
From a Star to Mentor: An Idol's Regression Story

In the world of pop music, idols are the ones who shine brightest. They're trained from a young age to become superstars, with grueling schedules, intense competition, and endless pressure. But what happens when an idol regresses back into his eighteen year old self? This is the story of a former idol turned idol trainer. After a strange regression, he finds himself back in his body 7 years ago. As he regains his skills and discovers his new role as a trainer, he must navigate the challenges of the idol industry all over again from a different perspective. With new relationships, new responsibilities, and a new way of life, Hoon Youngjae must learn to adjust and find his place in this strange, new timeline of his world. Will he be able to find his way back to his idol past, or will he settle into his new role as a mentor? One thing's for sure--this is one idol's journey that you don't want to miss! {A/N: Picture is not mine! I just found this on Pinterest. If the artist wants me to take it down I will. Updates: Sunday every 16:00 GMT Every vote/gift will result to an extra chapter being published}

_Nightingale · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Arc 2: Main Scenario Chapter 7: Motherboard

I plopped into my bed as a heavy sigh escaped from my lips.

Just before, I tried to navigate through the alleyway but despite my efforts to recall the area around me by using my pre-idol memories, I got lost just after the boy got away.

'I must've looked like a cult leader to him' Another disappointed heavy sigh escaped from my lips.

Thankfully though, the old lady I saved found me with the police she called and I followed them to get back to the main street of Seomyeon.

(A/N: Center of Busan where various commercial facilities, financial, medical, and educational institutions are concentrated.)

'I'm never going to an alleyway ever again.'

I swore to myself before slowly drifting to sleep.


"Urgh.." I groaned. A loud alarm sound blared into my ears forcing me to wake up.

'..I don't remember setting up an alarm' I thought to myself as I clicked my tongue in annoyance and tried to shut the alarm off before realizing my phone wasn't the one making the noise.

Slowly opening my eyes, I stared at the system notification in front of me in a daze

[The main scenario has started! Main quests will be given now]

'…This ##### system!'

It was 4 in the morning. Do you know when I was able to return to my apartment? At midnight.

I groaned and rolled my head back before succumbing to the world of my beautiful dreams again. I don't even care about what or why these 'main quests' are appearing now.

But of course, the system isn't going to do that. The alarm rang even louder and I was forced to wake up without my consent.

I stand to the point I was violated of my human rights.

"Urgh fine!" I slammed my hands down, forcing myself to sit up and stare fiercely at the system notification "This is the third day after I regressed can't you cut me some slack?"

The system didn't respond. As expected of the devilish bastard.

 "Alright, fine." I groaned groggily and stood up to get myself hot water.

I didn't have anything I could use to mix with the water in my cup and could only satisfy myself with plain water that had been heated in a kettle.

'That's the pain of being poor' I blew the hot water on my mug and changed my gaze to the blue rectangular system notification that still hasn't disappeared in my sight.

I take my seat on the bed. I didn't have a living room or a couch since it's practically impossible with the size of my current apartment. I took a light sip of my hot water and my eyes gazed up again at the system notification

"What is this 'Main Scenario' you're talking about system?"

[The main quest has opened!

Details: You who have been living a miserable life ever since you started to stray from your parent's shadows have an opportunity to start again! Through the main quests, you will be able to live your life to the fullest, encounter dangers but also save yourself from it, and be able to change your fate!]

"… That wasn't what I was asking"

But of course, the system kept ranting without listening to my words.

[Task: Upgrade the ranks of the following:

Dance (C-)

Singing (C+)

Rap (D+)

Time limit: 167:50:32

Reward: The Gacha system will be unlocked.

Failure: Dance, Singing, and Rap ranks will be demoted]


I was speechless by what the system is asking for me. One week is 168 hours, does it really think a human could improve that much in just a week?! What's worse is if I don't have enough skills in dancing and singing, it'll be the end of me trying to teach future idols

'Technically it'll be the end of my life' I stared at the system window before slamming my cup in the floor.

"I want to complain." I said with hostility. I didn't care if my only cup was broken from the force I put in slamming the object to the ground.

[…] The system was silent before another notification came up

[Would you like to contact <Help and Contact Services>?


"..!" I was initially surprised. I didn't know we could complain to systems.

'Well, it's not like any novel main character complained to their systems…' I mumbled under my breath before pressing the <Yes > button.

[You have chosen <Yes >!

Please state your following problem/s]

I thought about it carefully before saying: "It's inhuman"

[Please elaborate further.]

"I said what I said. The tasks you give me, It's inhuman. Do you think any normal human being would be able to improve not only their dancing but also singing and rap in just a week? It's impossible. I've been an Idol for as long as five years and a trainee for two years and I know very well of my limitations."

[Please wait for a minute and we will be sending your complaints to the 'Motherboard']




["What do you want?"] A woman's unfriendly cold voice entered my ears. I thought I was mistaken at first because there wasn't anyone in the room but the voice of the woman rang in my ears.

"Who.." I tried to speak before she interrupted me.

["Oh I see! Youre the one who complained about the tasks being 'inhuman' right?"] She said in a joyful tone but as a person who has encountered and dealt with prideful and narcissistic supervisors like the CEO of VS company, She's currently being sarcastic right now.

["Well as it turns out, there have been multiple humans being able to improve their skills in just a week, so can you call it inhuman dear 'user'?"]

"Those 'humans' you are probably talking about are less than 1% of the current population" I argued back. There's no absolute way I'm gonna force myself to practice dancing, singing, and rapping and hope it will all work out at the end. That isn't how it works.

["Does it matter? The fact that somebody has succeeded in doing it means it's possible"]

Whoever this motherboard is, I swear to god-

["Also, If I were you, I would start practicing immediately. I don't want my ■ ■ ■ to be killed would I?"]

"Huh? Wait-What did you just call me-"

Before I could even finish my question, this 'Motherboard' ended the line and the call was cut off.

'…' I sighed helplessly. No wonder the main characters I read before didn't complain to their systems, it was hopeless.

"Looks like I'd be training just like how a trainee would from now on huh?" I secretly cried inside as I laid down in my bed again thinking of my future suffering.

Arc 2 has started! Let's cheer for our 'Sirius' Hoon Youngjae!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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_Nightingalecreators' thoughts