activated your spell, use it and finally unsummon it in a matter of milliseconds.. truly the work of a magical of pinnacle prestige please accept me as your student."

The entire inn was dead silent as mere moments felt like an eternity while the wolf man bowed to me. Eventually without saying anything I started to turn from him and ignoring his plea as I did the wolf man fell to his knees and kowtowed and spoke again, "Please I'll do anything as long as I become your student, I'll follow you anywhere no matter what.. even if you tell me to crawl across a bed of knives I'll do just that to be your student."

Another moment of silence passed before turned to the Wolfman and spoke, "What is your name?" Elated the Wolfman spoke up, "My name is Kasarian Silverfang of the Silverfang clan but please call me Kas." I nodded to him, "Follow us..." I then turned to leave as both Zara and Hestia followed me after a moment Kas was so stunned that his plea had been accepted her scrambled to his feet and ran after us as we ascended the stairs. We eventually reached a set of ornate double doors made from a rich brown type of wood as soon as the door was opened the elven innkeeper fled as quickly as he could back to his post. The four of us entered the room while Kas stayed behind us and out of the way he also kept silent although he looked as if he wanted to talk. Zara ran and jumped on the bed purring slightly as she rolled around while Hestia sat by the windows fidgeting with her fingers, I approached Kas. "If you want to be my student you must preform a mana oath." A mana oath is when someone binds their magic to the a promise a set of spoken words while the mana oath spell is activated, this spell is a common thing and most know it, if the user breaks their oath the user becomes a cripple and is forever unable to gather mana.

I continued, "You must swear on your mana you will always be loyal to me and never tell any outsider my secrets no matter if your life is on the line." Without hesitation Kas cut his palm with a silvery blue knife formed of his mana and swore a mana oath repeating the words I had just said. "I swear on my mana core to never tell any secrets I learn about my master or her magics to any outsider unless give her direct permission, I also swear to be loyal to her forever."

As his spell concluded his wound healed as she oath was finished.

With that I took my robe off and the others followed my lead. "Hello Kas my name is Lithia Eventyde and tomorrow I will lay waste to this city.. I hope you look forward to being my student."

hello everyone, I know today's chapter was extremely late but I work during the weekends and trying go write something like this onetime is a bit hard but I will keep trying!

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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