

Since he got his car, Mason has been driving his sister to school every morning and they often return home together except for the days when his sister has one of her social engagements and he couldn't wait for her, then she would take a bus home instead.

His honda civic was a gift from his parents for his 16th birthday. It was a huge and pleasant surprise and to this day; almost a year later, his heart still swells with pride everytime he is at the wheels. His car is his baby, his pride and aside from his books, his car is the next best thing for for him.

He is wearing a smile on his face now as he drives towards the school with his sister riding shortgun. The school is about 15 minutes drive from their home, and despict his sister's insistent complaint about the way he drives he still drives to school every morning at his own pace. They got to school with about 10 minutes to spare before the first class and his sister walked off in direction of her locker as soon as he parked the car in the designated student parking lot.

Mason is in his final year of highschool and as much as he enjoys his time in school, he can't wait to finish high school and proceed to pursue his dream of becoming a software engineer.

From the time he was old enough to start understanding is surrounding; he has always been fascinated by the workings of a computer and as he grows older his admiration has grown into a full blown love, now he can't picture a future without thinking software engineering.

As usual, his arrival at school still attract the kind of attention that he dislikes but couldn't avoid. As he walks towards his locker to pick the books he'll be needing for his first class, he could see girls in groups whispering about him with something like awe look on their faces and some freshman boys who looks at him with admiration. He should be used to all the attention by now but it still makes him uncomfortable everytime.

"Behold! His royal highness, the crown prince of Princeton High is making his royal appearance." Henry mockingly announce loudly as I approach them and everyone roars with laughter.

Henry Knox's stupid sense of humour is one of the things I liked about him. He acts like a douche most of the time but he is still on of my best friend. The laughter had died down, now everyone is captivated with Henry's account of his latest catch.

"I was with this girl whose name shall not be mentioned and after having a nice time together, thinking about the best way to let her go easy when she suddenly start giving me a strip dance; but as much as I would've love to indulge her because she's got serious moves, I just don't seconds. So I pick up her discarded cloths from the floor and litraly pack her out of my room while she screams insults and shouts invectives." It was one the most hilarious scene I've ever had the pleasure of seeing and that's saying something because I've seen a lot.

As usual his story earned him a loud hooting and laughters from his captive audience except May, she calls him a chauvinistic pig and we all laugh.The bell goes off and we all head for class before Henry could work up a good comeback for barb.

Since our first class is math, we all walked together to Mr Charles math class together. And always, Mr Charles was already in class when we got there, so we just walked straight to our seats and settled down for the class.

Mason and his friends always seat in same place everytime and by now everyone knows and treats it like it's their personal shrine, no one out side their circle sits there.

The desks and chairs in class were arranged to sit two students side by side. And Henry always sit beside Mason except on rare occasions when May decides to irritate Henry by sitting beside him and he honestly prefer her because Henry is always distracting him.

Mr Charles is one of my favorite teacher in school not just because he takes mathematics, which happy to be my gavpy subjey but also because he is an excellent teacher. Diligent and exemplary in the way he always make sure to carry everyone of his students along. He patient in attended to his students need in class but also very strict when it comes to handing out punishments to those who deserves it.

I could hear Henry whispering and obviously distracting his new lust interest. He's been focusing all her attention on her this days and the way she giggles and laugh at stupid jokes, she is already under his spell by now.

Mason doesn't understand why those girls keep fawning after him despite the despicable way he treats them afterwards. His guess bis that it has a lot to do with his surname and what it represents more than genuine affection.

Greed is a powerful motivator for doing the most foolish thing and those girls obviously don't mind that he's only interested in sleeping with them so as long as he lavish them with his attention and money while they're still together. Henry doesn't do long time relationship but the rumour mill always praise him as a generous lover, he knows how to love em and leave em.

Henry is not really interested in the math class or any other class for that matter, infact he hate coming to school in general. And that reason why he is the oldest his clay was becauy he tried to drop out of school a few you, but his father always reel him back, citing something about Knox family legacy or something.

His lack of interest in school and philandering ways does not seem to bother his father, he a can do anything he likes so as long he doesn't stop going to school. That's the only deal breaker.

Like other teachers, Mr Charles never complained about Henry's attitude, but his only rule is for him to keep his attitude to the minimum or stay out of his class completely. And I think that made Henry respect him more than he does other teachers.