
From the Void: Vampire in Marvel

Thrown from a portal in the sky, a young man must find his way through life. A lack of memories, and a system to help along the way. Join Hades as he leaves his mark on the MCU. AU of the MCU the story starts shortly before Captin America: The Winter Soldier.

Balthizar_Blake · Filmes
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A swirling pool of violet, and black opened in the middle of the sky in New York City. News outlets from all around reported on the event documenting the three days, and nights it remained open. J.Jonah. Jameson made quite the piece claiming that the black portal could be nothing other than the work of Spiderman! Iron Man had personally visited the portal, and ran it through all known scans.

The official report released to the public assured them the portal was no threat, and it was merely an anomaly.

Peter Parker had just lost his uncle, bitten by a spider, and took up the mantle of a masked hero. Or as the public currently views him a vigilante. In his full get up he watched the swath of black, and purple intently waiting for… something to happen. Peter had just entered the freshman year, it was currently 2014.

For the first time in three days the portal began to shimmer, a whole light show began. Flashing rays of black, and purple blinded Peter, and within seconds suv, after suv began pulling up. Iron Man descended from the sky, along with War Machine. Seeing it was well handled Peter decided to bolt, and avoid getting caught himself.

The portal began vibrating with such an intensity nearby windows began to shake, and rattle. The portal began collapsing on itself, but not before spitting out what looked like a teenager dressed in black jeans, and plaid? The boy began falling through the sky at a velocity that despite Iron Man, and War Machine's best attempts they couldn't catch him before he crashed into the ground.

Agents departed their vehicles, and surrounded the freshly made crater, weapons drawn, and a certain badass wearing an eye patch approached the scene.

"Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here." The man commanded, and looked all around for answers.

"Sir the portal collapsed on itself after spitting this person out. Energy readings have returned to normal."

Nick Fury looked down into the hole, and saw no movement from the seemingly normal looking boy who crashed into the ground.

"He has no pulse, no heat signature." Iron man spoke from the air.

"So is he dead?" War Machine asked.

"Typically not having a pulse or heat signature would indicate that buddy. However he had no heat signature when he popped out of that portal as well. He's either been dead for awhile, or he doesn't produce body heat.

"Sir, I believe we may be dealing with the undead." An agent piped up, and collectively they looked at him like he was dumb.

"Jesus Christ what the FUCK just happened to me? Where am I?"

Upon hearing the voice well over 15 agents pointed their weapons, along with both mechanized superheros.

"Uh, Hi?" The kid spoke, and now that he was sitting up they took in his full appearance. Pitch black messy hair, deep violet eyes, pale skin, and the fashion sense of a grandpa looked up at them in confusion.

"State your business." Iron man all but commanded while looking down on him.

"I'm sorry? My business? Uh… I'm not sure? Who are you people?"

"Ah! strike one, we're asking the questions here." War machine spoke up, and his minigun popped out.

"Kid, do you know where you are? Or let's start with what's your name?" Tony held down War Machine's arm, and asked his questions much calmer.

"I have no clue where I am, Who you are, or… who I am?" Realization dawned on the boy when he realized he had no idea about who he was, his past, his parents, or anything helpful. He had general knowledge, which allowed him to speak, and know what he was talking about, but beyond that he had no clue.

Tony looked down on the kid with pity, and looked over to Fury. "What do you plan on doing with him?"

Fury shook his head, and signald for everybody to drop their weapons. "I'm not sure. It's not everyday a kid falls from the sky."

"I fell from the sky? Am I an alien?" The kid asked. "You fell from a portal in the sky. You were literally ejected out, and sent hurtling into the ground. We thought you were dead." Tony answered, and his helmet came back down. "Still no heartbeat, and no pulse." The kid looked up at him confused.

"What do you mean no heat, and no pulse? Wait a second… I don't feel hot, or cold, or any temperature, just comfortable?" He held a hand over his chest. "No thumping? What the hell?"

"So he doesnt know anything about what he is either." Fury spoke up. "UNDEAD!!!" The agent from before spoke up while yelling in triumph.

A hand met the back of his head before Fury met eyes with Tony. "He survived falling over 200 feet, moving faster than your suit can. He has some amount of ability. I'll take him with me for some testing, and to determine if he's a threat or not."

Tony's eyes hardened upon hearing Fury's decision. "That's not gonna fly with me chief"

"The fuck you mean that's not going to fly?" "Yeah Tony, is this the fight you wanna pick?"

"He's a kid. No matter how weird, kids don't go to creepy underground labs."

"I don't say he was going in a lab tin man."

"Don't trust you, sorry." His thrusters engaged, and sped him towards the boy, who in his daze failed to react in time as he was lifted from the ground, and carried through the sky.

"WOOOHOOO" The boy shouted while flying through the air.

War Machine watched aghast as he watched his closest friend rocket through the sky with the kid. "Does that count as kidnapping?"


"Would it have counted if you did it?"


"That answers all I needed to know. Good luck Fury!"

War Machine rocketed off after Tony.

"Mother Fucker."

Tony landed in his pent house in the avengers tower, set the kid down, and took a step out of his suit.

"So, I can't keep calling you kid. Do you want to pick out a name? Or do you want help with that."

"I definitely need help."

"How about Thaddeus? Bartholomew? Adicus? Mike?"

"Uh. I don't think any of those really suit me all too well." The kid scratched his chin while looking around the penthouse.

"Need a drink?"


"How old are you? You look maybe 16, or 17. Maybe?"

"Couldn't tell ya Tony."

"Nope. Mr. Stark to you. My friends call me Tony. You're like a lost puppy at this point."

"A puppy? That's a little derogatory don't you think?"

"Not at all, I literally picked you up off the streets, and took you home."

".....That's actually fair."

"See? Now just to circle back I think you're too young for alcohol, how about a coke?"

"Sure? I do feel thirsty."

"Jarvis, can you get me some coke?"

"Yes Sir, it'll be up momentarily." The voice rang out through the penthouse, and the kid looked confused.

"Do you employ ghosts?"

"As much as I want to mess with you, no. Jarvis is the most intelligently designed AI in the world."

"AI? Artificial.. Intelligence. I remember that now, like a robot right?"

"Kind of, mostly no. Regardless, names, names, names. Hmmmm" Tony was hard at thought while looking at the kid."

"If I may make a suggestion sir?" Jarvis's voice rang out

"Please do Buddy."

"How about Hades?"

"Like the Greek god?"

"Yes Sir. After scouring the internet I've found this name suits him best."

"Uh huh. How about it kid?"

"Sure, Hades sounds cool."

This is my second fan- fic. I'll be writing this along with Naruto reborn as an experiment as a way to stave off writers block, bouncing back, and fourth between the two stories. Thanks for checking it out, and let me know what you think.

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