
Free Supreme Nomad

Hello, everyone this is my first original novel so please be patient with me. I will read comments and try to listen to your suggestions. But please don’t start saying stuff like I will drop the novel. I don’t care about stuff like that. But seriously I hope you like the novel. TEST FANFIC

ReaperDZero · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 1

You know all my life I was that guy who was average in every way. I wanted to be good at sports,school, social stuff.

The only two thing I was good at was being a coward and fighting.

It was really hard trying to stop from breaking everyone's face.

You see my family was from India and I was that kid that the whole family depended on.

From the moment I was born, I had my whole life planned ahead of me. My mom was like "my son is going to be a doctor" , my dad was like " he is going to make the family proud".

I always felt off whenever someone told me what I want to become in the future. I always said doctor no matter what, it was like I was a machine that was programmed to become a doctor and I could never become anything else. Everyday a little tiny voice in my heart would say that tell your parents you want to become an author. But that voice died a little every single day, when I looked at my parents that had a smile on their face.

On top of the fact that they were at each other's throats everyday. You know when every kid says that they are the glue that keeps their family together. In my case I was that glue, everyday I had to abandon what I wanted to make them happy, to make my parents happy that was reason of living.

That's just at home in school it was different, in my culture you were required to never cut your hair and to cover it with a piece of cloth called a turban.

There were two versions kid version and adult versions. The kid versions was the one I wore until I was 13. The first couple of days of school was fine, but then people got curious and asked about it, I told them about it and I had gained friends.

Then a couple of months later the shit in my life skyrocketed, one day I saw my one of my "friends" Joshua, bully a scrawny little kid that wore glasses. I the naive person, I told him to stop and he asked if I really was going to help this nerd and I said that he was being a bully he backed off. Now me and the scrawny kid whose name was Eli became friends and we remained like that for a couple of weeks.

Until one day I reached my classroom and my classmates were whispering at me and my teacher was looking at me like I killed her child. She screamed at me and forcefully grabbed my hand and took me to the principals office. I was confused as hell, until I saw Ethan and Joshua with his group of friends. They looked at me and I swear I saw a smug smile on both of their faces before they started sobbing out of nowhere and the next thing I know my parents are being called. I asked what happen and the teacher looked at me and said don't even act like you don't know what happen and I thought you were a nice kid, I am ashamed to be your teacher.

I had an uneasy smile on my face, when my parents got there. The principal looked at them with a grim smile and said Mr and Mrs Singh I am ashamed to tell you that your child has been using some horrible language. I was stunned and denied it. Now the person who I thought was my best friend looked at the principal and said he is lying I heard him calling Joshua and me little a holes. I was completely stunned and everything just turned into a complete blur for me. Until my parents and me got home and I barely took one step into the house and my mom and dad took their shoes and started beating me with them saying" how dare you do this" and after all we have done for you. We have you food and clothing and this is how you repay us. I kept denying it but they didn't listen at all. I had bruises all over. Next day I was about to confront Eli about it but I saw him chatting away with Joshua and his group of punks. He saw me and said" look the loser has arrived, sorry Ethan it was you or me and honestly who would want to be friends with a guy like you".

From that day on I completely resigned to fate, everyday I would go next to a girl and she would be like " ewww stay away from me you creep" or when we had an assignment " I can believe I am with Ethan" and let's not forget about the trust friend that always says I feel so bad for you.

I just ignored as always crying myself to sleep and whenever coming home from the bus, put a nice smile to keep my parents away. I always stayed at the very brink of breaking down, but as always you guessed it, I had to stay strong for my parents.

One day I met an old man on the street, he felt like a tree not like those strong trees. He had the calming presence of one, like a place where you can relax and take a deep relaxing fresh breath of air from.

He asked me " hey kid you all right" I said " yeah sorry I was just disoriented a little". He said if something was bothering me. For some reason I felt like this old man could take what happen and not just give me some crappy philosophy. He had a look if astonishment on his face as I told Hume what was happening. He looked at me in the eyes and asked why don't I just ignore my parents and do what I want. I said " if I don't fulfill their dreams, who will".

" They are in their late fifties, everyday when I get the courage ready, they bring me gifts, medical books, laptops. It gets harder and harder because I can see them becoming more and more desperate in their eyes. I can only hope to have better luck in my next life". By the time I was done he looked at me as if I was a puzzle he couldn't figure out.

He gave a hearty laugh out loud and gained this twinkle in his eye and he gained this aura around him that told me this was now a fierce dragon that has regained his reason to live. He said"

Child you are an enigma and I appreciate that and also thank you for giving this old man a reason to keep on fighting.

As I grew older I eventually forgot about that old man, I just kept on moving.

I felt like I was going through an eternal blizzard and I was just a tiny flame on the verge of flickering out.

One day I saw these 2 guys fighting over which book is better, they called it manga and I was very bored so I searched it up. That day I felt like I discovered an whole new world. It was amazing, I loved all these manga and movies Naruto, Bleach, One piece, MCU, DC and all the other amazing pieces of works out there. I always imagined to go and travel these worlds to do what I want. They were my solace in my life. Something I could do and nobody could bother me. I became a therapist because I wanted to help people with their issues and I wanted to be someone that people could rely on and even though I had no one that I could rely on. I mean I still can't believe I am reliving my life as I am coming back from work like seriously. " I swear I need to stop having these internal monologues". All of a sudden a bunch of pedestrians start screaming at me to watch out. I being the dumb froze because I was confused and then I felt it the force of a literal ton hits my back and I go flying and for a split second I felt unimaginable amount of pain coursing through my body. When I hit the ground, my body was already numb and I knew I wouldn't survive. So I closed my eyes and waited and there it was I felt free, like free free it felt like all your life you have been moving with one leg and one arm tied behind and you have a giant boulder on your back. I was at peace I had done it I was free, but just no the way I wanted to be.

A.n( hello everyone Reaper here and I hope you loved this chapter. Make sure to comment and this to your library. I will be reading comments, so please just relax and comment what you think I should improve.) Thank you and Reaper D Zero out ✌️