
From Another Time

James is a popular playboy and the leader of the band, the Idolz. He will end up in a different timeline where he will meet the woman of his dreams. But she might also become his first heartbreak since she's not what she seems. Chloe is a 40-year-old woman who happens to be the shopkeeper. James will not even notice her during the present time. But they will replace King Yung Ho and Princess Amaya in Hanyang. The same royal couple who are about to get married. As time goes by, James will fall deeply in love with Chloe. Only to find out that she is way too older than him at the present time. But Chloe will hold back because of their age difference. It's up to James if he will still pursue her once they get out from another time.

Jaymie_Suh · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

The Royal Wedding

"Psst...James! What should I do?" Chloe asks him since she's clueless about what to do.

"Just follow my lead, my queen!" James told her with his royal aura.

"Shut up! My queen, my ass!" She doesn't realize the seriousness of their situation now.

"Watch your language! That's not how a queen should talk. Now, we bow at each other." James reminded her and they bowed at each other.

James is very good at this even if he grew up in the US. He knows what he's doing and his acting is very realistic. Chloe couldn't even tell that he was just acting as if she didn't know where he came from. But she, on the other hand, is all over the place.

"When we reach the throne, you have to take the seat from my right side," James whispered his instructions.

"Okay!" She replied and couldn't wait to sit down since her neck was about to give in because of her heavy headdress.

Finally, they reached the throne and she followed James' instructions. But her neck is killing her now and the beads are making her feel dizzy. Chloe is getting impatient when will the court ladies take this torture device off?

"Smile for the camera, my queen!" James whispered which made her smile.

She felt happy that James had forgotten about acting even for just a moment. After the former king gave his blessing, the court ladies snatched her from the throne. It's time to change their costumes and she feels good that she doesn't have to wear that heavy headdress anymore.

She felt relieved the moment that heavy headdress left her head. The court ladies take off her wedding hanbok and change it into a better-looking one. It's a white hanbok with gold lining and embroideries. Then the court ladies assisted her back to the throne.

Chloe saw James wearing another matching hanbok with her which made him more breathtaking. When he looks at her, she gets embarrassed. The moment they take their seat, he holds her hand. It makes her heart beat faster and feels as if she's running out of air.

"Are you alright, my queen?" James asked her in a loving tone.

Chloe wanted to screech because he was being sweet to her in front of everyone. He knows how to make a woman nervous. If only their age gap is not that far in their timeline. But she's realized that she is young again and now, she's married to the notorious playboy.

"Can you stop being adorable? I might faint here because of you!" Chloe told him and rolled her eyes.

"What? You're mine now, Chloe!" James said with his adorable face.

That does it for Chloe! She can't hold what she's feeling right now. She just let out a screech without even realizing it. That's better than fainting in front of those people. When she realized what she had just done, she instantly regretted it. Now, everybody is looking weirdly at her.

"That's how they celebrate in her country!" James told everyone and screeched as well. 

Everyone followed their king and their screeches echoed inside the palace walls. Chloe can't help but laugh out loud. James is so funny as well as a great actor. When she looked at him, he winked at her.

Even his laugh is so adorable! She can't help but clench her heart and hope that it will not jump out from her chest. This moment made her realize how important a camera is. It can capture moments like this and they don't have one right now.

Chloe realized that she had her smartphone. Maybe she can still use its camera. She got excited about that idea so she leaned closer to James. It will be an epic remembrance when they return home. She may not have a picture of him from Seoul, but she can have one from Hanyang!

"Let's take a picture later so we can have a souvenir for this moment!" She whispered to him.

James laughed out loud at her suggestion. As if he's trying to be noticed by everyone. The former king looks meaningful to both of you. The princes of Hanyang are all there for the occasion. They look intrigued about what you just whispered to the king.

"It looks like my queen wants to have her alone time with her king now!" James suddenly announced it to everyone.

Chloe blushed at how they looked at her and immediately regretted telling him about your idea. James takes her hand and brings her to his chamber. As much as she wants to scold him about what he did, she doesn't want to give him the wrong idea.

"Here, we're alone now! We can take our pictures." He suggested.

"We could have waited for the gathering to be over, you know!" She told him while searching for her smartphone.

"If we wait for that, we have to change our outfits again. We will not capture our wedding clothes!" James posed right away the moment he saw her holding her smartphone. 

That leaves her no choice but to take his picture. He does look like the king around here. After several solo pictures, James grabs the phone from her and takes her picture as well. After that, they take selfies together with their matching wedding hanbok.

The pictures looked great and then she remembered that it was one of James' many talents. Is there anything he can't do? He can make her heart beat so fast and make it slow at the same time. She can't help but sigh because of his perfection.

"Do you think our marriage is legal around here?" Chloe suddenly asks out of curiosity.

"Of course, it's legal! Why?" James asks her back.

"I was just wondering if we need to get a divorce once we get back to the present time." She explained her point.

"Whoa, we just got married a couple of hours ago and you're already thinking about divorce. Ouch!" James said and acted hurt.

Chloe giggled at him for being funny with the situation. But what if there is no way for them to go back anymore? Are they going to become a real married couple? She knows that it's too much to ask but might as well wish to make it last while they are here.

"Whatever! We already have our pictures. Let's go back now!" She suggested.

The moment she turns around, James grabs her arm, causing her to lose her balance. But of course, he caught her.  Then kissed her on the spur of the moment and she did the same. After all, it was the second time he did that which means it wasn't just a mistake.

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