
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Filmes
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91 Chs

Getting back to my feet

P@treon shoutouts -Henry Hammond (♾️) Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich, Danny york, Hastien056

-Bruce Banner POV-

The song seems to calm the beast or maybe it's calming me, it reminds me of Betty and my shitty situation at the same time, I used to be a scientist a world renowned one but now I'm a fugitive and the worst part is that I'm also A monster.

A monster who can only calm down if he listens to this song, maybe I'll have to thank the artist if someday I can cure the Hulk and return to my status as a scientist. When I get back to civilization, I'll try my best to make something that'll make me rich because rich people seem to lack any problems in life like I do.

-Tony stark POV-

Rich is spelled with a capital R so that people know you are the guy who they can ransom for the most money but if you are a Rich Genius like me, you will get the glimpse of freedom from the scrap they leave in your cage, so I built away trying to make the best possible way out from this hellhole.

I couldn't help but want music to not focus on the monotonous hits of my hammer against the faceplate I'm making but alas music is not a luxury I can afford with 300 billion dollars, it needs freedom, and I will have mine through Flight *hit* I lift the helmet and soak the faceplate in water *hiss* or Fight.

-Steve Rogers POV-

Steve was sitting in a coffee shop when he looked at the news and found the kid who sang his favorite song drunkenly stumbling onto stage, Steve frowned at the teenager's decision of drinking underage, but the teen somehow started singing on stage of some really big singer's concert.

And the music was once again beautiful and fit well with his life somehow, this kid somehow knows how to move steves heart strings.

-Barton POV-

"Nope, not the song for me, I have a lovely wife thank you" Barton could understand the situation the song describes but he was happily married to his wife and oh my god it feels good to say it.

My bubble was burst when Natasha said, "But aren't you away from Laura for at least two more months" and I click repeat on the song as I looked at Natasha and said, "way to end my parade."


After aunt Mays not so thorough check of my morals Ned was allowed to leave and uncle ben came into the room humming the song 'A man without love' and I felt like smirking, but aunt may yells at me before I could even smile "don't even think of smirking young man".

But uncle ben came to my rescue "it's fine may we used to drink at that age" i was stunned at his support but it was welcome anyway "we didn't get caught sooo red handedly though" if uncle Ben's words stunned me, Aunt May's words straight up shocked me.

I felt like my world was crumbling around me, I thought they would have talked about responsibility and age and all that shit, but this is completely different from what I expected, why are they like this were they gangbangers before I came along or something, did they do drugs too or worse were they hipsters.

Something must have showed on my face because aunt may screamed "No,No,No the nineties were a wild time and are not a good time to compare yourself with" ben nodded but said "well maybe let's let the kid live a little may" I turn to uncle ben in disbelief as aunt may continues "fine but only crimes of this level like drinking, maybe spray painting and small stuff nothing too hard" I blinked to get the rest of the alcohol out of my eyes, ears and brain.

I asked in complete disbelief "why are you guys letting me off?" Because something isn't right, are they skrulls, did they get brain washed or what but before I could jump to conclusions may said "well you mostly get in trouble for small things like forgetting your lunch box but something this big is making us feel like we have a normal rebellious teenage nephew and not a singing genius."

"I thought drinking was a serious offence" Aunt May clicked her tongue as she said, "it is but it depends on why you drink, did you drink because you were heartbroken?" I nodded my head and she said, "you are only allowed to drink once if you are heartbroken, enough to be able to drive if it's a party and don't even touch it if it's an occasion".

I just nodded mutely as they set more ground rules that were in the sky rather than the ground and once, they left all that was on my mind was that 'my aunt and uncle were thugs.'

So just like a protagonist I didn't face any consequences, but I got to admit I was a nerd back then and uncle ben seemed like the jock while aunt may was the cheerleader.

A jock and a cheerleader have a nerd son, that seems like a great joke but I think it's time to get back to my plan of dealing with kingpin now that I am about to fuck shit up.

First of all kingpins wanted me to fall under the weight of public opinion and I have to admit that I did fall for it and lost Billie (who I will apologize to when I understand whose fault it was) but I do have something against him now which is, 'I turn to the TV on which the news was showing me stopping rhino with a single hand to protect a woman and the cops.' The public opinion. All I need is my lady back and I'll be back on my feet but before that I have to do something about Peter parkers reputation, may and ben don't seem to care but the public's reaction is how should I put it 'bad'.

-The internet POV-

User439: Another young soul lost to Hollywood.

Shoepicker: @user439 FU

69 dollars: well, the song was good, but I don't know if it was a publicity stunt or something.

GagaFan01: I think he is legit, he sang at the lady gaga concert so maybe it was all an act.

Factchecker: @GagaFan01 1. How do you have that username? 2. It's confirmed he was let go by security because he had a Mic, so they thought he was the one who was leading?

GagaFan01: 1. Brought it off of some idiot. 2. Her security is ass huh.

Jumblingidiot: her security is solid, but they didn't know any details of the concert because all the people who were supposed to manage the concert left it all to an intern.

GagaFan02: they have to fire those people and sue the teenagers.

GagaFan01: @GagaFan02 Spoken like a true internet lawyer, doesn't know half the shit he spits.

Krackinspain: Is this beef between no 1 and 2 fan.

Shootjobjib:But still another soul lost to Hollywood, probably does drugs or something too.

Applesandjohnsome:I have to admit that all of these young artists should be kept away from fame, it seems to always get to their head.

Fatherofall: I don't know man the kid seemed nice and all, but we can finally see that nobody is perfect.

Thicklug: @Fatherofall why do you have that username? second of all, all of you are overreacting the kid just drank and sang a song, there are much worse things you can do when you are drunk.

Fatherofall: I wanted Allfather but it was already taken, and the kid should still know the consequences of his actions, he could have hurt lady gaga, he could have been hurt by lady gaga fans. Life is not an All is well; it ends well type of shit.

-Ben POV-

"I still don't understand why you let him be. I thought I was good cop, and you were bad cop but turns out you're the good cop too" May looked at me thoughtfully before looking back at her book as she said, "do you know what kids do with the amount of money he has?" I raised my eyebrows as I replied, "I know they do worse but that still doesn't mean we let him...." She put a finger on my mouth and shushed me before she said "it's not about that ben, I will tell you what they don't do."

"They don't pay the bills and say I'm doing my part, they don't pay for the groceries, the electric bill, the water bill and all of that. The money he has would allow him to do whatever he wants to, but he hasn't been selfish with any of it."

I looked into her eyes and said angrily "he thinks I'm not capable of doing those" May just hits my arm and says, "he thinks we deserve a break; I am only allowing him to be selfish for once and nothing else" I sighed and asked, "what if he becomes alcoholic?" 

May laughed and said, "Peter only does something selfish when he is having a stupid moment" I looked up as if I'm praying to God as I say, "let's hope he doesn't have more of those moments". I kiss my wife and try to forget about my son in all but name drinking for the first time.....without me.


When I heard a sound from below "We got company."