
School Pt2

We were about 10min into the class, when the principal came in with a girl standing behind him. The principal walked to Mr Charles and talked to him for a few minutes before walking out of the class leaving the strange girl behind looking uncomfortable being in the spot light.

"That must be the new girl whose family just moved into town." Henry was saying but I wasn't really listening to him as my attention has been captivated by the new girl.

She is beautiful in the most captivating way; long hair, nice slender figure with curves in all the the right places and, for the first time in life, I feel this strange stir in my heart that I can't explain.

I was still starring at her when Mr Charles calls the class to attention and makes the introduction that unknown to me, will change my life forever.

"Everyone! this is Helen Davenport, her family just moved to Lake City and she just transferred to our school. I want all of you to treat her right and make her feel welcome.

There was a chorus of okays as he finishes the introduction and waved her to an empty seat, right beside me. The seat was usually occupied by Henry but he left his usual seat to go sit beside Ana, a girl in our math class that he is currently trying to add to his list of conquests.

Helen took her seat beside me while Mr Charles resumes the class, I could hear Henry snickering behind me but I ignored him and focus my attention back to the class. "Hi, she said as she sat beside me; I turned to her wearing a friendly smile on my face and said hi back to her, then we both returned our attention back to the class.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the moment that changed my life forever!

May is the only female outside his home that he's ever been close to, so the presence of another girl sitting beside him, is making him unusually distracted and uncomfortable. And he is not sure why he's feeling this way because she is not doing anything to make him feel that way. Infact she's being attentive the whole class and wasn't paying any attention to him.

It is going to be the longest 45 minutes of his life because the urge to turn and just stare at her face is strongly nagging at him. He was having trouble keeping his attention on the class and that is really out of character for him, nothing has ever been able to distract his attention when he is class. Not even Henry's noisy attitude.

Helen tried keep her attention solely at Mr Charles and what he is teaching but she's really having hard focusing because the sitting beside him is too distracting.

He has the most handsome face she's ever seen and it's seriously wrecking havoc on concentration. It's going to be difficult keeping to herself like she had resolve before coming to school.

She has never really had a relationship because she diy want to expose herself to constant heartache everytime they had to move. And long distance relationship had never appealed to her, so she just shelved any thought of having a romantic relationship altogether.

Although, she had never been in a relationship, she knows what attraction feels like and it's foolish but she seem to be feeling a strong pull to a guy she just met like 5 seconds ago.

It's so strange that she doesn't know how to handle it. But it seems she is the only feeling that way though, because the guy doesn't seem to be feeling any of it; judging by the calm and relaxed look on his face like there is nothing else more important than solving mathematics equations. He must already be used to getting that much attention from girls that he is no longer affected by it.

According to her class schedule, each class is suppose to last for 45 minutes and they seem to have started the class like 10 or 15 minutes earlier; before she got to the class and she's been here for another 10 or 15 minutes, so the class should end in about 20 to

15 minutes.

"And that concludes the class for today, make sure you study class work turn your assignment first thing in the next class." Mr Charles tells us as he dismiss the class.

"Miss Davenport, Mr Lard; both of you should see me in my office after your classes."

There is a chorus " Yes sirs" by her and the guy sitting beside her. She know that his surname is Lard even when she's yet to catch his me. Before she could move out to try and find her next class; four other student joined them and one of them is rudely blocking her way.

"Hi Helen, my name is Henry Knox, nice meeting you" he says holding out his hand for Helen to shake

The guy is huge with a blond hair, he not exactly good looking but he has this air of arrogance around thats peculiar to guys who thinks they are God's gift to girls. Too bad for him she's not a groupy and she instani dislike him.

"Hi Henry, nice meeting you too." She replied briefly taking his outstretched hand.

"Please excuse me, I need to get to my next class." She says moving to go around him to get out of the class but he still remain in the same spot without moving.

"Come Henry, cut it out and let her get to her next class." The guy with the surname Lard says to the blonde muscle in his front.

"Why Mason, I'm only trying to be friendly here, he smiles to himself."

"We should all get to class, there is going to plenty of time take introductions." Mason replied

"Yes your highness, he gave him a mock bow before moving out her."

And she stepped out of class to find her next class. She would've ask for directly to save time but she couldn't wait to get away from that Henry character. She stepped out in the hall was still looking around for her next class, when Mason and his friends walked past her.

"Hey do you need help finding your class?" Mason asked her

"Yes, I didn't want to bother you guys but there seem to be no one else that I could ask."

"Can I see you class schedule, he asked and she gave it him. Come on you can walk with us , he say after checking her schedule; we have the same class."