
Freezing : Nothing

Kasra Utsumi is a first year Limiter at West Genetics Academy, whose Freezing capability and amount of stigmata are unmatched in the school. However, it is this very same ability that fuels his distorted sense of loneliness and separation. [Cover art is various depictions of Kasra]

seoyeonghee · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Unreachable Prince (Full Moon Vertigo)

I am the progeny of a union between a Limiter and a Pandora.

The terms I use might be cold, but there's no mistake that I was born out of love between the two.

My parents actually met at this academy as well, which is a common enough occurrence.

And the way that they met, is a story my father usually repeats.

The two got acquainted in class, when he fumbled his introduction to her.

In italian, with an accent that was apparently the equivalent of "fingers scraping a chalkboard", he asked my mother how to pronounce her name.

After that, my mother and father realized their compatibility, becoming a pair. He was baptised to her, making the two sworn to fight and aid each other, to work together in tandem. Despite the turmoil they worked through in their time, their time at the academy wasn't difficult for either of them.

After graduating, and surviving one of the major Nova Clashes, my mother suddenly fell ill.

It was at this time that they found out that my mother was pregnant with me.

My great uncle on my dads side, Aoi I think… was very interested in my existence as the child of a Limiter and Pandora.

Though neither of my parents really want to mention him.

But they just tell me that I probably wouldn't be here right now, if it wasn't for his assistance in altering my genetic code.

Ever since I was in the womb, it was already determined I would go to West Genetics, since I was born with Stigmata in my body, rather than having to have an operation done on me.

Yet, with the higher amounts of Stigmatas in my body, there is no one compatible with me in the slightest. Pandoras recoil at merely grazing my skin. And this problem is something I'm willing to admit is a little ironic.

Ironic that despite being the union of a Pandora and Limiter, the former frighten me and put me on edge; that my fate to fight alongside a Pandora is locked away from me, due to my bodies composition.