
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
91 Chs



I swing away across the street passing by Ned who is running below me. I pause mid-swing as I reach the corner where the people are running away from the left side to look at the damage and assess the entire scene. At first glance the people seem to be running away from a Gas station that is on fire, pretty standard stuff must be an accident is what I thought but turns out that I was wrong as far in front of the Gas station is a man standing on a flipped car with his hands crackling with strings of electricity, firing away at anything that moves.

The electricity doesn't seem to be strong enough to burn any of those people but a cardiac arrest is inevitable for those who got hit. I land on a building and watch as he downs 2 more people and I count the people who are likely already dead '27 people spread around Electro in a 6-meter radius' I fire a web and swing until I'm right on top of Electro, and I fire two webs right beside him before yelling out "Watch about its about to rain Spiderman" before I pull on the webs with all my strength propelling me downwards until my feet are touching electro's face.

Now here's the thing no matter how thick your clothes are, electricity always finds a way *Wyes Jurassic Park theme* before I smash Electro into the car and flail about on the ground, trying to take out the stinging pain of the volts running through me. I ponder if that was enough as Electro supercharged his electricity at the last minute of my kick as he was violently thrust through the car and into the ground, effectively dispersing his charge via earthing into the unconscious bodies of the people, making their hearts jump start again.

I watch as 23 of the 27 people start breathing again and smile under my mask as my quick, one-second plan works in saving them. There was a little guilt at not being fast enough but that thought was crushed aside viciously by the more reasonable, pragmatic person in me. Electro will be quick to get out so I carefully stand in front of the wrecked car through which I had sent him through.

As soon as his head starts poking out of the car top I yelled out "Look out" before I jump by putting my all into my legs as I reach a crescendo I shoot a web to Electro's face before I pull him up into air. Pulling someone by their head might snap their neck but this version of Electro did have an Exo suit to channel his electricity it seems and I have lost the patience to be gentle with a man willing to kill people.

I swing my fist into his fast-approaching face but he seems to have readied himself as he gathered an electrical charge mid-air and released it as soon as he was 2 meters in front of me, the resulting ball of electric discharge completely engulfed me before blasting me away into a nearby building, I break through the glass and fall flat on a table.

I look around me and find myself in a room filled with beautiful women all around me, I look down at the tea cups and tell them in a slight British accent "I apologize for intruding on your Tea party ladies but a cuppa tea might quench my parched throat if you don't mind" I take the ceramic kettle from the table and walk towards the broken window and surprise, surprise Electro is somehow floating in the air.

His powers always pissed me off because they don't make sense, you can't fly with electricity no matter what you do so I ignore the ladies who weren't British but a tea party is a tea party. I yell out in anger "WATCH OUT MOTHERFUCKER" as I fire a web at the building on the other side and pull backward, slingshotting myself into the floating bane of physics and slam the kettle of hot coffee on his face.

If I have learned anything through my whole life, it is that electric appliances don't do well with milk for some reason. I watch as somehow Electro short circuits as his suit starts to move around without input, I watch as he all of a sudden starts to fall as a puppet with his strings cut. I jump down and fire a web to hold him by his leg before I hang him onto a lamppost

I jump down to stand in front of him, I remove his helmet and wince as a vicious blue line goes across his neck, it didn't kill him thankfully but the mark will always be there, I hear a quiet sob and I turn to find a couple holding a small 5-year-old kid who wasn't moving, I watch as the poor couple cry over the still form of their son, I watch as a teenage kid tries to call an ambulance for his bleeding friend.

I turn toward the cause of this needless suffering, he is groaning and slowly waking up and I'm oh so tempted to smash his face in, before I knew it my hands were holding the back of his head, I pulled my hand back to punch his face in, to make his face a bloody pulp, I wanted to punch through his head but I felt something at the back of his head.

I turned him around to look at the small marking on his neck imprinted into his skin which read *S#02* which probably meant that he was a test subject, I wanted to scream as that meant he was as much of a victim as all of these other people were, I didn't have a face to punch, a person to scream at.

I closed my eyes and left Electro hanging before I looked at the injured people and decided that lives were at stake, it was time I started picking up my weight. I swing towards the couple and tell them "I can get him to the hospital quicker" They look up at me and I expected resistance, doubt, or pure scorn but all I saw were hopeful eyes. I could see that they trusted me by the way they handed me the 5-year-old kid.

I hold him close to my chest before I stick him to myself and look at the teenager with a piece of rebar stuck in his shoulder, I leave him by his other shoulder and tell him "Can you hold onto me with one arm" he looked pale but nods in agreement. I let him climb onto my back, making sure to not touch the rebar as he holds on with his arm.

I activate the hair on my back to make him stick to me before I start to swing as slowly and with as little movement as possible and before we know it, we are at the closest hospital which is near the Herbert Irwing Pavillion. I drop the teenager and hand him the 5-year-old as I tell him "Make sure this kid is safe and alive and you will be a hero" He nods and I swing away back to the incident.

I land back down and try to assess who would need immediate medical attention instead of rushing to take everyone who comes my way, I instead try to look for people who would need my help the most. As I was moving towards the old woman with a broken hand a hand held me by my elbow and I heard Ned's voice yelling at me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GRANDMA CAN WAIT THERE ARE THOSE WITH MORE WOUNDS OVER THERE" I turn around and find Ned holding a Fire extinguisher in his other hand. All my mind could process at that moment was *WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?*

-Ned POV-

-20 Minutes ago-

I ran towards the danger with naught but one thought in my mind *Lives are at stake* I reached the location and managed to find Peter swinging above some guy spitting electricity all around him, I ignored him and gave him a wide berth as I try to get to the blown up Gas station and I find the correct moment when Peter kicks the Guy straight through the car. I run across to the gas station and I find a man burning, no not a man, a body burning.

I find a corpse lying dead as the fire burns away, I pass him and find a sweet-looking Asian woman with a pool of blood below her, I check her pulse, and...gone. I continue my search to find anyone alive and stop when I hear a pained moan, I turn around and find a man with a huge cement block on his chest I kneel beside him to ask him "Are you ok? Where does it hurt? What can I do?" The man looks down at the block and tells me "There is nothing you can do" before dying in front of me.

I wonder if he knew that he was to die or if he didn't think I was capable of saving him but I felt bitter as I closed his eyes before I moved on to run towards a man with both of his legs crushed under a rock, I got close to him and used a big wooden column to leverage it under the rock before I pushed it aside and kneeled beside the man as I shakily asked me "You are fine right? you can live I know it, you can" The man nods shakily so I stand up to look for some water for the man.

I ran towards a building to ask any residents for some water but a few screams caught my ear and I ran full speed towards the source which was a building on fire, I knew that I couldn't run through it like a fireman so I stopped to think, the screams were coming from that second-floor window it's high but not too high so as long as I can make a viable exit for them they can be saved.

Yes, they can be saved but how, a ramp, a slide, they can jump down into a kiddy pool that I can conveniently find in a second ooooorrrrrr that bus over there, I run as fast as I can to check the bus, I hoped to god that the driver left the keys in a hurry. I get in and find the keys still in there I start the bus and try my best to remember the small driving lessons that school has made us learn.

I drive the bus slowly but all the cars that are right in front of the bus make it slower and slower and when time is of the essence, we have to put the pedal to the metal. I ignore the groaning of the cars being pushed aside and move the bus until I'm as close to the second floor as possible before I jump out and climb the bus as fast as I can as I yell "JUMP OUT OF THE WINDOW, THERE IS A BUS HERE, JUMP OUT OF THE WINDOW" they must have heard me because a woman comes to the window and I see her lifting her kids as she yells at me "Catch them" I ready myself and Catch the 2 kids.

I place them down and look up to find the woman jump down before two more girls jump down "Was there anyone else in there?" They shook their heads and I jump down from the bus and rush into the cafe to grab a couple of bottles of water before I rush towards the guy whose legs were crushed I try to tell him "I am sorry man, some people were in a burning building and I was..." The words die in my throat as I look at the unmoving man.

I close my eyes and wipe my tears before I look up to find Peter swinging away holding a teenager and a small child. I get up and run towards the cafe as I remember seeing a fire extinguisher in there, I find it on a wall and grab it by breaking the glass with my fist. I run towards a burning car and fire the extinguisher before I pull the man and his kids out of the car.

I tell him about the cafe where he can find some water and wait for the ambulance, I save a few more cars before I find an old lady with a broken arm leaning against a wall. I lift her up and take her to the cafe as she breathes slowly while muttering in a state of unconsciousness "Don't save me son, don't waste your breathe, I will die in a month anyway" I grunt as I run faster while I tell her "I don't know what's gotten into you granny but all you have is a broken bone, you can't die from that" I ignore whatever else she mutters as I place her on a stool in the cafe before looking around at the people here.

The people that I saved have gathered hear right from the start till now, my heart finally felt at peace as I could look at the people I had saved rather than the people I couldn't, I take a deep breath as I find Peter landing in the middle of the road before he heads for the next person he wants to save but I put a hand on his shoulder as I stop him before I yell "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GRANDMA CAN WAIT THERE ARE THOSE WITH MORE WOUNDS OVER THERE" he looks at me and I can't gauge his reaction through the mask but I know for sure that it is most probably surprise.

I watch as he moves to save the more injured people before I look for some water for myself.