
From Another Time

James is a popular playboy and the leader of the band, the Idolz. He will end up in a different timeline where he will meet the woman of his dreams. But she might also become his first heartbreak since she's not what she seems. Chloe is a 40-year-old woman who happens to be the shopkeeper. James will not even notice her during the present time. But they will replace King Yung Ho and Princess Amaya in Hanyang. The same royal couple who are about to get married. As time goes by, James will fall deeply in love with Chloe. Only to find out that she is way too older than him at the present time. But Chloe will hold back because of their age difference. It's up to James if he will still pursue her once they get out from another time.

Jaymie_Suh · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Prince Moon

Chloe can't believe what just happened after the royal wedding. It's hard to even imagine that James will be attracted to her that much. But when she looks at herself in the mirror, she gets the answer to that. 

Being young again restores her beauty and even a guy as attractive as James will fall for her. Or maybe it's her sense of humor but she doesn't care about it anymore. It feels great to be young again and she can get used to it.

She's currently in front of the lake trying to cure her boredom. James is attending to his duty as the King of Hanyang. Since there is no television or internet yet, she needs to spend more time outdoors to entertain herself.

Then she spotted Prince Moon, he seemed to have the same idea as she did. He smiled widely at her and Chloe greeted him. The eldest prince is quite handsome. He has a cute charm that can make her smile.

"Prince Moon, what brings you here on this sunny day?" Chloe tries to speak the way they do around here.

"I was just passing by and then saw your pretty face, my queen!" He smiled sweetly at her.

That makes her nervous and she can't understand why. It's probably the way he smiles and looks at her. He's like a ray of sunshine that cures your boredom. So far, James is the only one who addressed you as, "my queen".

"You're so kind, Prince Moon! But you look more beautiful than I am." She giggled since you managed to deliver a pickup line in Joseon.

"What are you doing here alone? Where's your husband?" He asks, trying to hide his blushing face.

"He's busy being the king and all! I didn't know that being a queen can be sad." She replied.

"Why, my queen? Are you feeling sad right now?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Of course, not! I was just joking, I'm enjoying this costume and all!" She said and forgot to act like she's from the same timeline. 

"Joking...costume...what are those words supposed to mean?" He asked, confused.

"Well, joking means that I was just pulling your leg. Costume means attire or clothing. We use those words from where I'm from!" She tried her best to explain.

"Hmmm, what a strange language you have! But since King Yung Ho is not available, maybe I can take you for a walk." He suggested.

"Really? Sure, I like that! Where are we going?" She suddenly felt excited.

"Let's see, maybe we can go to the woods and lose your guards." He suggested with a playful smile.

"Alright, I'm game! Let's do that!" She agreed and then followed his lead.

The two court ladies and two royal guards followed her as she walked with Prince Moon. He looks so much like Tim from the Idolz band. But even better since he's a prince. The other princes are also nice but he's the first one to approach her.

When she could already see the way to the woods, he grabbed her hand and then told her to run. She did her best with her very uncomfortable queen's attire. But after just a few minutes of running, both of them stopped running. 

"I think we lost them!" Prince Moon chuckled.

"Yeah, I didn't know I could run fast wearing this!" She can still feel the adrenaline rush.

"Do you want to see my secret place?" He asks her with a mysterious smile.

"Well, we're already here so, yes! Let's go!" She agreed to his idea.

"Take my hand! You might slip from the leaves and branches." He explained and extended his hand to her.

Chloe can feel her cheeks blushing but still takes his hand. He holds her hand and makes sure to have their fingers intertwined together. Even James didn't hold her hand like that. But she feels comfortable with him so she just allows it.

"Can I call you by your first name when we're alone?" He asks for her permission.

"Of course, you can! I will call you Moon and just call me Amaya?" She replied to him.

"Amaya, I don't know but I feel so comfortable with you." He informed her.

"Same here! I guess because you look like someone I know from where I came from." She can't help but speak comfortably.

"Who's that, your former lover?" He asked and laughed out loud.

"No, but he's a popular musician from where I came from." She told him.

Prince Moon stops walking and she instantly gets mesmerized by what she's seeing now. You're on top of a hill and you can see the whole Hanyang from where you're standing. He let go of your hand so that you can move freely.

"Wow, this is so beautiful!" She can't believe her eyes even when she's already looking at the view.

"Yes, very beautiful!" He agreed but Chloe didn't see that he was staring directly at her.

"I like it here! There are no guards or court ladies. Just you and me!" She said and attempted to sit on the ground.

"Wait, don't sit yet." He stopped her and gathered some dry branches of leaves first for her to sit down.

"Thanks, Moon! You're so kind!" She said and sat down on the makeshift seat.

"I don't want to return you to the palace looking all dirty." He said and sat beside her.

For a few minutes, they both become silent. This place is very peaceful and it's perfect to have some quiet moments. Chloe suddenly remembered her life in Seoul. It's not grand but she feels content. This place seems to make her emotional.

"Moon, why did Yung Ho become the king? Isn't that supposed to be you?" She suddenly asks and it catches him off guard.

"Well, I don't want to be king. I just want to get married, have kids, and be happy!" He replied sincerely.

"Awww...that's so deep!" She replied and then both of them laughed out loud.

"Do you want to hear a song?" He asks her suddenly.

"Sure!" She replied in an excited tone.

Moon started to sing a love song that she couldn't even understand the lyrics of since it was in Korean. But she can feel the emotions in that song since even his voice sounds like Tim including the high notes and all.

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