
Frieza The Emperor of the cosmos

Please pardon my spelling mistakes and grammer or other faults in this fanfiction i am new at this writing thing thanks .

Darkpotter · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Prince Of The the Saiyans Vegeta

Age ⁷⁴⁰

Through the darkness of space, three round pods hurtled their way from the debris left behind the destruction of yet another planet.

The male Saiyans, the young prince Vegeta, his bodyguard, Nappa and a low level Saiyan known as Raditz also known as Goku brother made their way back toward the mother ship of their reptilian like overlord, Frieza.

"Whoa! I can't believe how quickly we finished that one!" Nappa, a large man with a bald head and a thin mustache laughed and cheered, his actions rocking his space pod in mid flight.

"Calm down Nappa..." The prince said calmly through his own scouter to his bodyguard. Vegeta was only young also he was also a prince take as an hostage by freiza at an early age.

"If he hits my pod and knocks me off course, I'll be so pissed." Raditz growled to Vegeta over the line. Raditz was from a low class family. His father and mother had both been low power levels and naturally, it had passed on down to him and unlike his father he had not able to surpass his limits . Unlike the refined prince he travelled with, Raditz was rude and crude, but unlike Nappa, he wasn't stupid. Being so low classed, he had become a target for the other two, who poked and prodded fun at him about his low power level. It bothered him for years and Nappa's occasional jibe made his blood boil, but generally, Vegeta had lost interest in making fun of him, meaning Nappa had also.

"And?" Nappa grunted through their scouters. "Whatcha gonna do?" He challenged the lower leveled Saiyan.

"I'll punish you Nappa..." Vegeta interjected, much to Raditz's relief. Nappa was an Elite fighter and years of challenging the older man had taught Raditz that he wouldn't win. EVER.

"S-Sorry Vegeta..." Nappa stumbled quietly. The Prince wasn't in the habit of showing off his power. He liked to surprise people. And Surprise them he did. Even at a tender age, Vegeta was easily able to over power Nappa, giving his body guard a great sense of respect and fear of the boy.

"So you should be." He said matter-o-factly. "You can't fight each other in the middle of space. At least wait until we get back to Frieza's ship to do it."

"So we're definitely heading back there then?" Raditz's voice asked. It was painfully obvious he wouldn't like the answer.

"For now, Yes." Vegeta told him with a cool tone. He heard both his comrades grunt and groan in disappointment.

Vegeta had been talking about escaping Frieza's grip for years. He was sure the reptile was to blame for the destruction of their home world and had convinced the other two men of the same.

Every mission they returned from, the Saiyan's hearts bled a little more.

"But...But we're early!" Nappa cried. "Surely there's something else we could do?!"

"I hate to say it, but Nappa's right. If we go back early, Zarbon will take away our rest days and give us another assignment." Raditz immediately backed up the other man. "Surely we can find something else to do, Vegeta?"

In his own pod, the prince twitched. He could see their argument. He felt the same but he needed to keep on top of Frieza's plans. By taking on as many assignments as they could, the Saiyans could see first hand what the evil lord was up to.

"You two are always whining..." He sneered through gritted teeth. He got no answer. He wasn't expecting one.

Meanwhile Frieza

Walking inside the Headquarters of the Frieza Force, I wait in the my room given by myself to me hahahaa . It had just a chair, a desk, a few books, a small cot, Some scouters of the latest model and bunch of other tech savvy things and the Reports of most of mine empire works . I had just gotten around to Read the Papers for the last two days, knowing that my mission was to survive this damn universe in which monsters live .

Pulling the chair forward my sweet chair , I sit with my back to the door, and my legs on the desk and continued listening to the scheming of saiyans .